[ncl-talk] Dividing a legend over 2 cells in a matrix plot

Toni Klemm toni-klemm at tamu.edu
Mon Jul 30 12:45:39 MDT 2018

Hi Adam,

The legend now appears in the plot matrix, but it’s too large and overlaps with the other plots. I attached it again. 

I tried to incorporate your suggestions as best I could, but I my script structure might be different from yours, so I might have done it wrong. I included my script below.

I used lgLabelFontHeightF, vpWidthF, and vpHeightF at the end of the script to reduce the size but it didn’t work. I also set lgAutoManage = False , just in case, but I still wasn’t able to change the size.

Thank you again for your help!


Toni Klemm, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Department of Ecosystem Science and Management
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Contributor at the Early Career Climate Forum <http://www.eccforum.org/>
www.toni-klemm.de <http://www.toni-klemm.de/> | @toniklemm <http://twitter.com/toniklemm>

; Create time series plots of NPP stored in the 9 different functional groups in each climate zone
; 9 groups per plot, 16 plots (zones) per matrix

; ---------------------------------------------------

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "~/NIFA/NCL_6.5.0_functions/simple_legend_ndc.ncl"

; ---------------------------------------------------


RCP_list = [/"rcp_45","rcp_85"/]
fs_list = [/"fs","nfs"/]
model_list = [/"CCSM4","GFDL-ESM2M","HadGEM2-ES365","IPSL-CM5A-LR","MRI-CGCM3"/]

RCP_title = [/"RCP 4.5","RCP 8.5"/]
fs_title = [/"Fire Suppr. on","Fire Suppr. off"/]
model_title = [/"CCSM4","GFDL-ESM2M","HadGEM2-ES365","IPSL-CM5A-LR","MRI-CGCM3"/]

do h = 0, ListCount(RCP_list) - 1 

  do i = 0, ListCount(fs_list) - 1 

    do j = 0, ListCount(model_list) - 1 

  ; ***********************************************
  ; 1 - READ IN MC2 FILE
  ; ***********************************************

	print("~/NIFA/MC2/subset_climate_zones/" + RCP_list[h](0) + "/" + fs_list[i](0) + "/" + model_list[j](0))
  print("1 - Read in files")
	diri = "~/NIFA/MC2/subset_climate_zones/" + RCP_list[h](0) + "/" + fs_list[i](0) + "/" + model_list[j](0) + "/NPP_GROUPED/"

  zone_01_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_NPP_grouped_zone_01.nc","r")
  zone_02_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_NPP_grouped_zone_02.nc","r")
  zone_03_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_NPP_grouped_zone_03.nc","r")
  zone_04_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_NPP_grouped_zone_04.nc","r")
  zone_05_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_NPP_grouped_zone_05.nc","r")
  zone_06_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_NPP_grouped_zone_06.nc","r")
  zone_07_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_NPP_grouped_zone_07.nc","r")
  zone_08_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_NPP_grouped_zone_08.nc","r")
  zone_09_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_NPP_grouped_zone_09.nc","r")
  zone_10_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_NPP_grouped_zone_10.nc","r")
  zone_11_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_NPP_grouped_zone_11.nc","r")
  zone_12_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_NPP_grouped_zone_12.nc","r")
  zone_13_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_NPP_grouped_zone_13.nc","r")
  zone_14_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_NPP_grouped_zone_14.nc","r")
  zone_15_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_NPP_grouped_zone_15.nc","r")
  zone_16_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_NPP_grouped_zone_16.nc","r")

  ; ***********************************************
  ; ***********************************************

  print("2 - Create Plot Matrix")

  diro = "~/NIFA/MC2/subset_climate_zones/time_series/NPP/all_zones_all_groups/"
  filo = RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_NPP_percentage_all_zones_all_groups_TEST_simple_legend_ndc"
  wks_type = "png"          ; plot file type
  wks_type at wkWidth = 3500   ; width dimension
  wks_type at wkHeight = 3500  ; height dimension

  wks = gsn_open_wks(wks_type, diro + filo)

  gsn_define_colormap(wks,"wgne15")     ; define colormap


  res               = True
  res at trYMinF       = 0					; min  y axis value
  res at trYMaxF       = 100			 	; max  y axis value
  res at trXMinF       = 2015    	; min  y axis value
  res at trXMaxF       = 2100    	; max  x axis value
  res at tmXBMinorOn   = True 			; turn off minor tickmarks
  res at tmYLMinorOn   = True
  res at tmXTOn        = False 		; turn off top tickmarks
  res at tmYROn        = False 		; turn off right tickmarks
  res at tmXTBorderOn  = False 		; turn off top axis
  res at tmYRBorderOn  = False 		; turn off right axis

  res at tiXAxisString = "Years" ; titles
  res at tiYAxisString = "%"

  res at tmYLLabelFontHeightF       = 0.03 ; set font heights
  res at gsnRightStringFontHeightF  = 0.03
  res at tiXAxisFontHeightF         = 0.03
  res at tiYAxisFontHeightF         = 0.03

  res at vpWidthF       = .8  ; change aspect ratio
  res at vpHeightF      = .4

  res at gsnDraw       = False ; don't draw or advance the frame
  res at gsnFrame      = False 

	res at xyDashPattern  = 0		; Make curves all solid
	res at xyLineColors := (/"blue","red","orange","black","green","pink","brown","purple","grey"/) ; 9 different colors
	res at xyLineThicknesses = (/10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10/)		; make second line thicker

  plot = new(18,graphic)                ; create 18-plot array
  x    = (/0,1/) ; arrays for fack axis
  y    = (/0,0/)

  do gg = 0,15
    plot(gg) = gsn_csm_xy(wks,x,y,res)
  end do


  print("3 - Read in plot variables")

	year = zone_01_f->year

	units = "%"

	data_01 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
	data_02 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
	data_03 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
	data_04 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
	data_05 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
	data_06 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
	data_07 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
	data_08 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
	data_09 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
	data_10 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
	data_11 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
	data_12 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
	data_13 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
	data_14 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
	data_15 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
	data_16 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)

	print("3a   - Zone 1")

	data_01(0,:) = zone_01_f->NPP_C3G_percentage
	data_01(1,:) = zone_01_f->NPP_C3S_percentage
	data_01(2,:) = zone_01_f->NPP_C4G_percentage
	data_01(3,:) = zone_01_f->NPP_C4S_percentage
	data_01(4,:) = zone_01_f->NPP_OTHER_percentage
	data_01(5,:) = zone_01_f->NPP_SF_percentage
	data_01(6,:) = zone_01_f->NPP_SW_percentage
	data_01(7,:) = zone_01_f->NPP_TF_percentage
	data_01(8,:) = zone_01_f->NPP_TW_percentage
	ALL_data_01	 = zone_01_f->NPP_ALL_annual

	print("3a   - Zone 2")

	data_02(0,:) = zone_02_f->NPP_C3G_percentage
	data_02(1,:) = zone_02_f->NPP_C3S_percentage
	data_02(2,:) = zone_02_f->NPP_C4G_percentage
	data_02(3,:) = zone_02_f->NPP_C4S_percentage
	data_02(4,:) = zone_02_f->NPP_OTHER_percentage
	data_02(5,:) = zone_02_f->NPP_SF_percentage
	data_02(6,:) = zone_02_f->NPP_SW_percentage
	data_02(7,:) = zone_02_f->NPP_TF_percentage
	data_02(8,:) = zone_02_f->NPP_TW_percentage
	ALL_data_02	 = zone_02_f->NPP_ALL_annual

