[ncl-talk] fatal:divide: Division by 0, Can't continuefatal:Div: operator failed, can't continue fatal:["Execute.c":8635]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 129
Dennis Shea
shea at ucar.edu
Wed Dec 18 17:57:24 MST 2019
The GOLDEN RULE of data processing is: ****LOOK AT YOUR DATA****
This is *user* responsibility. **ALL* the data are 0.0*
*%>* ncl rdData.ncl
Variable: olr
Dimensions and sizes: [time | 365] x [lat | 13] x [lon | 144]
time: [1910952..1919688]
lat: [-15..15]
lon: [ 0..357.5]
(0) A*nomalies: Daily OLR (W/m^2) : min=0 max=0*
(0) ------------------------------
Variable: u200
Dimensions and sizes: [time | 365] x [lat | 13] x [lon | 145]
time: [ 0..524160]
lat: [ -15.. 15]
lon: [ 0.. 360]
Number Of Attributes: 2
long_name : Anomalies from Daily Climatology
_FillValue : -9.99e+08
(0) *Anomalies from Daily Climatology : min=0 max=0*
(0) ------------------------------
Variable: u850
Dimensions and sizes: [time | 365] x [lat | 13] x [lon | 145]
time: [ 0..524160]
lat: [ -15.. 15]
lon: [ 0.. 360]
Number Of Attributes: 2
_FillValue : -9.99e+08
(0) *Anomalies from Daily Climatology : min=0 max=0*
On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 4:58 PM Rahpeni Fajarianti <
rahpenifajarianti at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you so much for responding. I attach some files here. The data and
> script that I used.
> The data : olr.day.anomalies.2018.nc , uwnd.anomalies.nc (for 200hPa u
> wind anomalies) , uwnd2.anomalies.nc (for 850hPa u wind anomalies)
> my script: mjoclivar_14.ncl
> I am very new in NCL and very pleased for help. Thank you.
> mjoclivar_14.ncl
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nstwpHwEVEB9nbuWQPnB9nntN2YVBz79/view?usp=drive_web>
> olr.day.anomalies.2018.nc
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RQIk85UqimEzDzqWZ9V97ZpbqRG8h-cz/view?usp=drive_web>
> uwnd2.anomalies.nc
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZxF2tZnCr7q1LFQWtGhMOLvaIE3mwK-p/view?usp=drive_web>
> uwnd.anomalies.nc
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rm-f84yy1PkKlA8ZBG87nRGDbnD8auqx/view?usp=drive_web>
> On Thu, Dec 19, 2019 at 2:22 AM Dennis Shea <shea at ucar.edu> wrote:
>> This is offlineI
>> If you do not know NCL well, please read the excellent tutorial at
>> *http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Manuals/NCL_User_Guide/*
>> <http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Manuals/NCL_User_Guide/>
>> ---
>> We [ ncl-talk ] is frustrated by this thread. Please understand, nobody
>> is paid to answer ncl-talk question. We do it on our own time to help
>> people. Debugging is VERY time consuming. In particular, somebody else's
>> code.
>> e
>> The NCL example scripts indicate an approach to use but are not
>> necessarily plug in a file or files and use them. Often, users must make
>> some changes.
>> ---
>> This is the result:
>> Variable: olr
>> Type: float
>> [SNIP]
>> Number Of Attributes: 5
>> _FillValue : 32766
>> (0,0) 32766 ,==== All values are missing [_FillValue ]
>> [SNIP]
>> ===
>> Well .... at what point in your script did things go 'wrong'?
>> Use printVarSummary(), printMinMax(), etc
>> ===
>> I will look at the issue(s) if you make your data available via (say)
>> google drive or ftp.
>> ftp ftp.cgd.ucar.edu
>> anonymous
>> your_email
>> cd incoming
>> put ...
>> put ...
>> put ...
>> quit
>> On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 8:14 AM Rahpeni Fajarianti via ncl-talk <
>> ncl-talk at ucar.edu> wrote:
>>> Thanks for your help. I had use print and printVarSummary statement.
