[ncl-talk] plot spatial distribution of BELD3 data

xiaoming Hu yuanfangcan at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 6 17:10:03 MST 2019

I try to plot spatial distribution of BELD data from https://www.epa.gov/air-emissions-modeling/biogenic-emissions-landuse-database-version-3-beld3

the NetCDF files don't provide latitude/longitude, only with information of
                :P_ALP = 30. ;
                :P_BET = 60. ;
                :P_GAM = -90. ;
                :XCENT = -90. ;
                :YCENT = 40. ;
                :XORIG = -1296000. ;
                :YORIG = -1404000. ;
                :XCELL = 1000. ;
                :YCELL = 1000. ;
                :VGTYP = -9999 ;
                :VGTOP = -9.e+36f ;
                :VGLVLS = 0.f, 0.f ;
                :GDNAM = "BELD3_TILE9     " ;

It there anyway NCL could interpret this ?


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