	print("3a   - Zone 3")

	data_03(0,:) = zone_03_f->NPP_C3G_percentage
	data_03(1,:) = zone_03_f->NPP_C3S_percentage
	data_03(2,:) = zone_03_f->NPP_C4G_percentage
	data_03(3,:) = zone_03_f->NPP_C4S_percentage
	data_03(4,:) = zone_03_f->NPP_OTHER_percentage
	data_03(5,:) = zone_03_f->NPP_SF_percentage
	data_03(6,:) = zone_03_f->NPP_SW_percentage
	data_03(7,:) = zone_03_f->NPP_TF_percentage
	data_03(8,:) = zone_03_f->NPP_TW_percentage
	ALL_data_03	 = zone_03_f->NPP_ALL_annual

	print("3a   - Zone 4")

	data_04(0,:) = zone_04_f->NPP_C3G_percentage
	data_04(1,:) = zone_04_f->NPP_C3S_percentage
	data_04(2,:) = zone_04_f->NPP_C4G_percentage
	data_04(3,:) = zone_04_f->NPP_C4S_percentage
	data_04(4,:) = zone_04_f->NPP_OTHER_percentage
	data_04(5,:) = zone_04_f->NPP_SF_percentage
	data_04(6,:) = zone_04_f->NPP_SW_percentage
	data_04(7,:) = zone_04_f->NPP_TF_percentage
	data_04(8,:) = zone_04_f->NPP_TW_percentage
	ALL_data_04	 = zone_04_f->NPP_ALL_annual

	print("3a   - Zone 5")

	data_05(0,:) = zone_05_f->NPP_C3G_percentage
	data_05(1,:) = zone_05_f->NPP_C3S_percentage
	data_05(2,:) = zone_05_f->NPP_C4G_percentage
	data_05(3,:) = zone_05_f->NPP_C4S_percentage
	data_05(4,:) = zone_05_f->NPP_OTHER_percentage
	data_05(5,:) = zone_05_f->NPP_SF_percentage
	data_05(6,:) = zone_05_f->NPP_SW_percentage
	data_05(7,:) = zone_05_f->NPP_TF_percentage
	data_05(8,:) = zone_05_f->NPP_TW_percentage
	ALL_data_05	 = zone_05_f->NPP_ALL_annual

	print("3a   - Zone 6")

	data_06(0,:) = zone_06_f->NPP_C3G_percentage
	data_06(1,:) = zone_06_f->NPP_C3S_percentage
	data_06(2,:) = zone_06_f->NPP_C4G_percentage
	data_06(3,:) = zone_06_f->NPP_C4S_percentage
	data_06(4,:) = zone_06_f->NPP_OTHER_percentage
	data_06(5,:) = zone_06_f->NPP_SF_percentage
	data_06(6,:) = zone_06_f->NPP_SW_percentage
	data_06(7,:) = zone_06_f->NPP_TF_percentage
	data_06(8,:) = zone_06_f->NPP_TW_percentage
	ALL_data_06	 = zone_06_f->NPP_ALL_annual

	print("3a   - Zone 7")

	data_07(0,:) = zone_07_f->NPP_C3G_percentage
	data_07(1,:) = zone_07_f->NPP_C3S_percentage
	data_07(2,:) = zone_07_f->NPP_C4G_percentage
	data_07(3,:) = zone_07_f->NPP_C4S_percentage
	data_07(4,:) = zone_07_f->NPP_OTHER_percentage
	data_07(5,:) = zone_07_f->NPP_SF_percentage
	data_07(6,:) = zone_07_f->NPP_SW_percentage
	data_07(7,:) = zone_07_f->NPP_TF_percentage
	data_07(8,:) = zone_07_f->NPP_TW_percentage
	ALL_data_07	 = zone_07_f->NPP_ALL_annual

	print("3a   - Zone 8")

	data_08(0,:) = zone_08_f->NPP_C3G_percentage
	data_08(1,:) = zone_08_f->NPP_C3S_percentage
	data_08(2,:) = zone_08_f->NPP_C4G_percentage
	data_08(3,:) = zone_08_f->NPP_C4S_percentage
	data_08(4,:) = zone_08_f->NPP_OTHER_percentage
	data_08(5,:) = zone_08_f->NPP_SF_percentage
	data_08(6,:) = zone_08_f->NPP_SW_percentage
	data_08(7,:) = zone_08_f->NPP_TF_percentage
	data_08(8,:) = zone_08_f->NPP_TW_percentage
	ALL_data_08	 = zone_08_f->NPP_ALL_annual

	print("3a   - Zone 9")

	data_09(0,:) = zone_09_f->NPP_C3G_percentage
	data_09(1,:) = zone_09_f->NPP_C3S_percentage
	data_09(2,:) = zone_09_f->NPP_C4G_percentage
	data_09(3,:) = zone_09_f->NPP_C4S_percentage
	data_09(4,:) = zone_09_f->NPP_OTHER_percentage
	data_09(5,:) = zone_09_f->NPP_SF_percentage
	data_09(6,:) = zone_09_f->NPP_SW_percentage
	data_09(7,:) = zone_09_f->NPP_TF_percentage
	data_09(8,:) = zone_09_f->NPP_TW_percentage
	ALL_data_09	 = zone_09_f->NPP_ALL_annual

	print("3a   - Zone 10")

	data_10(0,:) = zone_10_f->NPP_C3G_percentage
	data_10(1,:) = zone_10_f->NPP_C3S_percentage
	data_10(2,:) = zone_10_f->NPP_C4G_percentage
	data_10(3,:) = zone_10_f->NPP_C4S_percentage
	data_10(4,:) = zone_10_f->NPP_OTHER_percentage
	data_10(5,:) = zone_10_f->NPP_SF_percentage
	data_10(6,:) = zone_10_f->NPP_SW_percentage
	data_10(7,:) = zone_10_f->NPP_TF_percentage
	data_10(8,:) = zone_10_f->NPP_TW_percentage
	ALL_data_10	 = zone_10_f->NPP_ALL_annual

	print("3a   - Zone 11")

	data_11(0,:) = zone_11_f->NPP_C3G_percentage
	data_11(1,:) = zone_11_f->NPP_C3S_percentage
	data_11(2,:) = zone_11_f->NPP_C4G_percentage
	data_11(3,:) = zone_11_f->NPP_C4S_percentage
	data_11(4,:) = zone_11_f->NPP_OTHER_percentage
	data_11(5,:) = zone_11_f->NPP_SF_percentage
	data_11(6,:) = zone_11_f->NPP_SW_percentage
	data_11(7,:) = zone_11_f->NPP_TF_percentage
	data_11(8,:) = zone_11_f->NPP_TW_percentage
	ALL_data_11	 = zone_11_f->NPP_ALL_annual

	print("3a   - Zone 12")

	data_12(0,:) = zone_12_f->NPP_C3G_percentage
	data_12(1,:) = zone_12_f->NPP_C3S_percentage
	data_12(2,:) = zone_12_f->NPP_C4G_percentage
	data_12(3,:) = zone_12_f->NPP_C4S_percentage
	data_12(4,:) = zone_12_f->NPP_OTHER_percentage
	data_12(5,:) = zone_12_f->NPP_SF_percentage
	data_12(6,:) = zone_12_f->NPP_SW_percentage
	data_12(7,:) = zone_12_f->NPP_TF_percentage
	data_12(8,:) = zone_12_f->NPP_TW_percentage
	ALL_data_12	 = zone_12_f->NPP_ALL_annual