>>> This is the result:
>>> Variable: olr
>>> Type: float
>>> Total Size: 210240 bytes
>>> 52560 values
>>> Number of Dimensions: 2
>>> Dimensions and sizes: [time | 365] x [lon | 144]
>>> Coordinates:
>>> time: [1910952..1919688]
>>> lon: [ 0..357.5]
>>> Number Of Attributes: 5
>>> _FillValue : 32766
>>> units : W/m^2
>>> long_name : Anomalies: Daily OLR
>>> average_op_ncl : dim_avg_n over dimension(s): lat
>>> wgt_runave_op_ncl : wgt_runave_n
>>> (0,0) 32766
>>> (0,1) 32766
>>> (0,2) 32766
>>> (0,3) 32766
>>> (0,4) 32766
>>> (0,5) 32766
>>> (0,6) 32766
>>> (0,7) 32766
>>> (0,8) 32766
>>> (0,9) 32766
>>> (0,10) 32766
>>> (0,11) 32766
>>> (0,12) 32766
>>> (0,13) 32766
>>> (0,14) 32766
>>> (0,15) 32766
>>> (0,16) 32766
>>> (0,17) 32766
>>> (0,18) 32766
>>> (0,19) 32766
>>> (0,20) 32766
>>> (0,21) 32766
>>> (0,22) 32766
>>> (0,23) 32766
>>> (0,24) 32766
>>> (0,25) 32766
>>> (0,26) 32766
>>> (0,27) 32766
>>> (0,28) 32766
>>> (0,29) 32766
>>> (0,30) 32766
>>> (0,31) 32766
>>> (0,32) 32766
>>> (0,33) 32766
>>> (0,34) 32766
>>> (0,35) 32766
>>> (0,36) 32766
>>> (0,37) 32766
>>> (0,38) 32766
>>> (0,39) 32766
>>> (0,40) 32766
>>> (0,41) 32766
>>> (0,42) 32766
>>> (0,43) 32766
>>> (0,44) 32766
>>> (0,45) 32766
>>> (0,46) 32766
>>> (0,47) 32766
>>> (0,48) 32766
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>>> (0,50) 32766
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>>> (0,52) 32766
>>> (0,53) 32766
>>> (0,54) 32766
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>>> (0,56) 32766
>>> (0,57) 32766
>>> (0,58) 32766
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>>> (0,60) 32766
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>>> (0,62) 32766
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>>> (0,69) 32766
>>> (0,70) 32766
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>>> (0,72) 32766
>>> (0,73) 32766
>>> (0,74) 32766
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>>> (0,76) 32766
>>> (0,77) 32766
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>>> (0,97) 32766
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>>> (0,99) 32766
>>> (0,100) 32766
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>>> (0,116) 32766
>>> (0,117) 32766
>>> (0,118) 32766
>>> (0,119) 32766
>>> (0,120) 32766
>>> (0,121) 32766
>>> (0,122) 32766
>>> (0,123) 32766
>>> (0,124) 32766
>>> (0,125) 32766
>>> (0,126) 32766
>>> (0,127) 32766
>>> (0,128) 32766
>>> (0,129) 32766
>>> (0,130) 32766
>>> (0,131) 32766
>>> (0,132) 32766
>>> (0,133) 32766
>>> (0,134) 32766
>>> (0,135) 32766
>>> (0,136) 32766
>>> (0,137) 32766
>>> (0,138) 32766 ect..
>>> What should I fix to my script?
>>> Thanks.
>>> On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 8:50 AM Adam Phillips <asphilli at ucar.edu> wrote:
>>>> Hi Rahpeni,
>>>> Please always include ncl-talk on your replies; that way others can
>>>> assist and see the correspondence.
>>>> You stated:
>>>> Thank you so much, it helps !
>>>> I am still getting some errors.
>>>> I got :
>>>> fatal:Subscript out of range, error in subscript #1
>>>> fatal:An error occurred reading olr
>>>> fatal:["Execute.c":8635]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 141
>>>> Note that it is for you to attempt to diagnose the issue before
>>>> responding to ncl-talk. The error message is telling you what the problem
>>>> is: You are attempting to access an index of a dimension that is bigger
>>>> than the dimension itself. The lines around 141 are (from the email you
>>>> sent me):
>>>> ncl 140> do ml=0,mlon-1
>>>> ncl 141> cdata(ml ,:) = (/ olr(:,ml) /)
>>>> ncl 142> cdata(ml+ mlon,:) = (/ u850(:,ml) /)
>>>> ncl 143> cdata(ml+2*mlon,:) = (/ u200(:,ml) /)
>>>> ncl 144> end do
>>>> NCL is zero based, so error in subscript #1 is referring to the 2nd
>>>> index, line 141 shows that you are accessing the 2nd index of olr like
>>>> this: (/ olr(:,ml) /)
>>>> ml at some point is bigger than the 2nd dimension size of olr. You will
>>>> have to figure out why. Use print and printVarSummary statements to help to
>>>> diagnose the issue.
>>>> Hope that helps!
>>>> Adam
>>>> On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 1:40 AM Rahpeni Fajarianti via ncl-talk <
>>>> ncl-talk at ucar.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all !
>>>>> I want to make MJO clivar 14, but I have some problem.
