[ncl-talk] Loop Over Latitude and Level Arrays

Dennis Shea shea at ucar.edu
Tue Dec 31 13:43:20 MST 2019

ncl-talk would like to help but the *kf_filter.ncl* function and NCL driver
script are *user contributed *codes.
They were not developed by NCL core developers. Hence, we are not familiar
with the code.

You *must *be much clearer in your description of your input variable.
You state you have an array ordered:
*(latitude, longitude, level, time) *
Is this fortran [column major] ordering?

Typically*, *a 4D variable from a netCDF file has row-major ordering

What is the output from*:*

data = fin->$varIn$

As indicated in the function documentation the input array is* prototyped *as
2-dimensional: *inData[*][*]*
This means it will only allow two dimensional ( [*][*] )input.

; kf_filter.ncl
; Carl Schreck (carl at atmos.albany.edu)
; January 2009
function kf_filter( *inData[*][*]:*float, obsPerDay:numeric, \\
                    tMin:numeric, tMax:numeric, kMin:numeric, kMax:numeric,
                    hMin:numeric, hMax:numeric, waveName:string )
; Input Variables:

*;   inData: the data to be filtered.  time should be 1st coordinate;
    lon should be 2nd coordinate.*
; Return Value:
;  * retVal[*][*]: the filtered data*

In addition, the function documentation further states that  the
two-dimensional input variable *must* be ordered: *(time,lon)*.
Any other 2D-ordering, will result in erroneous results.

If the data variable has row-major ordering

    dim_data = *dimsizes*
    ntim   = dim_data(0)
    klev   = dim_data(1)
    nlat   = dim_data(2)
    mlon = dim_data(3)

To loop

   KF_SAVE = *new*
   do kl=0,klev-1
      do nl=0,nlat-1
           KF_SAVE( :,kl,nl,:) = kf_filter(data(:,kl,nl,:), ....)   *;
data(:,kl,nl,:) reduces to 2D: (time,lon)*
      end do   ; nl
   end do      ; kl
   KF_SAVE at long_name = "..."

If your data are column major, you will have to make the appropriate

Good Luck

On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 5:56 AM Barry Lynn via ncl-talk <ncl-talk at ucar.edu>