	print("3a   - Zone 13")

	data_13(0,:) = zone_13_f->NPP_C3G_percentage
	data_13(1,:) = zone_13_f->NPP_C3S_percentage
	data_13(2,:) = zone_13_f->NPP_C4G_percentage
	data_13(3,:) = zone_13_f->NPP_C4S_percentage
	data_13(4,:) = zone_13_f->NPP_OTHER_percentage
	data_13(5,:) = zone_13_f->NPP_SF_percentage
	data_13(6,:) = zone_13_f->NPP_SW_percentage
	data_13(7,:) = zone_13_f->NPP_TF_percentage
	data_13(8,:) = zone_13_f->NPP_TW_percentage
	ALL_data_13	 = zone_13_f->NPP_ALL_annual

	print("3a   - Zone 14")

	data_14(0,:) = zone_14_f->NPP_C3G_percentage
	data_14(1,:) = zone_14_f->NPP_C3S_percentage
	data_14(2,:) = zone_14_f->NPP_C4G_percentage
	data_14(3,:) = zone_14_f->NPP_C4S_percentage
	data_14(4,:) = zone_14_f->NPP_OTHER_percentage
	data_14(5,:) = zone_14_f->NPP_SF_percentage
	data_14(6,:) = zone_14_f->NPP_SW_percentage
	data_14(7,:) = zone_14_f->NPP_TF_percentage
	data_14(8,:) = zone_14_f->NPP_TW_percentage
	ALL_data_14	 = zone_14_f->NPP_ALL_annual

	print("3a   - Zone 15")

	data_15(0,:) = zone_15_f->NPP_C3G_percentage
	data_15(1,:) = zone_15_f->NPP_C3S_percentage
	data_15(2,:) = zone_15_f->NPP_C4G_percentage
	data_15(3,:) = zone_15_f->NPP_C4S_percentage
	data_15(4,:) = zone_15_f->NPP_OTHER_percentage
	data_15(5,:) = zone_15_f->NPP_SF_percentage
	data_15(6,:) = zone_15_f->NPP_SW_percentage
	data_15(7,:) = zone_15_f->NPP_TF_percentage
	data_15(8,:) = zone_15_f->NPP_TW_percentage
	ALL_data_15	 = zone_15_f->NPP_ALL_annual

	print("3a   - Zone 16")

	data_16(0,:) = zone_16_f->NPP_C3G_percentage
	data_16(1,:) = zone_16_f->NPP_C3S_percentage
	data_16(2,:) = zone_16_f->NPP_C4G_percentage
	data_16(3,:) = zone_16_f->NPP_C4S_percentage
	data_16(4,:) = zone_16_f->NPP_OTHER_percentage
	data_16(5,:) = zone_16_f->NPP_SF_percentage
	data_16(6,:) = zone_16_f->NPP_SW_percentage
	data_16(7,:) = zone_16_f->NPP_TF_percentage
	data_16(8,:) = zone_16_f->NPP_TW_percentage
	ALL_data_16	 = zone_16_f->NPP_ALL_annual


	print("4 - Create individual plots")

	print("4a   - Zone 1")

  res at gsnRightString = "Zone 1" ; title
  res at gsnLeftString  = "Avg.: "  + decimalPlaces(dim_avg_n(ALL_data_01,0)/1000000,1,True) + " t C m^-2"
	plot(0) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,year,data_01,res) ; create plot
	print("4a   - Zone 2")

  res at gsnRightString = "Zone 2" ; title
  res at gsnLeftString  = "Avg.: "  + decimalPlaces(dim_avg_n(ALL_data_02,0)/1000000,1,True) + " t C m^-2"
	plot(1) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,year,data_02,res) ; create plot
	print("4a   - Zone 3")

  res at gsnRightString = "Zone 3" ; title
  res at gsnLeftString  = "Avg.: "  + decimalPlaces(dim_avg_n(ALL_data_03,0)/1000000,1,True) + " t C m^-2"
	plot(2) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,year,data_03,res) ; create plot
	print("4a   - Zone 4")

  res at gsnRightString = "Zone 4" ; title
  res at gsnLeftString  = "Avg.: "  + decimalPlaces(dim_avg_n(ALL_data_04,0)/1000000,1,True) + " t C m^-2"
	plot(3) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,year,data_04,res) ; create plot
	print("4a   - Zone 5")

  res at gsnRightString = "Zone 5" ; title
  res at gsnLeftString  = "Avg.: "  + decimalPlaces(dim_avg_n(ALL_data_05,0)/1000000,1,True) + " t C m^-2"
	plot(4) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,year,data_05,res) ; create plot
	print("4a   - Zone 6")

  res at gsnRightString = "Zone 6" ; title
  res at gsnLeftString  = "Avg.: "  + decimalPlaces(dim_avg_n(ALL_data_06,0)/1000000,1,True) + " t C m^-2"
	plot(5) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,year,data_06,res) ; create plot
	print("4a   - Zone 7")

  res at gsnRightString = "Zone 7" ; title
  res at gsnLeftString  = "Avg.: "  + decimalPlaces(dim_avg_n(ALL_data_07,0)/1000000,1,True) + " t C m^-2"
	plot(6) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,year,data_07,res) ; create plot
	print("4a   - Zone 8")

  res at gsnRightString = "Zone 8" ; title
  res at gsnLeftString  = "Avg.: "  + decimalPlaces(dim_avg_n(ALL_data_08,0)/1000000,1,True) + " t C m^-2"
	plot(7) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,year,data_08,res) ; create plot
	print("4a   - Zone 9")

  res at gsnRightString = "Zone 9" ; title
  res at gsnLeftString  = "Avg.: "  + decimalPlaces(dim_avg_n(ALL_data_09,0)/1000000,1,True) + " t C m^-2"
	plot(8) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,year,data_09,res) ; create plot
	print("4a   - Zone 10")

  res at gsnRightString = "Zone 10" ; title
  res at gsnLeftString  = "Avg.: "  + decimalPlaces(dim_avg_n(ALL_data_10,0)/1000000,1,True) + " t C m^-2"
	plot(9) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,year,data_10,res) ; create plot
	print("4a   - Zone 11")

  res at gsnRightString = "Zone 11" ; title
  res at gsnLeftString  = "Avg.: "  + decimalPlaces(dim_avg_n(ALL_data_11,0)/1000000,1,True) + " t C m^-2"
	plot(10) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,year,data_11,res) ; create plot
	print("4a   - Zone 12")

  res at gsnRightString = "Zone 12" ; title
  res at gsnLeftString  = "Avg.: "  + decimalPlaces(dim_avg_n(ALL_data_12,0)/1000000,1,True) + " t C m^-2"
	plot(11) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,year,data_12,res) ; create plot
	print("4a   - Zone 13")

  res at gsnRightString = "Zone 13" ; title
  res at gsnLeftString  = "Avg.: "  + decimalPlaces(dim_avg_n(ALL_data_13,0)/1000000,1,True) + " t C m^-2"
	plot(12) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,year,data_13,res) ; create plot
	print("4a   - Zone 14")