>>>>> This is :
>>>>> fatal:divide: Division by 0, Can't continue
>>>>> fatal:Div: operator failed, can't continue
>>>>> fatal:["Execute.c":8635]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 129
>>>>> This is my script:
>>>>> ncl 0> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/diagnostics_cam.ncl"
>>>>> ncl 1> ;******************************************************
>>>>> u850 = dim_rmvmean_n(u850, 0)
>>>>> u200 = dim_rmvmean_nncl 2> ;
>>>>> (uncl 3> ; mjoclivar_14.ncl
>>>>> ncl 4> ;
>>>>> ncl 5> ;***********************************************************
>>>>> ncl 6> ; Combined EOFs
>>>>> hncl 7> ; Latest Update: July, 2016: Eun-Pa Lim; Bureau of
>>>>> Meteorology, Australia
>>>>> ncl 8> ;***********************************************************
>>>>> iancncl 9> ;;
>>>>> nncl 10> ;; The following are automatically loaded from 6.2.0
>>>>> onward
>>>>> ncl 11> ;;load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
>>>>> ncl 12> ;;load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
>>>>> ncl 13> ;;load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
>>>>> ncl 14>
>>>>> ncl 15> undef("read_rename")
>>>>> ncl 16> function read_rename(f[1]:file, varName[1]:string \
>>>>> ncl 16> ,iStrt[1]:integer, iLast[1]:integer \
>>>>> ncl 16> ,latS[1]:numeric , latN[1]:numeric )
>>>>> ncl 17> ; Utility to force specific named dimensions
>>>>> ncl 18> ; This is done for historical reasons (convenience)
>>>>> ncl 19> begin
>>>>> ncl 20> work = f->$varName$(iStrt:iLast,{latS:latN},:) ;
>>>>> (time,lat,lon)
>>>>> ncl 21> work!0 = "time" ; CAM
>>>>> model names
>>>>> ncl 22> work!1 = "lat"
>>>>> ncl 23> work!2 = "lon"
>>>>> ncl 24> return(work)
>>>>> ncl 25> end
>>>>> ncl 26> ; =========================> MAIN
>>>>> <==============================
>>>>> ncl 27> begin
>>>>> ncl 28> neof = 2
>>>>> ncl 29>
>>>>> ncl 30> latS = -15
>>>>> ncl 31> latN = 15
>>>>> ncl 32>
>>>>> ncl 33> ymdStrt = 20180101 ; start yyyymmdd
>>>>> ncl 34> ymdLast = 20181231 ; last
>>>>> ncl 35>
>>>>> ncl 36> yrStrt = ymdStrt/10000
>>>>> ncl 37> yrLast = ymdLast/10000
>>>>> ncl 38>
>>>>> ncl 39> pltDir = "/home/peni/" ; plot
>>>>> directory
>>>>> *ncl 40> pltType = "png"
>>>>> ncl 41> pltName = "mjoclivar"
>>>>> ncl 42>
>>>>> ,ncl 43> diri = "/home/peni/" ;
>>>>> input directory
>>>>> ncl 44>
>>>>> ncl 45> filolr = "olr.day.anomalies.2018.nc"
>>>>> ncl 46> filu200 = "uwnd.anomalies.nc"
>>>>> ncl 47> filu850 = "uwnd2.anomalies.nc.nc"
>>>>> ncl 48>
>>>>> ncl 49> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 50> ; create BandPass Filter
>>>>> ncl 51> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 52> ihp = 2 ; bpf=>band pass
>>>>> filter
>>>>> ncl 53> nWgt = 201
>>>>> ncl 54> sigma = 1.0 ; Lanczos sigma
>>>>> ncl 55> fca = 1./100.
>>>>> ncl 56> fcb = 1./20.
>>>>> ncl 57> wgt = filwgts_lanczos (nWgt, ihp, fca, fcb, sigma )
>>>>> ncl 58>
>>>>> )ncl 59> ;***********************************************************
>>>>> ncl 60> ; Find the indices corresponding to the start/end times
>>>>> ncl 61> ;***********************************************************
>>>>> ncl 62> f = addfile (diri+filolr , "r")
>>>>> ncl 63> TIME = f->time ; days since ...
