[ncl-talk] grib projection conversion

Micah Sklut micahs2005 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 4 11:35:16 MST 2019

Thanks.  Still having trouble with this one. I get a return array in meters
from the transform_coordinate function. It doesn't look like I can get
output in degrees, so in order to convert my existing lat/lon grid into the
new x/y coordinates in meters, I would have to convert my initial lat/lon
coords to meters, and then I could use linint2?

On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 12:25 PM Rick Brownrigg <brownrig at ucar.edu> wrote:

> Yes, meters are the default units
> On Wednesday, December 4, 2019, Micah Sklut <micahs2005 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Perhaps it's converting to meters rather than degrees. The poles (90,
>> -90), come out as infinity, which makes sense for Mercator. I'll check out
>> the proj documentation to see what output options there are.
>> On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 11:56 AM Micah Sklut <micahs2005 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Thanks. I'll look at ndtooned(), but I did get the function to work, it
>>> just returns values that are way outside of the expected lat/lon range.
>>> Here's what my script looks like:
>>> data = "~/wc_data/data/"
>>> gfsFile = data + "gfs/gfs.t12z.pgrb2.0p25.f000.grb"
>>> f = addfile(gfsFile,"r");
>>> lat = f->lat_0;
>>> lon = f->lon_0;
>>> arraySize = dimsizes(lat) * dimsizes(lon)
>>> x = new( (/ arraySize /), double)
>>> y = new( (/ arraySize /), double)
>>> z = new( (/ arraySize /), double)
>>> latSize = dimsizes(lat)
>>> lonSize = dimsizes(lon)
>>> do j = 0, dimsizes(lat)-1
>>> coordStart = j * lonSize
>>> coordFinish = coordStart + lonSize - 1
>>> x(coordStart:coordFinish) = lon(:)
>>> y(coordStart:coordFinish) = lat(j)
>>> z(coordStart:coordFinish) = 0
>>> end do
>>> ;transform_coordinate(srcProj:string, dstProj:string, x[*]:double,
>>> y[*]:double, z[*]:double)
>>> transform_coordinate("+proj=lonlat +ellps=sphere", "+proj=merc", x, y, z)
>>> print(x)
>>> On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 11:50 AM Rick Brownrigg <brownrig at ucar.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Yes, you'll need to flatten your arrays into 1D. See the ndtooned() and
>>>> related functions for ways to do that.
>>>> On Wednesday, December 4, 2019, Micah Sklut <micahs2005 at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Rick. I think this transform_coordinate function will take care
>>>>> of my needs.
>>>>> In my case the gfs data has a latitude array of 1440, and longitude
>>>>> array of 721.  So, does this mean, I need to pass transform_coordinate a 1d
>>>>> array for X that shows latitude values for every coordinate? Meaning
>>>>> 1440x721 values? And, subsequently for Y? And, I"ll pass a 1d array for Z
>>>>> with all zeroes that have 1440x721 values.
>>>>> On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 5:13 PM Rick Brownrigg <brownrig at ucar.edu>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> NCL has an undocumented interface to the Proj4 cartographic
>>>>>> projection library that could produce coordinates in a Mercator projection,
>>>>>> given a list of lat/lons:
>>>>>>    transform_coordinate(srcProj:string, dstProj:string, x[*]:double,
>>>>>> y[*]:double, z[*]:double)
>>>>>> Where srcProj/dstProj are the "proj4 strings" describing the source
>>>>>> and destination projections. In your case, the srcProj would be something
>>>>>> like:
>>>>>>   "+proj=lonlat +ellps=sphere"     # I've encountered some instance
>>>>>> where things fail without specifying the ellipsoid
>>>>>> dest:
>>>>>>   "+proj=merc"
>>>>>> The x/y/z arrays are the same length; the z can be set to zeros if
>>>>>> real data unavailable. The conversion happens "in place".  More on proj4
>>>>>> here. Particularly if your area of interest is not global, there are likely
>>>>>> other parameters to the Mercator you might want to add, like center of
>>>>>> projection, etc:
>>>>>>     https://proj.org/
>>>>>> (Note, NCL's binding to proj4 is specifically the older v4.xxx
>>>>>> libraries, not the newer v.6. series. The proj-strings should be compatible
>>>>>> however)
>>>>>> Finally, I don't understand the bit about starting with a 1440x721
>>>>>> and ending up with a 1440x1440. It almost sounds like you'll need to regrid
>>>>>> to that density in lat/lon space prior to projecting.
>>>>>> Rick
>>>>>> On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 3:01 PM Micah Sklut via ncl-talk <
>>>>>> ncl-talk at ucar.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I'm interested in the best way to convert lat/lon and corresponding
>>>>>>> data values from GFS grib data into Mercator projection values. The use
>>>>>>> case is not for mapping in NCL, but taking an input grib file and
>>>>>>> converting values to an output grib file.
>>>>>>> The GFS data I have is 0.25x0.25, so 1440x721 values, so I believe
>>>>>>> I'm looking for the Mercator projection to provide 1440x1440 values, where
>>>>>>> the lat/lons are spaced according to the Mercator projection. Is there a
>>>>>>> conversion function in NCL that will do this?
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Micah Sklut
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Micah Sklut
>>> --
>>> Micah Sklut
>> --
>> Micah Sklut

Micah Sklut
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