  res at gsnRightString = "Zone 14" ; title
  res at gsnLeftString  = "Avg.: "  + decimalPlaces(dim_avg_n(ALL_data_14,0)/1000000,1,True) + " t C m^-2"
	plot(13) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,year,data_14,res) ; create plot
	print("4a   - Zone 15")

  res at gsnRightString = "Zone 15" ; title
  res at gsnLeftString  = "Avg.: "  + decimalPlaces(dim_avg_n(ALL_data_15,0)/1000000,1,True) + " t C m^-2"
	plot(14) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,year,data_15,res) ; create plot
	print("4a   - Zone 16")

  res at gsnRightString = "Zone 16" ; title
  res at gsnLeftString  = "Avg.: "  + decimalPlaces(dim_avg_n(ALL_data_16,0)/1000000,1,True) + " t C m^-2"
	plot(15) = gsn_csm_xy (wks,year,data_16,res) ; create plot


	print("5 - Create legend")

  gres             = True
  gres at YPosPercent = 25	   ; expressed as %, 0->100, sets position of top border of legend
                           ;  when gres at Position is set to its default setting of "Top" (Default = 95.)
  gres at XPosPercent = 50	   ; expressed as %, 0->100, sets position of left border of legend(Default = 5.)
  gres at vpHeightF   = 0.5   ; height of legend (NDC)
  gres at vpWidth     = 1     ; height of legend (NDC)

  lineres                   = True
  lineres at lgAutoManage      = False
  lineres at lgLineColors      = (/"blue","red","orange","black","green","pink","brown","purple","grey"/)
  lineres at lgLineThicknesses = 10					; line thicknesses
  lineres at LineLengthPercent = 5.					; expressed as %, 0->100, length of line

  textres                    = True
  textres at lgAutoManage       = False
  textres at lgLabels           = (/"C3 grassland","C3 shrubland","C4 grassland","C4 shrubland","Other","Subtropical forest","Subtropical woodland","Temperate forest","Temperate woodland"/)  ; legend labels (required)
  textres at lgLabelFontHeightF = .01   ; set the legend label font thickness
  textres at vpHeightF          = 0.5   ; height of legend (NDC)
  textres at vpWidthF           = 1     ; height of legend (NDC)


  var_long_name_01 = (/"C3 grassland","C3 shrubland","C4 grassland","C4 shrubland","Other"/)
  var_long_name_02 = (/"Subtropical forest","Subtropical woodland","Temperate forest","Temperate woodland"/)

; line colors: "blue","red","orange","black","green","pink","brown","purple","grey"

; Legend elements 1-5 	
  lgres                    = True
  lgres at lgAutoManage       = True
  lgres at lgLineColors       = (/"blue","red","orange","black","green"/)
  lgres at lgLineThicknessF   = res at xyLineThicknesses  ; legend line thickness = contour line thickness
  lgres at lgItemType         = "Lines"        				; show lines only (default)
  lgres at lgItemCount        = 5											; Number of items
  lgres at lgLabelFontHeightF = .04            				; set the legend label font thickness
  lgres at vpWidthF           = 1		           				; width of legend (NDC)
  lgres at vpHeightF          = 1    	        				; height of legend (NDC)
  lgres at lgPerimColor       = "white"	       				; draw the box perimeter in orange
  lgres at lgPerimThicknessF  = 1.0            				; thicken the box perimeter
  plot(16) = gsn_create_legend(wks,5,var_long_name_01,lgres)         ; create legend

; Legend elements 6-9 
  gres = True
  gres at YPosPercent = 5.		; expressed as %, 0->100, sets position of top border of legend
													; 0 = bottom of plot, 100 = top of plot
  gres at XPosPercent = 50		; expressed as %, 0->100, sets position of left border of legend
  												; 0 = left side of plot

  lgres                    = True
  lgres at lgAutoManage       = False
  lgres at lgLineColors       = (/"pink","brown","purple","grey"/)
  lgres at lgLineThicknessF   = res at xyLineThicknesses  ; legend line thickness = 1/2 contour line thickness
  lgres at lgItemType         = "Lines"        				; show lines only (default)
  lgres at lgItemCount	   = 4											; Number of items
  lgres at lgLabelFontHeightF = .04            				; set the legend label font thickness
  lgres at vpWidthF           = 1		           				; width of legend (NDC)
  lgres at vpHeightF          = 1    	        				; height of legend (NDC)
  lgres at lgPerimColor       = "white"	       				; draw the box perimeter in orange
  lgres at lgPerimThicknessF  = 1.0            				; thicken the box perimeter
  plot(17) = gsn_create_legend(wks,gres,var_long_name_02,lgres)         ; create legend

	; Legend elements 1-9 	
  lgres                    = True
  lgres at lgAutoManage	   = False
  lgres at lgLineColors       = (/"blue","red","orange","black","green","pink","brown","purple","grey"/)
  lgres at lgLineThicknessF   = 5  										; legend line thickness
  lgres at lgItemType         = "Lines"        				; show lines only (default)
  lgres at lgItemCount        = 9											; Number of items
  lgres at lgLabelFontHeightF = .01            				; set the legend label font thickness
  lgres at vpWidthF           = 0.5		           				; width of legend (NDC)
  lgres at vpHeightF          = 1    	        				; height of legend (NDC)
  lgres at lgPerimColor       = "white"	       				; draw the box perimeter in orange
  lgres at lgPerimThicknessF  = 1.0            				; thicken the box perimeter
  plot(16) = gsn_create_legend(wks,9,(/"C3-G","C3-S","C4-G","C4-S","Other","SF","SW","TF","TW"/),lgres)         ; create legend

; panel plots together

	print("6 - Create plot matrix")

  pres                 = True
  pres at gsnMaximize     = False
  pres at gsnPanelRowSpec = True
  pres at gsnPanelCenter  = False
  pres at gsnFrame        = False
  pres at gsnPanelXWhiteSpacePercent	= 10	; horizontal white space between columns in percent
  pres at gsnPanelYWhiteSpacePercent	= 5		; vertical white space between rows in percent
  pres at gsnPanelMainString = RCP_title[h](0) + " | " + fs_title[i](0) + " | " + model_title[j](0) + " | NPP per func. group"
  pres at tiMainFontHeightF  = 0.04
  pres at tiMainFont         = 21
  pres at gsnPanelXF  = (/-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1/)



	print("**** DONE ****")

		end do	; end model list loop

	end do	; end fs list loop

end do 	; end RCP list loop

print("**** ALL DONE ****")