>>>>> ncl 64>
>>>>> ncl 65> YMD = cd_calendar(TIME, -2) ; entire
>>>>> (time,6)
>>>>> ncl 66>
>>>>> ncl 67> iStrt = ind(YMD.eq.ymdStrt) ; index start
>>>>> ncl 68> iLast = ind(YMD.eq.ymdLast) ; index last
>>>>> ncl 69> delete([/ TIME, YMD /])
>>>>> ncl 70>
>>>>> ncl 71> ;***********************************************************
>>>>> ncl 72> ; Read anomalies
>>>>> ncl 73> ;***********************************************************
>>>>> ncl 74>
>>>>> ncl 75> work = read_rename(f,"OLR_anom",iStrt,iLast,latS,latN) ;
>>>>> (time,lat,lon)
>>>>> ncl 76> OLR = dim_avg_n_Wrap(work, 1) ;
>>>>> (time,lon)
>>>>> ncl 77> delete(work)
>>>>> ncl 78>
>>>>> ncl 79> f = addfile (diri+filu850 , "r")
>>>>> ncl 80> work = read_rename(f,"U_anom",iStrt,iLast,latS,latN) ;
>>>>> (time,lat,lon)
>>>>> ncl 81> U850 = dim_avg_n_Wrap(work, 1) ; (time,lon)
>>>>> ncl 82> delete(work)
>>>>> ncl 83>
>>>>> ncl 84> f = addfile (diri+filu200 , "r")
>>>>> ncl 85> work = read_rename(f,"U_anom",iStrt,iLast,latS,latN) ;
>>>>> (time,lat,lon)
>>>>> ncl 86> U200 = dim_avg_n_Wrap(work, 1) ; (time,lon)
>>>>> ncl 87>
>>>>> ncl 88> dimw = dimsizes( work )
>>>>> ncl 89> ntim = dimw(0)
>>>>> ncl 90> nlat = dimw(1)
>>>>> ncl 91> mlon = dimw(2)
>>>>> ncl 92> delete(work)
>>>>> ncl 93>
>>>>> ncl 94> lon = OLR&lon
>>>>> ncl 95> time = OLR&time
>>>>> ncl 96> date = cd_calendar(time, -2) ; yyyymmdd
>>>>> ncl 97>
>>>>> ncl 98> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 99> ; Apply the band pass filter to the original anomalies
>>>>> ncl 100> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 101> olr = wgt_runave_n_Wrap ( OLR, wgt, 0, 0) ; (time,lon)
>>>>> )
>>>>> ;************************************************
>>>>> imax_olr_eof1 = maxind(ceof(0,0,:))
>>>>> imax_olr_eof2 ncl 102> u850 = wgt_runave_n_Wrap (U850, wgt, 0, 0)
>>>>> ncl 103> u200 = wgt_runave_n_Wrap (U200, wgt, 0, 0)
>>>>> ncl 104>
>>>>> ncl 105> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 106> ; remove temporal means of band pass series: *not* necessary
>>>>> ncl 107> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 108> olr = dim_rmvmean_n( olr, 0) ; (time,lon)
>>>>> ncl 109> u850 = dim_rmvmean_n(u850, 0)
>>>>> ncl 110> u200 = dim_rmvmean_n(u200, 0)
>>>>> ncl 111>
>>>>> ncl 112> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 113> ; Compute the temporal variance at each lon
>>>>> ncl 114> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 115> var_olr = dim_variance_n_Wrap( olr, 0) ; (lon)
>>>>> ncl 116> var_u850 = dim_variance_n_Wrap(u850, 0)
>>>>> ncl 117> var_u200 = dim_variance_n_Wrap(u200, 0)
>>>>> ncl 118>
>>>>> ncl 119> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 120> ; Compute the zonal mean of the temporal variance
>>>>> Oncl 121> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 122> zavg_var_olr = dim_avg_n_Wrap( var_olr , 0)
>>>>> ncl 123> zavg_var_u850 = dim_avg_n_Wrap( var_u850, 0)
>>>>> ncl 124> zavg_var_u200 = dim_avg_n_Wrap( var_u200, 0)
>>>>> ncl 125>
>>>>> ncl 126> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 127> ; Normalize by sqrt(avg_var*)
>>>>> ncl 128> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 129> olr = olr/sqrt(zavg_var_olr ) ; (time,lon)
>>>>> ncl 130> u850 = u850/sqrt(zavg_var_u850)
>>>>> ncl 131> u200 = u200/sqrt(zavg_var_u200)
>>>>> ncl 132>
>>>>> cncl 133> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 134> ; Combine the normalized data into one variable
>>>>> ncl 135> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 136> cdata = new ( (/3*mlon,ntim/), typeof(olr),
>>>>> getFillValue(olr))
