[ncl-talk] Advice on extracting point locations from array
Will Hobbs
will.hobbs at utas.edu.au
Tue Oct 16 21:29:05 MDT 2018
Hi Dennis
Thanks for the reply; I’m already saving the profiles to file for later work, but I need to do this for 3 model experiments and ~15 CMIP5 models. The script is slow but low on memory and CPU burden, so maybe I just need to dip my toe into parallel processing…
>I'm not sure how the underlying netCDF software would implement something like
>Tprof = fi->T(pInd(:,0),:,pInd(:,1),pInd(:,2))
For future reference, it returns a HUGE array, because each time index will have every profile’s lat and every profile’s lon, so the array is (nprofile x nlev nprofile x nprofile). With a small number of profiles (i.e. less than the time, lat, and lon dimensions) it would be fine, but I have ~50,000.
From: Dennis Shea <shea at ucar.edu>
Date: Wednesday, 17 October 2018 at 12:45 PM
To: Will Hobbs <will.hobbs at utas.edu.au>
Cc: Ncl-talk <ncl-talk at ucar.edu>
Subject: Re: [ncl-talk] Advice on extracting point locations from array
'Brain Trust' ... "great idea" ===> Nope ... Sorry
I don't think the loop can be replaced by array operations. I'm not sure how the underlying netCDF software would implement something like
Tprof = fi->T(pInd(:,0),:,pInd(:,1),pInd(:,2))
nprofile = ...
nlev = ...
Tprof = new((/nprofile,nlev/),float) ; reorder from your code
begTime = get_cpu_time()
do i = 0, nprofile-1
Tprof(i,:) = fi->T(pInd(i,0),:,pInd(i,1),pInd(i,2)) ;pInd is an array with coord triplets
end do
print("Tprof generation time: " + (get_cpu_time() - begTime)+" seconds; nprofile="+nprofile)
If it takes a long time, I'd suggest saving the created variable(s) in a netCDF file. Untested:
; netCDF
netCDF = True
if (netCDF) then
profile = ispan(0,nprofile-1,1) ; or, ispan(1,nprofile,1)
profile at long_name = "Profile Number"
profile!0 = "profile"
profile&profile = profile
TIME = fi->time(pInd(:,0))
LAT = fi->lat(pInd(:,1))
LON = fi->lon(pInd(:,2))
Tprof!0= "profile"
TIME!0 = "profile"
LAT!0 = "profile"
LON!0 = "profile"
Tprof&profile = profile
TIME&profile = profile
LAT&profile = profile
LON&profile = profile
dir_nc = "./"
fil_nc = "FOO.nc<http://FOO.nc>"
pth_nc = dir_nc + fil_nc
system("/bin/rm -f "+pth_nc) ; remove any pre-existing file
ncdf = addfile(pth_nc ,"c") ; open output netCDF file
; Create global attributes of the file (optional)
fAtt = True ; assign file attributes
fAtt at title = "Selected Profiles"
;fAtt at source_info = "..."
fAtt at Conventions = "None"
fAtt at creation_date = systemfunc ("date")
fileattdef( ncdf, fAtt ) ; copy file attributes
; Make profile an UNLIMITED dimension; recommended for most applications
; Allows for future profiles to be appended
; output variable(s) directly; NCL will call appropriate functions
ncdf->TIME = TIME
ncdf->LAT = LAT
ncdf->LON = LON
ncdf->TPROF = Tprof
end if ; netCDF
On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 11:53 PM Will Hobbs <will.hobbs at utas.edu.au<mailto:will.hobbs at utas.edu.au>> wrote:
Hi all
This one is for the NCL ‘Brains Trust’. I’m extracting a large number of ocean profiles from a 4-d array (dimensioned time,depth,lat,lon), using coordinate triplets based on time,lat and lon, (i.e. a 2-d array of indices dimensioned nprofile, 3), but it’s a slow process and I wonder if anyone has any smart ideas on speeding it up.
At the moment (partly to manage memory), I’m reading each profile in a loop, viz:
Tprof = new((/nlev,nprofile/),float)
do i = 0, nprofile-1
Tprof(:,i) = fi->T(pInd(i,0),:,pInd(i,1),pInd(i,2)) ;pInd is an array with coord triplets
end do
Obviously one obvious way of speeding things up would be to read the entire array of input data and extract the locations, to avoid multiple i/o calls. What I really want to do though is somehow get rid of the loop entirely. Is there any way of extracting coordinate pairs (or in this case triplets) without looping through each profile?
The only way I can think of is to turn the input array (T in my example above) into a 1-d array, and somehow convert ‘pInd’ into the elements of that 1-d array – this seems fraught with opportunity for error though. Catastrophic error I can deal with – it’s the sneaky, inobvious error that scares me….
Hoping someone has a great idea….
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