> On Jul 30, 2018, at 12:18 PM, Adam Phillips <asphilli at ucar.edu> wrote:
> Hi Toni,
> The order should likely be something like this:
> res = True
> .....
> plot = new(16, graphic)
> do gg = 0,15
> plot(gg) = gsn_csm_xy(wks,...,res)
> end do
> panres = True  ; panel resource list
> panres at gsnFrame = False   ; do not flip the page after calling gsn_panel
> ...
> gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/6,3/),panres)
> gres = True
> gres at YPosPercent = 15.    ; expressed as %, 0->100, sets position of top border of legend
>                             ;  when gres at Position is set to its default setting of "Top" (Default = 95.)
> gres at XPosPercent = 35.      ; expressed as %, 0->100, sets position of left border of legend(Default = 5.
> lineres = True 
> ...
> textres = True
> ....
> simple_legend_ndc(wks,gres,lineres,textres)
> frame(wks)   ; flip the page (/finish the plot)
> Note that I set the gres at YPosPercent = 15 which will mean the top of the legend will start at 15% of the way up the page, and gres at XPosPercent = 35 which will result in the legend starting 35% of the way over from the left side of the page. You will likely have to alter these settings a bit.
> Hope that helps. In the future, please include ncl-talk on all replies so that others in the future can see the issue resolution.
> Adam 
> On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 11:09 AM Toni Klemm <toni-klemm at tamu.edu <mailto:toni-klemm at tamu.edu>> wrote:
> Hi Adam,
> That worked! It plotted the legend, and without any graph because I commented that out. How do I get it to appear in my matrix plot, in the bottom center? I attached that plot for reference. Originally I assigned the legend "plot(16)" because plot 16 would be the bottom center. But that’s when I got the error message. “plot” is an graphics array with 18 elements ("plot = new(18,graphic)”) Is that the problem?
> Thank you again,
> Toni
> Toni Klemm, Ph.D.
> Postdoctoral Research Associate
> Department of Ecosystem Science and Management
> Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
> Contributor at the Early Career Climate Forum <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.eccforum.org&d=DwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=WsLJ5ywbW3XnTzqo_ETV62H6s1a5bcGgnrpl7xPRfic&m=vZDXoNZVh-FHQeBimjUETu1oZnRy5LXMitrIB6z2EeY&s=uuJLFqTkjxdif_aJ0nFmcD7xTUrwa7ywQvg4LInDJmM&e=>
> www.toni-klemm.de <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.toni-2Dklemm.de&d=DwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=WsLJ5ywbW3XnTzqo_ETV62H6s1a5bcGgnrpl7xPRfic&m=vZDXoNZVh-FHQeBimjUETu1oZnRy5LXMitrIB6z2EeY&s=U0Y5rnows5YR473sgGxk8P53CHZkxTXOzoMSI46sPgI&e=> | @toniklemm <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__twitter.com_toniklemm&d=DwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=WsLJ5ywbW3XnTzqo_ETV62H6s1a5bcGgnrpl7xPRfic&m=vZDXoNZVh-FHQeBimjUETu1oZnRy5LXMitrIB6z2EeY&s=aWwtxR_l1qBEhQb4TrnxEXWIOddjAahWNAUxcVHnUgo&e=>
>> On Jul 30, 2018, at 11:52 AM, Adam Phillips <asphilli at ucar.edu <mailto:asphilli at ucar.edu>> wrote:
>> Hi Toni,
>> I think you're loading it correctly. Note though that simple_legend_ndc is a procedure, so nothing is returned from the procedure to the calling script.
>> Try changing this:
>> plot(16) = simple_legend_ndc(wks,gres,lineres,textres)
>> to this: 
>> simple_legend_ndc(wks,gres,lineres,textres)
>> Adam
>> On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 10:46 AM Toni Klemm <toni-klemm at tamu.edu <mailto:toni-klemm at tamu.edu>> wrote:
>> Hi Alex, thanks again! 
>> Unfortunately I’m still getting the error. I saved the function to my server space and loaded it at the beginning of the script like this:
>> load "~/NIFA/NCL_6.5.0_functions/simple_legend_ndc.ncl”
>> The command to execute it in the script looks like this (I used gres, lineres, and textres from the example to test it):
>> plot(16) = simple_legend_ndc(wks,gres,lineres,textres)
>> I also tried this:
>> plot(16) = simple_legend_ndc.ncl(wks,gres,lineres,textres)
>> but got the same error.
>> This is the error I’m getting:
>> fatal:syntax error: line 510 in file matrix_chart_NPP_percentage_all_zones_all_groups.ncl before or near simple_legend_ndc 
>>   plot(16) = simple_legend_ndc
>> -----------------------------^
>> Am I loading the function correctly? I’m not getting an error about it, so I assume it is loading correctly.
>> Thanks again,
>> Toni
>> Toni Klemm, Ph.D.
>> Postdoctoral Research Associate
>> Department of Ecosystem Science and Management
>> Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
>> Contributor at the Early Career Climate Forum <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.eccforum.org&d=DwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=WsLJ5ywbW3XnTzqo_ETV62H6s1a5bcGgnrpl7xPRfic&m=OCrz0F80P765WcmE1_9SOXWuUkltz4e82DSP0ufoLI4&s=C2brqs0P8JS044Qhu-m82ayNzyBbc2MpmxfprvHLvoc&e=>
>> www.toni-klemm.de <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.toni-2Dklemm.de&d=DwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=WsLJ5ywbW3XnTzqo_ETV62H6s1a5bcGgnrpl7xPRfic&m=OCrz0F80P765WcmE1_9SOXWuUkltz4e82DSP0ufoLI4&s=TYOC59ftTJQY1ImeUty7VwI_9hWYG7ERiUNyzAAKcts&e=> | @toniklemm <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__twitter.com_toniklemm&d=DwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=WsLJ5ywbW3XnTzqo_ETV62H6s1a5bcGgnrpl7xPRfic&m=OCrz0F80P765WcmE1_9SOXWuUkltz4e82DSP0ufoLI4&s=zQ1pM6aCfNyE08W1HkO8qwH86INpW5B6TBlVk7EJGV0&e=>
>>> On Jul 30, 2018, at 10:53 AM, Adam Phillips <asphilli at ucar.edu <mailto:asphilli at ucar.edu>> wrote:
>>> Hi Toni,
>>> I think all that you need to do is to load the simple_legend_ndc function (attached to my email from last week) at the top of your script (similar to how you load shea_util.ncl for instance), and you should be good to go. It shouldn't matter that you are running 6.4.0..
>>> Best,
>>> Adam
>>> I attached the simple_legend_ndc function to my reply last week; you just need to load it at the top of your script along with the other loaded libraries (like shea_util). I've attached it here.
>>> On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 8:45 AM Toni Klemm <toni-klemm at tamu.edu <mailto:toni-klemm at tamu.edu>> wrote:
>>> Hi Adam,
>>> Thank you for your advice, and apologies for not responding earlier. I tried the simple legend with the load command load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl”  at the beginning of the script because we don't have NCL 6.4.0 installed on our server yet. However, it says the function is not known.
>>> fatal:Undefined identifier: (simple_legend_ndc) is undefined, can't continue
>>> Do you have any advice?