>>>>> ncl 137> do ml=0,mlon-1
>>>>> ncl 138> cdata(ml ,:) = (/ olr(:,ml) /)
>>>>> ncl 139> cdata(ml+ mlon,:) = (/ u850(:,ml) /)
>>>>> ncl 140> cdata(ml+2*mlon,:) = (/ u200(:,ml) /)
>>>>> ncl 141> end do
>>>>> ncl 142>
>>>>> =ncl 143> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 144> ; Compute **combined** EOF; Sign of EOF is arbitrary
>>>>> ncl 145> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 146> eof_cdata = eofunc(cdata , neof, False) ;
>>>>> (neof,3*mlon)
>>>>> ncl 147> print("==============")
>>>>> ncl 148> printVarSummary(eof_cdata)
>>>>> ncl 149> printMinMax(eof_cdata, True)
>>>>> ncl 150>
>>>>> ncl 151> eof_ts_cdata = eofunc_ts(cdata,eof_cdata,False) ;
>>>>> (neof,3*ntim)
>>>>> ncl 152> print("==============")
>>>>> ncl 153> printVarSummary(eof_ts_cdata)
>>>>> ncl 154> printMinMax(eof_ts_cdata, True)
>>>>> ncl 155>
>>>>> incl 156> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 157> ; For clarity, explicitly extract each variable. Create time
>>>>> series
>>>>> ncl 158> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 159>
>>>>> tncl 160> nvar = 3 ; "olr", "u850", "u200"
>>>>> ncl 161> ceof = new( (/nvar,neof,mlon/), typeof(cdata),
>>>>> getFillValue(cdata))
>>>>> ncl 162>
>>>>> dncl 163> do n=0,neof-1
>>>>> ncl 164> ceof(0,n,:) = eof_cdata(n,0:mlon-1) ; olr
>>>>> ncl 165> ceof(1,n,:) = eof_cdata(n,mlon:2*mlon-1) ; u850
>>>>> ncl 166> ceof(2,n,:) = eof_cdata(n,2*mlon:) ; u200
>>>>> ncl 167> end do
>>>>> ncl 168>
>>>>> (ncl 169> ceof!0 = "var"
>>>>> ncl 170> ceof!1 = "eof"
>>>>> ncl 171> ceof!2 = "lon"
>>>>> ncl 172> ceof&lon = olr&lon
>>>>> ncl 173>
>>>>> incl 174> ceof_ts = new( (/nvar,neof,ntim/), typeof(cdata),
>>>>> getFillValue(cdata))
>>>>> ncl 175> ceof_ts(0,:,:) = eofunc_ts_Wrap(
>>>>> olr(lon|:,time|:),ceof(0,:,:),False) ; (0,neof,ntim)
>>>>> ncl 176> ceof_ts(1,:,:) =
>>>>> eofunc_ts_Wrap(u850(lon|:,time|:),ceof(1,:,:),False) ; (1,neof,ntim)
>>>>> ncl 177> ceof_ts(2,:,:) =
>>>>> eofunc_ts_Wrap(u200(lon|:,time|:),ceof(2,:,:),False) ; (2,neof,ntim)
>>>>> ncl 178>
>>>>> ncl 179> ;**********************************************t*
>>>>> ncl 180> ; Add code contributed by Marcus N. Morgan, Florida Institute
>>>>> of Technology; Feb 2015
>>>>> ncl 181> ; Calculate % variance (pcv_ )accounted for by OLR, U850 and
>>>>> U200
>>>>> ncl 182> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 183>
>>>>> ncl 184> pcv_eof_olr = new(neof,typeof(ceof))
>>>>> ncl 185> pcv_eof_u850 = new(neof,typeof(ceof))
>>>>> ncl 186> pcv_eof_u200 = new(neof,typeof(ceof))
>>>>> ncl 187>
>>>>> ncl 188> do n=0,neof-1
>>>>> ncl 189> pcv_eof_olr(n) = avg((ceof(0,n,:)*sqrt(ceof at eval
>>>>> (n)))^2)*100
>>>>> ncl 190> pcv_eof_u850(n) = avg((ceof(1,n,:)*sqrt(ceof at eval
>>>>> (n)))^2)*100
>>>>> ncl 191> pcv_eof_u200(n) = avg((ceof(2,n,:)*sqrt(ceof at eval
>>>>> (n)))^2)*100
>>>>> ncl 192> ;;print("pcv: neof="+(n+1)+": "+pcv_eof_olr(n)+"
>>>>> "+pcv_eof_u850(n)+" "+pcv_eof_u200(n))
>>>>> ncl 193> end do
>>>>> ncl 194>
>>>>> ncl 195> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 196> ; Change sign of EOFs for spatial structures of PC1 and PC2
>>>>> ncl 197> ; to represent convection over the tropical Indian Ocean and
>>>>> the tropical western Pacific Ocean, respectively
>>>>> ncl 198> ; (Ad hoc approach)
>>>>> ncl 199> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 200>
>>>>> ncl 201> imax_olr_eof1 = maxind(ceof(0,0,:))
>>>>> ncl 202> imax_olr_eof2 = maxind(ceof(0,1,:))
>>>>> ncl 203>
>>>>> )ncl 204> lonmax_eof1 = ceof&lon(imax_olr_eof1) ; longitude of
>>>>> max value (i.e. suppressed convection)