> Hi:
> You need to define your array as follows:
> Two_D_Array  = Four_D_Array(i_lat,:,i_level,:) ; i_lat is the latitude
> array index and i_level is the level index
> On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 1:27 PM ANDIKA FAUZIAH HAPSARI, A.P <
> andika.hapsari at bmkg.go.id> wrote:
>> *Oh I'm so sorry, I clicked the reply button instead of repy all. Thank
>> you for remind me.*
>> I think it's becasue kf_filter.ncl script only works on two dimension,
>> but when I tried to modify kf_filter, it couldn't work (but i think i did
>> it wrong too)
>> I have tried 3d array, and the error message I got was
>> fatal:Number of subscripts do not match number of dimensions of
>> variable,(3) Subscripts used, (4) Subscripts expected
>> fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 229 in
>> file filter_vertical_waves_wrf2.ncl
>> So I don't understand which part I got it wrong.
>> From: "Barry Lynn (barry.h.lynn at gmail.com)" <barry.h.lynn at gmail.com>
>> To: "ANDIKA FAUZIAH HAPSARI, A.P" <andika.hapsari at bmkg.go.id>, ncl-talk <
>> ncl-talk at ucar.edu>
>> Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2019 09:10:02 +0200
>> Subject: Re: [ncl-talk] Loop Over Latitude and Level Arrays
>> Hi:
>> Please also respond to the list.  Someone on the list might be able to
>> help you faster than I can. Also, members of the list can learn useful
>> information from this exchange.
>> It would be helpful if you would verify where the script fails, whether
>> it is the one you are using or a called routine.
>> Lastly, the script is telling you that your variable is missing
>> information about what it is.  You need to name it, as shown in the NCL
>> help pages.
>> But, before you do that, try reading your 4d array into a 2d array and
>> see if you get the same error using the 2d array.
>>  Barry
>> On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 8:59 AM ANDIKA FAUZIAH HAPSARI, A.P <
>> andika.hapsari at bmkg.go.id> wrote:
>>> Thanks for your answer. But I'm not sure if I can pass the 4D variable
>>> directly. Because when I used this script below,  I got this error message :
>>> warning:Argument 0 of the current function or procedure was coerced to
>>> the appropriate type and thus will not change if the function or procedure
>>> modifies its value
>>> fatal:["NclAtt.c":262]:Attribute assignment type mismatch.
>>> fatal:(lon) is not a named dimension in variable (inData).
>>> fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 36 in
>>> file $NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/kf_filter.ncl
>>> fatal:["Execute.c":8637]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 234 in
>>> file filter_vertical_waves_wrf.ncl
>>> Or maybe, is there something wrong with my script?
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> ; filter_waves.ncl
>>> ; Carl Schreck (carl at cicsnc.org)
>>> ; February 2011
>>> ; Updated for style October 2011
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> ; Description: Filter data for each equatorial wave type
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
>>> ;load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"
>>> ;load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl"
>>> ;load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/diagnostics_cam.ncl"
>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/time_axis_labels.ncl"
>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/kf_filter.ncl"
>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/contrib/cd_string.ncl"
>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/print_clock.ncl"
>>> ;load "~/lib/print_clock.ncl"
>>> begin
>>>   print_clock( "Here we go! " )
>>> ; These are some parameters that could be useful to have up top
>>>   mis = -999
>>>   mis at _FillValue = -999
>>>   obsPerDay = 4
>>>   if( .not.isvar("varIn") ) then
>>>     varIn = "u"
>>>   end if
>>>   if( .not.isvar("latitudeBand") ) then
>>>     latitudeBand = "15N-15N"
>>>   end if
>>>   print( varIn + "." + latitudeBand )
>>>   basePath = "/home/sarihmmm/datareanly/reanalysis/"
>>>   pathIn   = basePath + "anginU.nc"
>>>   pathOut  = basePath + "anginU" + varIn + "." + latitudeBand + ".
>>> vertkelvin.nc"
>>>   wk99 = False ; True uses the original Wheeler-Kiladis filters,