>>> Thank you very much again,
>>> Toni
>>> Toni Klemm, Ph.D.
>>> Postdoctoral Research Associate
>>> Department of Ecosystem Science and Management
>>> Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
>>> Contributor at the Early Career Climate Forum <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.eccforum.org&d=DwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=WsLJ5ywbW3XnTzqo_ETV62H6s1a5bcGgnrpl7xPRfic&m=aupjGPUT6fmZ4kEnhCSyPXMqiaez4nh7TukgY_1pdvk&s=4wAJ_8zCD1BF0Ac_k6HP0uXMfaorLweGtBJ4GF3k-d0&e=>
>>> www.toni-klemm.de <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.toni-2Dklemm.de&d=DwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=WsLJ5ywbW3XnTzqo_ETV62H6s1a5bcGgnrpl7xPRfic&m=aupjGPUT6fmZ4kEnhCSyPXMqiaez4nh7TukgY_1pdvk&s=1kxpnXpMMEmtPRrOQU2uzmDKpLuOYNFMJVIG8Sha0JU&e=> | @toniklemm <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__twitter.com_toniklemm&d=DwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=WsLJ5ywbW3XnTzqo_ETV62H6s1a5bcGgnrpl7xPRfic&m=aupjGPUT6fmZ4kEnhCSyPXMqiaez4nh7TukgY_1pdvk&s=kf-sdX-xqbtWPzlqPotMrY9hASfuiPFavVF9B4AoxhA&e=>
>>>> On Jul 26, 2018, at 11:21 PM, Adam Phillips <asphilli at ucar.edu <mailto:asphilli at ucar.edu>> wrote:
>>>> HI Toni,
>>>> I cannot speak as to your script's behavior, but I can strongly recommend using simple_legend_ndc to draw a legend (or legends) in NDC space, and simple_legend for drawing a legend within a plot.
>>>> https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/Shea_util/simple_legend.shtml <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.ncl.ucar.edu_Document_Functions_Shea-5Futil_simple-5Flegend.shtml&d=DwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=WsLJ5ywbW3XnTzqo_ETV62H6s1a5bcGgnrpl7xPRfic&m=PjQt88ulss5xdSOH64WObRrA7MwSbVCqRGn8xmjbYd4&s=O8PiIXwR3Sv58qiaqm_NYUIaUFwvrxt6JqEHFa9Zkes&e=>
>>>> https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/Shea_util/simple_legend_ndc.shtml <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.ncl.ucar.edu_Document_Functions_Shea-5Futil_simple-5Flegend-5Fndc.shtml&d=DwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=WsLJ5ywbW3XnTzqo_ETV62H6s1a5bcGgnrpl7xPRfic&m=PjQt88ulss5xdSOH64WObRrA7MwSbVCqRGn8xmjbYd4&s=cW91_0kU0Y6xAmsQYxIBkR48LVu6DYh4EKHbJszS0I0&e=>
>>>> The latter function is available with the recent release of NCL (v6.5.0). I have attached the function here.
>>>> Hope that helps!
>>>> Adam
>>>> On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 6:22 PM Toni Klemm <toni-klemm at tamu.edu <mailto:toni-klemm at tamu.edu>> wrote:
>>>> Howdy!
>>>> I forgot the script in my earlier email. Apologies!
>>>> I wrote an NCL script to plot 16 XY-plots on a 3x6 matrix. Each plot contains 9 lines, so the legend needs to have 9 elements. Because of this large number I wanted to divide the legend up into 2 “columns” (i.e., 2 matrix cells), 5 elements in the first and 4 in the second. I got everything to work, but unfortunately not the legend. The text is too large and the lines are dashed instead of solid. I tried to change the size of the text, but it didn’t do anything. Could someone help me? Could some other commands overrule the settings for the legends?
>>>> Thanks a lot for your help! Below is the script, and attached are the netCDF files in a folder and the matrix plot.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Toni
>>>> Toni Klemm, Ph.D.
>>>> Postdoctoral Research Associate
>>>> Department of Ecosystem Science and Management
>>>> Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
>>>> Contributor at the Early Career Climate Forum <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.eccforum.org&d=DwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=WsLJ5ywbW3XnTzqo_ETV62H6s1a5bcGgnrpl7xPRfic&m=PjQt88ulss5xdSOH64WObRrA7MwSbVCqRGn8xmjbYd4&s=MssZgxLxOwM6jS0AJ6lJKCfo4mEgc5Y0fGsI7lUFdpk&e=>
>>>> www.toni-klemm.de <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.toni-2Dklemm.de&d=DwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=WsLJ5ywbW3XnTzqo_ETV62H6s1a5bcGgnrpl7xPRfic&m=PjQt88ulss5xdSOH64WObRrA7MwSbVCqRGn8xmjbYd4&s=QsT_sEAyTIhn3HIAbe09cU-1WPRsuQKsJHDV9vytFcw&e=> | @toniklemm <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__twitter.com_toniklemm&d=DwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=WsLJ5ywbW3XnTzqo_ETV62H6s1a5bcGgnrpl7xPRfic&m=PjQt88ulss5xdSOH64WObRrA7MwSbVCqRGn8xmjbYd4&s=vzfSSljhZYxB7WJu-r27eiMVvY51pjchRZ6DD9apMe8&e=>
>>>> Script:
>>>> ; ---------------------------------------------------
>>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
>>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
>>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
>>>> ; ---------------------------------------------------
>>>> begin
>>>> RCP_list = [/"rcp_45","rcp_85"/]
>>>> fs_list = [/"fs","nfs"/]
>>>> model_list = [/"CCSM4","GFDL-ESM2M","HadGEM2-ES365","IPSL-CM5A-LR","MRI-CGCM3"/]
>>>> RCP_title = [/"RCP 4.5","RCP 8.5"/]
>>>> fs_title = [/"Fire Suppr. off","Fire Suppr. on"/]
>>>> model_title = [/"CCSM4","GFDL-ESM2M","HadGEM2-ES365","IPSL-CM5A-LR","MRI-CGCM3"/]
>>>> do h = 0, ListCount(RCP_list) - 1 
>>>> 	do i = 0, ListCount(fs_list) - 1 
>>>> 		do j = 0, ListCount(model_list) - 1 
>>>>   ; ***********************************************
>>>>   ; 1 - READ IN MC2 FILE
>>>>   ; ***********************************************
>>>> 	print("")
>>>> 	print("~/NIFA/MC2/subset_climate_zones/" + RCP_list[h](0) + "/" + fs_list[i](0) + "/" + model_list[j](0))
>>>>   print("1 - Read in files")
>>>> 	diri = "~/NIFA/MC2/subset_climate_zones/" + RCP_list[h](0) + "/" + fs_list[i](0) + "/" + model_list[j](0) + "/C_ABOVEGR_GROUPED/"
>>>>   zone_01_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_C_ABOVEGR_grouped_zone_01.nc","r")
>>>>   zone_02_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_C_ABOVEGR_grouped_zone_02.nc","r")
>>>>   zone_03_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_C_ABOVEGR_grouped_zone_03.nc","r")
>>>>   zone_04_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_C_ABOVEGR_grouped_zone_04.nc","r")
>>>>   zone_05_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_C_ABOVEGR_grouped_zone_05.nc","r")
>>>>   zone_06_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_C_ABOVEGR_grouped_zone_06.nc","r")
>>>>   zone_07_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_C_ABOVEGR_grouped_zone_07.nc","r")
>>>>   zone_08_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_C_ABOVEGR_grouped_zone_08.nc","r")
>>>>   zone_09_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_C_ABOVEGR_grouped_zone_09.nc","r")
>>>>   zone_10_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_C_ABOVEGR_grouped_zone_10.nc","r")