>>>>> ncl 205> lonmax_eof2 = ceof&lon(imax_olr_eof2)
>>>>> ncl 206>
>>>>> sncl 207> if (lonmax_eof1.ge.60 .and. lonmax_eof1.lt.180) then ;
>>>>> Change the sign of EOF1
>>>>> ncl 208> ceof(:,0,:) = -ceof(:,0,:) ; if
>>>>> OLR is positive
>>>>> ncl 209> ceof_ts(:,0,:) = -ceof_ts(:,0,:) ;
>>>>> over the tropical Indian Ocean
>>>>> ncl 210> eof_cdata(0,:) = -eof_cdata(0,:)
>>>>> ncl 211> eof_ts_cdata(0,:) = -eof_ts_cdata(0,:)
>>>>> ncl 212> end if
>>>>> ncl 213>
>>>>> encl 214> if (lonmax_eof2.ge.120 .and. lonmax_eof2.lt.180) then ;
>>>>> Change the sign of EOF2
>>>>> ncl 215> ceof(:,1,:) = -ceof(:,1,:) ; if
>>>>> OLR is positive
>>>>> ncl 216> ceof_ts(:,1,:) = -ceof_ts(:,1,:) ;
>>>>> over the tropical western Pacific Ocean
>>>>> ncl 217> eof_cdata(1,:) = -eof_cdata(1,:)
>>>>> ncl 218> eof_ts_cdata(1,:) = -eof_ts_cdata(1,:)
>>>>> ncl 219> end if
>>>>> ncl 220>
>>>>> ncl 221> print("==============")
>>>>> rncl 222> printVarSummary(eof_cdata)
>>>>> ncl 223> printMinMax(eof_cdata, True)
>>>>> ncl 224>
>>>>> ncl 225> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 226> ; Compute cross correlation of each variable's EOF time
>>>>> series at zero-lag
>>>>> ncl 227> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 228> r_olr_u850 = escorc(ceof_ts(0,:,:) , ceof_ts(1,:,:) ) ;
>>>>> (neof)
>>>>> ncl 229> r_olr_u200 = escorc(ceof_ts(0,:,:) , ceof_ts(2,:,:) )
>>>>> ncl 230> r_u850_u200 = escorc(ceof_ts(1,:,:) , ceof_ts(2,:,:) )
>>>>> ncl 231>
>>>>> sncl 232> print("==============")
>>>>> ncl 233> do n=0,neof-1
>>>>> ncl 234> print("neof="+n \
>>>>> ncl 234> +" r_olr_u850=" +sprintf("%4.3f",r_olr_u850(n)) \
>>>>> ncl 234> +" r_olr_u200=" +sprintf("%4.3f",r_olr_u200(n)) \
>>>>> ncl 234> +" r_u850_u200="+sprintf("%4.3f",r_u850_u200(n)) )
>>>>> ncl 235> end do
>>>>> ncl 236> print("==============")
>>>>> ncl 237>
>>>>> ncl 238> ;************************************************
>>>>> 5N: "+yrStrt+"-"+yrLast
>>>>> do ncl 239> ; Compute cross correlation of the multivariate EOF; EOF
>>>>> 1 vs EOF 2
>>>>> ncl 240> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 241>
>>>>> ncl 242> mxlag = 25
>>>>> ncl 243> rlag_01 = esccr(eof_ts_cdata(0,:),eof_ts_cdata(1,:),
>>>>> mxlag) ; (N,mxlag+1)
>>>>> ncl 244> rlag_10 = esccr(eof_ts_cdata(1,:),eof_ts_cdata(0,:),
>>>>> mxlag) ; (N,mxlag+1)
>>>>> ncl 245> ccr_12 = new ( (/2*mxlag+1/), float)
>>>>> ncl 246>
>>>>> cncl 247> ccr_12(mxlag:) = rlag_10(0:mxlag)
>>>>> ncl 248> ccr_12(0:mxlag) = rlag_01(::-1) ; reverse order
>>>>> ncl 249> ;;print(ccr_12)
>>>>> ncl 250>
>>>>> sncl 251>
>>>>> Pncl 252> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 253> ; Normalize the multivariate EOF 1&2 component time series
>>>>> ncl 254> ; Compute (PC1^2+PC2^2): values > 1 indicate "strong" periods
>>>>> ncl 255> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 256> eof_ts_cdata(0,:) =
>>>>> eof_ts_cdata(0,:)/stddev(eof_ts_cdata(0,:))
>>>>> ncl 257> eof_ts_cdata(1,:) =
>>>>> eof_ts_cdata(1,:)/stddev(eof_ts_cdata(1,:))
>>>>> ncl 258>
>>>>> ncl 259> mjo_ts_index = eof_ts_cdata(0,:)^2 +
>>>>> eof_ts_cdata(1,:)^2
>>>>> ncl 260> mjo_ts_index_smt = runave(mjo_ts_index, 91, 0) ; 91-day
>>>>> running mean
>>>>> ncl 261>
>>>>> ncl 262> nGood = num(.not.ismissing(mjo_ts_index)) ; #
>>>>> non-missing
>>>>> ncl 263> nStrong = num(mjo_ts_index .ge. 1.0)
>>>>> ncl 264> print("nGood="+nGood+" nStrong="+nStrong+"
>>>>> nOther="+(nGood-nStrong))
>>>>> ncl 265>
>>>>> rncl 266> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 267> ; Write PC results to netCDF for use in another example.