>>>                ; False uses slight modifications from recent papers
>>>   calcHigh = False
>>>   calcLow = False
>>>   calcMrg = False
>>>   calcMjo = False
>>>   calcKelvin = True
>>>   calcEr = False
>>>   calcMtd = False
>>>   calcTd = False
>>>   makeNewFile = True
>>> ; Open the input files
>>>   fin  = addfile( pathIn, "r" )
>>>   time = fin->time
>>>   level = fin->level
>>>   longitude  = fin->longitude
>>>   latitude  = fin->latitude
>>> ; Open the output files
>>>   setfileoption( "nc", "Format", "LargeFile" )
>>>   if( makeNewFile ) then
>>>     system( "rm " + pathOut )
>>>     fout  = addfile( pathOut, "c" )
>>>     fout->time = time
>>>     fout->level = level
>>>     fout->longitude  = longitude
>>>     fout->latitude  = latitude
>>>   else
>>>     fout  = addfile( pathOut, "w" )
>>>   end if
>>>   print_clock( "Reading the input data... " )
>>>   data = fin->$varIn$
>>>   data&time at beginning_date = cd_string( data&time(0), "" )
>>>   data&time at ending_date    = cd_string(
>>> data&time(dimsizes(data&time)-1), "" )
>>>   if( any( ismissing(data) ) ) then
>>>     print_clock( "WARNING: Setting missing data to zero" )
>>>     data = where( ismissing(data), 0, data )
>>>   end if
>>>   printVarSummary(data)
>>>   if( calcHigh ) then
>>>     print_clock( "Filtering High..." )
>>>     high = data
>>>     high at longitudeg_name      = "High frequency"
>>>     high at filter         = "Highpass time filter"
>>>     high at wavenumber     = (/ -9999,  9999 /)
>>>     high at period         = (/ 0.01, 120 /)
>>>     high at depth          = (/ mis, mis /)
>>>     do z = 0, ( dimsizes(level) - 1 )
>>>   ;    print_clock( z + " " + ( dimsizes(level) - 1 ) + " " )
>>>       high(time|:,{level|level(z)},longitude|:) = (/ kf_filter(  \\
>>>          data(time|:,{level|level(z)},longitude|:), obsPerDay,  \\
>>>          high at period(0),     high at period(1),     \\
>>>          high at wavenumber(0), high at wavenumber(1), \\
>>>          high at depth(0),      high at depth(1),      \\
>>>          "none" ) /)
>>>     end do
>>>     print_clock( "Writing high... " )
>>>     fout->high = high
>>>     delete(high)
>>>   end if
>>>   if( calcLow ) then
>>>     print_clock( "Filtering Low..." )
>>>     low = data
>>>     low at longitudeg_name      = "Low frequency"
>>>     low at filter         = "Lowpass time filter"
>>>     low at wavenumber     = (/ -9999,  9999 /)
>>>     low at period         = (/ 120, 9999 /)
>>>     low at depth          = (/ mis, mis /)
>>>     do z = 0, ( dimsizes(level) - 1 )
>>>   ;    print_clock( z + " " + ( dimsizes(level) - 1 ) + " " )
>>>       low(time|:,{level|level(z)},longitude|:,latitude|:) = (/
>>> kf_filter(  \\
>>>          data(time|:,{level|level(z)},longitude|:,latitude|:),
>>> obsPerDay,  \\
>>>          low at period(0),     low at period(1),     \\
>>>          low at wavenumber(0), low at wavenumber(1), \\
>>>          low at depth(0),      low at depth(1),      \\
>>>          "none" ) /)
>>>     end do
>>>     print_clock( "Writing Low... " )
>>>     fout->low = low
>>>     delete(low)
>>>   end if
>>>   if( calcMrg ) then
>>>     print_clock( "Filtering MRG..." )
>>>     mrg = data
>>>     mrg at longitudeg_name     = "Mixed Rossby-Gravity Waves in " +
>>> str_upper(varIn)
>>>     mrg at filter        = "Wheeler & Kiladis (1999)"
>>>     mrg at wavenumber    = (/  -10,  -1 /)
>>>     mrg at period        = (/    3,  96 /)
>>>     mrg at depth         = (/    8,  90 /)
>>>     do z = 0, ( dimsizes(level) - 1 )
>>> ;    print_clock( z + " " + ( dimsizes(level) - 1 ) + " " )
>>>       mrg(time|:,{level|level(z)},longitude|:) = (/ kf_filter(  \\
>>>          data(time|:,{level|level(z)},longitude|:), obsPerDay,  \\
>>>          mrg at period(0),     mrg at period(1),     \\
>>>          mrg at wavenumber(0), mrg at wavenumber(1), \\
>>>          mrg at depth(0),      mrg at depth(1),      \\
>>>          "mrg" ) /)
>>>     end do
>>>     print_clock( "Writing MRG... " )
>>>     fout->mrg = mrg
>>>     delete(mrg)
>>>   end if
>>>   if( calcMjo ) then
>>>     print_clock( "Filtering MJO..." )
>>>     mjo = data
>>>     mjo at longitudeg_name     = "Madden-Julian Oscillatitudeion in " +
>>> str_upper(varIn)
>>>     if( wk99 ) then