>>>>   zone_11_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_C_ABOVEGR_grouped_zone_11.nc","r")
>>>>   zone_12_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_C_ABOVEGR_grouped_zone_12.nc","r")
>>>>   zone_13_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_C_ABOVEGR_grouped_zone_13.nc","r")
>>>>   zone_14_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_C_ABOVEGR_grouped_zone_14.nc","r")
>>>>   zone_15_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_C_ABOVEGR_grouped_zone_15.nc","r")
>>>>   zone_16_f = addfile(diri + RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_C_ABOVEGR_grouped_zone_16.nc","r")
>>>>   ; ***********************************************
>>>>   ; ***********************************************
>>>>   print("2 - Create Plot Matrix")
>>>> 	plot = new(18,graphic)                ; create 17-plot array
>>>>   diro = "~/NIFA/MC2/subset_climate_zones/time_series/"
>>>>   filo = RCP_list[h](0) + "_" + fs_list[i](0) + "_" + model_list[j](0) + "_C_ABOVEGR_percentage_zone_01-16_group_01-09"
>>>>   wks_type = "png"											; plot file type
>>>>   wks_type at wkWidth = 3500								; width dimension
>>>>   wks_type at wkHeight = 3500 							; height dimension
>>>>   wks = gsn_open_wks(wks_type, diro + filo)
>>>>   gsn_define_colormap(wks,"wgne15")     ; define colormap
>>>> 	;*********************************************
>>>> 	;********************************************* 
>>>> 	res               = True
>>>>   res at trYMinF       = 0					; min  y axis value
>>>>   res at trYMaxF       = 100			 	; max  y axis value
>>>>   res at trXMinF       = 2015    	; min  y axis value
>>>>   res at trXMaxF       = 2100    	; max  x axis value
>>>>   res at tmXBMinorOn   = True 			; turn off minor tickmarks
>>>>   res at tmYLMinorOn   = True
>>>>   res at tmXTOn        = False 		; turn off top tickmarks
>>>>   res at tmYROn        = False 		; turn off right tickmarks
>>>>   res at tmXTBorderOn  = False 		; turn off top axis
>>>>   res at tmYRBorderOn  = False 		; turn off right axis
>>>>   res at tiXAxisString = "Years" ; titles
>>>>   res at tiYAxisString = "%"
>>>>   res at tmYLLabelFontHeightF       = 0.03 ; set font heights
>>>>   res at gsnRightStringFontHeightF  = 0.03
>>>>   res at tiXAxisFontHeightF         = 0.03
>>>>   res at tiYAxisFontHeightF         = 0.03
>>>>   res at vpWidthF       = .8  ; change aspect ratio
>>>>   res at vpHeightF      = .4
>>>>   res at gsnDraw       = False ; don't draw or advance the frame
>>>>   res at gsnFrame      = False 
>>>> 	res at xyDashPattern  = 0													; Make curves all solid
>>>> 	res at xyLineColors := (/"blue","red","orange","black","green","pink","brown","purple","grey"/) ; 9 different colors
>>>> 	res at xyLineThicknesses = (/10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10/)		; make second line thicker
>>>> ;	res at xyMarkLineMode = "MarkLines"								; Markers *and* lines
>>>> ;	res at xyMarkers = (/0,2,4,6,7,8,9,14,15/)					; 9 different markers
>>>> ;	res at xyMarkerColors := (/"blue","red","yellow","black","green","pink","brown","purple","grey"/) ; 9 different colors
>>>> ;	res at xyMarkerThicknesses = (/10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10/)		; make second line thicker
>>>> 	;*********************************************
>>>> 	;********************************************* 
>>>>   print("3 - Read in plot variables")
>>>> 	year = zone_01_f->year
>>>> 	units = "%"
>>>> 	data_01 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
>>>> 	data_02 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
>>>> 	data_03 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
>>>> 	data_04 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
>>>> 	data_05 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
>>>> 	data_06 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
>>>> 	data_07 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
>>>> 	data_08 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
>>>> 	data_09 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
>>>> 	data_10 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
>>>> 	data_11 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
>>>> 	data_12 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
>>>> 	data_13 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
>>>> 	data_14 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
>>>> 	data_15 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
>>>> 	data_16 = new((/9,dimsizes(year)/),float)		; data array for 9 variables and 85 years of record (2015-2099)
>>>> 	print("3a   - Zone 1")
>>>> 	data_01(0,:) = zone_01_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3G_percentage
>>>> 	data_01(1,:) = zone_01_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3S_percentage
>>>> 	data_01(2,:) = zone_01_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4G_percentage
>>>> 	data_01(3,:) = zone_01_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4S_percentage
>>>> 	data_01(4,:) = zone_01_f->C_ABOVEGR_OTHER_percentage
>>>> 	data_01(5,:) = zone_01_f->C_ABOVEGR_SF_percentage
>>>> 	data_01(6,:) = zone_01_f->C_ABOVEGR_SW_percentage
>>>> 	data_01(7,:) = zone_01_f->C_ABOVEGR_TF_percentage
>>>> 	data_01(8,:) = zone_01_f->C_ABOVEGR_TW_percentage
>>>> 	ALL_data_01	 = zone_01_f->C_ABOVEGR_ALL_annual
>>>> 	print("3a   - Zone 2")
>>>> 	data_02(0,:) = zone_02_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3G_percentage
>>>> 	data_02(1,:) = zone_02_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3S_percentage
>>>> 	data_02(2,:) = zone_02_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4G_percentage
>>>> 	data_02(3,:) = zone_02_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4S_percentage
>>>> 	data_02(4,:) = zone_02_f->C_ABOVEGR_OTHER_percentage
>>>> 	data_02(5,:) = zone_02_f->C_ABOVEGR_SF_percentage
>>>> 	data_02(6,:) = zone_02_f->C_ABOVEGR_SW_percentage
>>>> 	data_02(7,:) = zone_02_f->C_ABOVEGR_TF_percentage
>>>> 	data_02(8,:) = zone_02_f->C_ABOVEGR_TW_percentage
>>>> 	ALL_data_02	 = zone_02_f->C_ABOVEGR_ALL_annual
>>>> 	print("3a   - Zone 3")
>>>> 	data_03(0,:) = zone_03_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3G_percentage
>>>> 	data_03(1,:) = zone_03_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3S_percentage
>>>> 	data_03(2,:) = zone_03_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4G_percentage
>>>> 	data_03(3,:) = zone_03_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4S_percentage
>>>> 	data_03(4,:) = zone_03_f->C_ABOVEGR_OTHER_percentage
>>>> 	data_03(5,:) = zone_03_f->C_ABOVEGR_SF_percentage
>>>> 	data_03(6,:) = zone_03_f->C_ABOVEGR_SW_percentage
>>>> 	data_03(7,:) = zone_03_f->C_ABOVEGR_TF_percentage
>>>> 	data_03(8,:) = zone_03_f->C_ABOVEGR_TW_percentage