>>>>> ncl 268> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 269> mjo_ts_index!0 = "time"
>>>>> ncl 270> mjo_ts_index&time = time
>>>>> ncl 271> mjo_ts_index at long_name = "MJO PC INDEX"
>>>>> ncl 272> mjo_ts_index at info = "(PC1^2 + PC2^2)"
>>>>> ncl 273>
>>>>> ncl 274> PC1 = eof_ts_cdata(0,:)
>>>>> ncl 275> PC1!0 = "time"
>>>>> ncl 276> PC1&time = time
>>>>> ncl 277> PC1 at long_name = "PC1"
>>>>> ncl 278> PC1 at info = "PC1/stddev(PC1)"
>>>>> ncl 279>
>>>>> oncl 280> PC2 = eof_ts_cdata(1,:)
>>>>> ncl 281> PC2!0 = "time"
>>>>> ncl 282> PC2&time = time
>>>>> ncl 283> PC2 at long_name = "PC2"
>>>>> ncl 284> PC2 at info = "PC2/stddev(PC2)"
>>>>> ncl 285>
>>>>> ncl 286> diro = "./"
>>>>> ncl 287> filo = "MJO_PC_INDEX.nc"
>>>>> ncl 288> system("/bin/rm -f "+diro+filo) ; remove any pre-existing
>>>>> file
>>>>> ncl 289> ncdf = addfile(diro+filo,"c") ; open output netCDF file
>>>>> of legend.
>>>>> ncl 290> ; make time an
>>>>> UNLIMITED dimension
>>>>> ncl 291> filedimdef(ncdf,"time",-1,True) ; recommended for most
>>>>> applications
>>>>> ncl 292> ; output variables
>>>>> directly
>>>>> ncl 293> ncdf->MJO_INDEX = mjo_ts_index
>>>>> ncl 294> ncdf->PC1 = PC1
>>>>> ncl 295> ncdf->PC2 = PC2
>>>>> ncl 296>
>>>>> ncl 297> ;------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> ncl 298> ; PLOTS
>>>>> ncl 299> ;------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> ncl 300>
>>>>> ncl 301> yyyymmdd = cd_calendar(time, -2)
>>>>> tncl 302> yrfrac = yyyymmdd_to_yyyyfrac(yyyymmdd, 0.0)
>>>>> ncl 303> delete([/ yrfrac at long_name, lon at long_name /])
>>>>> ncl 304>
>>>>> ncl 305> day = ispan(-mxlag, mxlag, 1)
>>>>> ncl 306> ;day at long_name = "lag (day)"
>>>>> ncl 307>
>>>>> ncl 308> pltPath = pltDir+pltName
>>>>> ncl 309>
>>>>> ncl 310> wks = gsn_open_wks(pltType,pltPath)
>>>>> ncl 311> gsn_define_colormap(wks,"default")
>>>>> ncl 312> plot = new(3,graphic)
>>>>> ncl 313>
>>>>> ncl 314> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 315> ; Multivariate EOF plots
>>>>> ncl 316> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 317> rts = True
>>>>> ncl 318> rts at gsnDraw = False ; don't draw yet
>>>>> ncl 319> rts at gsnFrame = False ; don't advance frame yet
>>>>> ncl 320> rts at gsnScale = True ; force text scaling
>>>>> ncl 321>
>>>>> ncl 322> rts at vpHeightF = 0.40 ; Changes the aspect ratio
>>>>> ncl 323> rts at vpWidthF = 0.85
>>>>> ncl 324> rts at vpXF = 0.10 ; change start locations
>>>>> ncl 325> rts at vpYF = 0.75 ; the plot
>>>>> ncl 326> rts at xyLineThicknesses = (/2, 2, 2/)
>>>>> ncl 327> rts at xyLineColors = (/"black","red","blue"/)
>>>>> ncl 328> rts at gsnYRefLine = 0. ; reference
>>>>> line
>>>>> ncl 329> rts at trXMaxF = max(lon)
>>>>> ncl 330> rts at trXMinF = min(lon)
>>>>> ncl 331>
>>>>> ncl 332> rts at pmLegendDisplayMode = "Always" ; turn on
>>>>> legend
>>>>> ncl 333> rts at pmLegendSide = "Top" ; Change
>>>>> location of
>>>>> ncl 334> rts at pmLegendParallelPosF = 1.16 ; move
>>>>> units right
>>>>> ncl 335> rts at pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -0.50 ; move
>>>>> units down
>>>>> ncl 336> rts at pmLegendWidthF = 0.15 ; Change
>>>>> width and
>>>>> ncl 337> rts at pmLegendHeightF = 0.15 ; height
>>>>> of legend.