>>>       mjo at filter        = "Wheeler & Kiladis (1999)"
>>>       mjo at wavenumber    = (/   1,   5 /)
>>> ;     mjo at wavenumber    = (/   0,   9 /)
>>>       mjo at period        = (/  30,  96 /)
>>>       mjo at depth         = (/ mis, mis /)
>>>     else
>>>       mjo at filter        = "Kiladis et al. (2005 JAS)"
>>>       mjo at wavenumber    = (/   0,   9 /)
>>>       mjo at period        = (/  20, 100 /)
>>>       mjo at depth         = (/ mis, mis /)
>>>     end if
>>>     do z = 0, ( dimsizes(level) - 1 )
>>>   ;    print_clock( z + " " + ( dimsizes(level) - 1 ) + " " )
>>>     mjo(time|:,{level|level(z)},longitude|:) = (/ kf_filter(  \\
>>>        data(time|:,{level|level(z)},longitude|:), obsPerDay,  \\
>>>        mjo at period(0),     mjo at period(1),     \\
>>>        mjo at wavenumber(0), mjo at wavenumber(1), \\
>>>        mjo at depth(0),      mjo at depth(1),      \\
>>>        "none" ) /)
>>>     end do
>>>     print_clock( "Writing MJO... " )
>>>     fout->mjo = mjo
>>>     delete(mjo)
>>>   end if
>>>   if( calcKelvin ) then
>>>     print_clock( "Filtering KELVIN..." )
>>>     kelvin = data
>>>     kelvin at longitudeg_name  = "Kelvin Waves in " + str_upper(varIn)
>>>     if( wk99 ) then
>>>       kelvin at filter     = "Wheeler & Kiladis (1999)"
>>>       kelvin at wavenumber = (/   1,  14 /)
>>>       kelvin at period     = (/ 2.5,  30 /)
>>>       kelvin at depth      = (/   8,  90 /)
>>>     else
>>>       kelvin at filter     = "Straub & Kiladis (2002)"
>>>       kelvin at wavenumber = (/   1,  14 /)
>>>       kelvin at period     = (/ 2.5,  17 /)
>>>       kelvin at depth      = (/   5,  90 /)
>>>     end if
>>>     do z = 0, ( dimsizes(level) - 1 )
>>>  do y = 0, ( dimsizes(level) - 1 )
>>>   ;    print_clock( z + " " + ( dimsizes(level) - 1 ) + " " )
>>>       kelvin(time|:,{level|level(z)},{latitude|latitude(y)},longitude|:)
>>> = (/ kf_filter(  \\
>>> data(time|:,{level|level(z)},{latitude|latitude(y)},longitude|:),
>>> obsPerDay,  \\
>>>          kelvin at period(0),     kelvin at period(1),     \\
>>>          kelvin at wavenumber(0), kelvin at wavenumber(1), \\
>>>          kelvin at depth(0),      kelvin at depth(1),      \\
>>>          "kelvin" ) /)
>>>     end do
>>>     end do
>>>     print_clock( "Writing KELVIN... " )
>>>     fout->kelvin = kelvin
>>>     delete(kelvin)
>>>   end if
>>>   if( calcEr ) then
>>>     print_clock( "Filtering ER..." )
>>>     er = data
>>>     er at longitudeg_name      = "Equatorial Rossby Waves in " +
>>> str_upper(varIn)
>>>     if( wk99 ) then
>>>       er at filter         = "Wheeler & Kiladis (1999)"
>>>       er at wavenumber     = (/ -10,  -1 /)
>>>       er at period         = (/ 9.7,  48 /)
>>>       er at depth          = (/   8,  90 /)
>>>     else
>>>       er at filter         = "Kiladis et al. (2009 Rev. Geophys.)"
>>>       er at wavenumber     = (/ -10,  -1 /)
>>>       er at period         = (/ 9.7,  48 /)
>>>       er at depth          = (/   5,  90 /)
>>>     end if
>>>     do z = 0, ( dimsizes(level) - 1 )
>>>   ;    print_clock( z + " " + ( dimsizes(level) - 1 ) + " " )
>>>       er(time|:,{level|level(z)},longitude|:) = (/ kf_filter(  \\
>>>          data(time|:,{level|level(z)},longitude|:), obsPerDay,  \\
>>>          er at period(0),     er at period(1),     \\
>>>          er at wavenumber(0), er at wavenumber(1), \\
>>>          er at depth(0),      er at depth(1),      \\
>>>          "er" ) /)
>>>     end do
>>>     print_clock( "Writing ER... " )
>>>     fout->er = er
>>>     delete(er)
>>>   end if
>>>   if( calcMtd ) then
>>>     print_clock( "Filtering MRG/TD..." )
>>>     td = data
>>>     td at longitudeg_name      = "MRG/TD in " + str_upper(varIn)
>>>     td at filter         = "Frank and Roundy (2006), extended to
>>> wavenumber -20"
>>>     td at wavenumber     = (/ -20,  -0 /)
>>>     td at period         = (/ 2.5,  10 /)
>>>     td at depth          = (/  mis, mis /)
>>>     do z = 0, ( dimsizes(level) - 1 )
>>>   ;    print_clock( z + " " + ( dimsizes(level) - 1 ) + " " )
>>>       td(time|:,{level|level(z)},longitude|:) = (/ kf_filter(  \\
>>>          data(time|:,{level|level(z)},longitude|:), obsPerDay,  \\
>>>          td at period(0),     td at period(1),     \\