>>>> 	ALL_data_03	 = zone_03_f->C_ABOVEGR_ALL_annual
>>>> 	print("3a   - Zone 4")
>>>> 	data_04(0,:) = zone_04_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3G_percentage
>>>> 	data_04(1,:) = zone_04_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3S_percentage
>>>> 	data_04(2,:) = zone_04_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4G_percentage
>>>> 	data_04(3,:) = zone_04_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4S_percentage
>>>> 	data_04(4,:) = zone_04_f->C_ABOVEGR_OTHER_percentage
>>>> 	data_04(5,:) = zone_04_f->C_ABOVEGR_SF_percentage
>>>> 	data_04(6,:) = zone_04_f->C_ABOVEGR_SW_percentage
>>>> 	data_04(7,:) = zone_04_f->C_ABOVEGR_TF_percentage
>>>> 	data_04(8,:) = zone_04_f->C_ABOVEGR_TW_percentage
>>>> 	ALL_data_04	 = zone_04_f->C_ABOVEGR_ALL_annual
>>>> 	print("3a   - Zone 5")
>>>> 	data_05(0,:) = zone_05_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3G_percentage
>>>> 	data_05(1,:) = zone_05_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3S_percentage
>>>> 	data_05(2,:) = zone_05_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4G_percentage
>>>> 	data_05(3,:) = zone_05_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4S_percentage
>>>> 	data_05(4,:) = zone_05_f->C_ABOVEGR_OTHER_percentage
>>>> 	data_05(5,:) = zone_05_f->C_ABOVEGR_SF_percentage
>>>> 	data_05(6,:) = zone_05_f->C_ABOVEGR_SW_percentage
>>>> 	data_05(7,:) = zone_05_f->C_ABOVEGR_TF_percentage
>>>> 	data_05(8,:) = zone_05_f->C_ABOVEGR_TW_percentage
>>>> 	ALL_data_05	 = zone_05_f->C_ABOVEGR_ALL_annual
>>>> 	print("3a   - Zone 6")
>>>> 	data_06(0,:) = zone_06_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3G_percentage
>>>> 	data_06(1,:) = zone_06_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3S_percentage
>>>> 	data_06(2,:) = zone_06_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4G_percentage
>>>> 	data_06(3,:) = zone_06_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4S_percentage
>>>> 	data_06(4,:) = zone_06_f->C_ABOVEGR_OTHER_percentage
>>>> 	data_06(5,:) = zone_06_f->C_ABOVEGR_SF_percentage
>>>> 	data_06(6,:) = zone_06_f->C_ABOVEGR_SW_percentage
>>>> 	data_06(7,:) = zone_06_f->C_ABOVEGR_TF_percentage
>>>> 	data_06(8,:) = zone_06_f->C_ABOVEGR_TW_percentage
>>>> 	ALL_data_06	 = zone_06_f->C_ABOVEGR_ALL_annual
>>>> 	print("3a   - Zone 7")
>>>> 	data_07(0,:) = zone_07_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3G_percentage
>>>> 	data_07(1,:) = zone_07_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3S_percentage
>>>> 	data_07(2,:) = zone_07_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4G_percentage
>>>> 	data_07(3,:) = zone_07_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4S_percentage
>>>> 	data_07(4,:) = zone_07_f->C_ABOVEGR_OTHER_percentage
>>>> 	data_07(5,:) = zone_07_f->C_ABOVEGR_SF_percentage
>>>> 	data_07(6,:) = zone_07_f->C_ABOVEGR_SW_percentage
>>>> 	data_07(7,:) = zone_07_f->C_ABOVEGR_TF_percentage
>>>> 	data_07(8,:) = zone_07_f->C_ABOVEGR_TW_percentage
>>>> 	ALL_data_07	 = zone_07_f->C_ABOVEGR_ALL_annual
>>>> 	print("3a   - Zone 8")
>>>> 	data_08(0,:) = zone_08_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3G_percentage
>>>> 	data_08(1,:) = zone_08_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3S_percentage
>>>> 	data_08(2,:) = zone_08_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4G_percentage
>>>> 	data_08(3,:) = zone_08_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4S_percentage
>>>> 	data_08(4,:) = zone_08_f->C_ABOVEGR_OTHER_percentage
>>>> 	data_08(5,:) = zone_08_f->C_ABOVEGR_SF_percentage
>>>> 	data_08(6,:) = zone_08_f->C_ABOVEGR_SW_percentage
>>>> 	data_08(7,:) = zone_08_f->C_ABOVEGR_TF_percentage
>>>> 	data_08(8,:) = zone_08_f->C_ABOVEGR_TW_percentage
>>>> 	ALL_data_08	 = zone_08_f->C_ABOVEGR_ALL_annual
>>>> 	print("3a   - Zone 9")
>>>> 	data_09(0,:) = zone_09_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3G_percentage
>>>> 	data_09(1,:) = zone_09_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3S_percentage
>>>> 	data_09(2,:) = zone_09_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4G_percentage
>>>> 	data_09(3,:) = zone_09_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4S_percentage
>>>> 	data_09(4,:) = zone_09_f->C_ABOVEGR_OTHER_percentage
>>>> 	data_09(5,:) = zone_09_f->C_ABOVEGR_SF_percentage
>>>> 	data_09(6,:) = zone_09_f->C_ABOVEGR_SW_percentage
>>>> 	data_09(7,:) = zone_09_f->C_ABOVEGR_TF_percentage
>>>> 	data_09(8,:) = zone_09_f->C_ABOVEGR_TW_percentage
>>>> 	ALL_data_09	 = zone_09_f->C_ABOVEGR_ALL_annual
>>>> 	print("3a   - Zone 10")
>>>> 	data_10(0,:) = zone_10_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3G_percentage
>>>> 	data_10(1,:) = zone_10_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3S_percentage
>>>> 	data_10(2,:) = zone_10_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4G_percentage
>>>> 	data_10(3,:) = zone_10_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4S_percentage
>>>> 	data_10(4,:) = zone_10_f->C_ABOVEGR_OTHER_percentage
>>>> 	data_10(5,:) = zone_10_f->C_ABOVEGR_SF_percentage
>>>> 	data_10(6,:) = zone_10_f->C_ABOVEGR_SW_percentage
>>>> 	data_10(7,:) = zone_10_f->C_ABOVEGR_TF_percentage
>>>> 	data_10(8,:) = zone_10_f->C_ABOVEGR_TW_percentage
>>>> 	ALL_data_10	 = zone_10_f->C_ABOVEGR_ALL_annual
>>>> 	print("3a   - Zone 11")
>>>> 	data_11(0,:) = zone_11_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3G_percentage
>>>> 	data_11(1,:) = zone_11_f->C_ABOVEGR_C3S_percentage
>>>> 	data_11(2,:) = zone_11_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4G_percentage
>>>> 	data_11(3,:) = zone_11_f->C_ABOVEGR_C4S_percentage
>>>> 	data_11(4,:) = zone_11_f->C_ABOVEGR_OTHER_percentage
>>>> 	data_11(5,:) = zone_11_f->C_ABOVEGR_SF_percentage
>>>> 	data_11(6,:) = zone_11_f->C_ABOVEGR_SW_percentage
>>>> 	data_11(7,:) = zone_11_f->C_ABOVEGR_TF_percentage
> -- 
> Adam Phillips 
> Associate Scientist,  Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory, NCAR
> www.cgd.ucar.edu/staff/asphilli/ <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cgd.ucar.edu_staff_asphilli_&d=DwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=WsLJ5ywbW3XnTzqo_ETV62H6s1a5bcGgnrpl7xPRfic&m=vZDXoNZVh-FHQeBimjUETu1oZnRy5LXMitrIB6z2EeY&s=jjYmT90-TWZr4qX-9tQEBEg5tF0n-AwBSSNLWfqHUig&e=>   303-497-1726
>  <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.cgd.ucar.edu_staff_asphilli&d=DwMFaQ&c=ODFT-G5SujMiGrKuoJJjVg&r=WsLJ5ywbW3XnTzqo_ETV62H6s1a5bcGgnrpl7xPRfic&m=vZDXoNZVh-FHQeBimjUETu1oZnRy5LXMitrIB6z2EeY&s=5phDQ4S4OLBV3sE4I0rx31Dk0N-H8alxsj9qdHa_8Vs&e=><Screen Shot 2018-07-30 at 11.59.19 AM.png><Screen Shot 2018-07-30 at 11.59.19 AM.png>

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