>>>>> ncl 338> rts at lgLabelFontHeightF = 0.0175
>>>>> ncl 339>
>>>>> ncl 340>
>>>>> ncl 341> rtsP = True ; modify
>>>>> the panel plot
>>>>> ncl 342> ; rtsP at gsnMaximize = True ; large
>>>>> format
>>>>> ncl 343> rtsP at gsnPanelMainString = "Multivariate EOF: 15S-15N:
>>>>> "+yrStrt+"-"+yrLast
>>>>> ncl 344>
>>>>> ncl 345> do n=0,neof-1
>>>>> ncl 346> rts at xyExplicitLegendLabels = (/"OLR: "+sprintf("%4.1f",
>>>>> pcv_eof_u200(n)) +"%" \
>>>>> ncl 346> ,"U850: "+sprintf("%4.1f",
>>>>> pcv_eof_u850(n))+"%" \
>>>>> ncl 346> ,"U200: "+sprintf("%4.1f",
>>>>> pcv_eof_olr(n))+"%" /)
>>>>> ncl 347> rts at gsnLeftString = "EOF "+(n+1)
>>>>> ncl 348> rts at gsnRightString = sprintf("%3.1f",ceof at pcvar(n)) +"%"
>>>>> ncl 349> plot(n) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,lon,ceof(:,n,:),rts)
>>>>> ncl 350> end do
>>>>> ncl 351> gsn_panel(wks,plot(0:1),(/2,1/),rtsP) ; now draw as one
>>>>> plot
>>>>> ncl 352>
>>>>> ncl 353> ;-----------------------------------------
>>>>> ncl 354> ; The following doesn't work with some older versions of NCL
>>>>> ncl 355> ; With old versions, the user must delete each individually.
>>>>> ncl 356> ;-----------------------------------------
>>>>> ncl 357> delete([/ rts at xyExplicitLegendLabels,
>>>>> rts at pmLegendDisplayMode \
>>>>> ncl 357> , rts at xyLineThicknesses , rts at gsnLeftString
>>>>> \
>>>>> ncl 357> , rts at gsnRightString , rts at xyLineColors
>>>>> \
>>>>> ncl 357> , rts at trXMaxF , rts at trXMinF
>>>>> /] )
>>>>> ncl 358>
>>>>> ncl 359> lag = ispan(-mxlag,mxlag,1)
>>>>> ncl 360> lag at long_name = "lag (days)"
>>>>> ncl 361>
>>>>> ncl 362> plot(0) = gsn_csm_xy (wks, lag
>>>>> ,ccr_12,rts)
>>>>> ncl 363> rtsP at gsnPanelMainString = "Cross Correlation:
>>>>> Multivariate EOF: 15S-15N: " \
>>>>> ncl 363> + yrStrt+"-"+yrLast
>>>>> ncl 364> rtsP at gsnPaperOrientation = "portrait" ; force
>>>>> portrait
>>>>> ncl 365> gsn_panel(wks,plot(0),(/1,1/),rtsP) ; now draw as one
>>>>> plot
>>>>> ncl 366>
>>>>> ncl 367> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 368> ; MJO "strong" index
>>>>> ncl 369> ;************************************************
>>>>> ncl 370> rts at gsnYRefLine = 1.0
>>>>> ncl 371> rts at gsnYRefLineColor = "black"
>>>>> ncl 372> rts at xyMonoDashPattern = True
>>>>> ncl 373> rts at xyLineColors = (/"black", "blue"/)
>>>>> ncl 374> rts at xyLineThicknesses = (/1, 2/)
>>>>> ncl 375> rts at pmLegendDisplayMode = "Always" ; turn on
>>>>> legend
>>>>> ncl 376> rts at pmLegendWidthF = 0.12 ; Change
>>>>> width and
>>>>> ncl 377> rts at pmLegendHeightF = 0.10 ; height
>>>>> of legend.
>>>>> ncl 378> rts at pmLegendParallelPosF = 0.86 ; move
>>>>> units right
>>>>> ncl 379> rts at pmLegendOrthogonalPosF = -0.40 ; move
>>>>> units down
>>>>> ncl 380> rts at xyExplicitLegendLabels = (/"daily", "91-day runavg" /)
>>>>> ncl 381>
>>>>> ncl 382> mjo_ind_plt = new ( (/2,ntim/), typeof(mjo_ts_index))
>>>>> ncl 383> mjo_ind_plt(0,:) = mjo_ts_index
>>>>> ncl 384> mjo_ind_plt(1,:) = (/ mjo_ts_index_smt /)
>>>>> ncl 385> plot(0) = gsn_csm_xy(wks, yrfrac,mjo_ind_plt,rts)
>>>>> ncl 386>
>>>>> ncl 387> rtsP at gsnPanelMainString = "MJO Index: (PC1^2+ PC2^2) :
>>>>> 15S-15N: "+yrStrt+"-"+yrLast
>>>>> ncl 388> gsn_panel(wks,plot(0),(/1,1/),rtsP) ; now draw as one
>>>>> plot
>>>>> ncl 389>
>>>>> ncl 390> end
>>>>> Thank you
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>>>>> ncl-talk at ucar.edu
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>>>> --
>>>> Adam Phillips
>>>> Associate Scientist, Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory, NCAR
>>>> www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli/ 303-497-1726
>>>> <http://www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli>
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> ncl-talk mailing list
>>> ncl-talk at ucar.edu
>>> List instructions, subscriber options, unsubscribe:
>>> http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/ncl-talk
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