>>>          td at wavenumber(0), td at wavenumber(1), \\
>>>          td at depth(0),      td at depth(1),      \\
>>>          "none" ) /)
>>>     end do
>>>     print_clock( "Writing TD... " )
>>>     fout->td = td
>>>     delete(td)
>>>   end if
>>>   if( calcTd ) then
>>>     print_clock( "Filtering TD..." )
>>>     td = data
>>>     td at longitudeg_name      = "TD-type Disturbances in " +
>>> str_upper(varIn)
>>>     td at filter         = "Roundy and Frank (2004), extended to
>>> wavenumber -20"
>>>     td at wavenumber     = (/ -20,  -6 /)
>>>     td at period         = (/ 2.5,   5 /)
>>>     td at depth          = (/  90, mis /)
>>>     do z = 0, ( dimsizes(level) - 1 )
>>>   ;    print_clock( z + " " + ( dimsizes(level) - 1 ) + " " )
>>>       td(time|:,{level|level(z)},longitude|:) = (/ kf_filter(  \\
>>>          data(time|:,{level|level(z)},longitude|:), obsPerDay,  \\
>>>          td at period(0),     td at period(1),     \\
>>>          td at wavenumber(0), td at wavenumber(1), \\
>>>          td at depth(0),      td at depth(1),      \\
>>>          "none" ) /)
>>>     end do
>>>     print_clock( "Writing TD... " )
>>>     fout->td = td
>>>     delete(td)
>>>   end if
>>>   print_clock( "Closing file..." )
>>>   delete(fout)
>>>   print_clock( "Thank you, come again. " )
>>> end ; filter_waves
>>> From: "Barry Lynn (barry.h.lynn at gmail.com)" <barry.h.lynn at gmail.com>
>>> To: "ANDIKA FAUZIAH HAPSARI, A.P" <andika.hapsari at bmkg.go.id>
>>> Cc: "ncl-talk at ucar.edu" <ncl-talk at ucar.edu>
>>> Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2019 07:48:15 +0200
>>> Subject: Re: [ncl-talk] Loop Over Latitude and Level Arrays
>>> Hi:
>>> When you pass the variable to the kf_filter, you can loop over both over
>>> latitude and level, as you pass the 4D variable directly into the routine.
>>> I am not sure if there is a faster way,
>>> Barry
>>> On Mon, Dec 30, 2019 at 8:17 PM ANDIKA FAUZIAH HAPSARI, A.P via ncl-talk
>>> <ncl-talk at ucar.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hello..
>>>> I have 4 Dimension data (latitude, longitude, level, time) and I want
>>>> to filter kelvin waves vertically which use kf_filter function that only
>>>> has time and longitude. And I need to loop over both latitude and level so
>>>> that the array can pass kf_filter.
>>>> Is there any instruction and script to do loop over latitude and level
>>>> arrays?
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> ncl-talk mailing list
>>>> ncl-talk at ucar.edu
>>>> List instructions, subscriber options, unsubscribe:
>>>> http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/ncl-talk
>>> --
>>> Barry H. Lynn, Ph.D
>>> Senior Associate Scientist, Lecturer,
>>> The Institute of the Earth Science,
>>> The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
>>> Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
>>> Tel: 972 547 231 170
>>> Fax: (972)-25662581
>>> C.E.O, Weather It Is, LTD
>>> Weather and Climate Focus
>>> http://weather-it-is.com
>>> Jerusalem, Israel
>>> Local: 02 930 9525
>>> Cell: 054 7 231 170
>>> Int-IS: x972 2 930 9525
>> --
>> Barry H. Lynn, Ph.D
>> Senior Associate Scientist, Lecturer,
>> The Institute of the Earth Science,
>> The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
>> Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
>> Tel: 972 547 231 170
>> Fax: (972)-25662581
>> C.E.O, Weather It Is, LTD
>> Weather and Climate Focus
>> http://weather-it-is.com
>> Jerusalem, Israel
>> Local: 02 930 9525
>> Cell: 054 7 231 170
>> Int-IS: x972 2 930 9525
> --
> Barry H. Lynn, Ph.D
> Senior Associate Scientist, Lecturer,
> The Institute of the Earth Science,
> The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
> Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
> Tel: 972 547 231 170
> Fax: (972)-25662581
> C.E.O, Weather It Is, LTD
> Weather and Climate Focus
> http://weather-it-is.com
> Jerusalem, Israel
> Local: 02 930 9525
> Cell: 054 7 231 170
> Int-IS: x972 2 930 9525
> _______________________________________________
> ncl-talk mailing list
> ncl-talk at ucar.edu
> List instructions, subscriber options, unsubscribe:
> http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/ncl-talk
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