[ncl-talk] writing a WPS intermediate file from netcdf

Deniz Bozkurt bozkurtd at itu.edu.tr
Fri Jul 27 09:46:10 MDT 2018

Dear All,

I think this is more WRF related issue but in any case I am writing to both group.

I have downloaded sea-ice data from NOAA/NSIDC in netcdf format from this page:

http://nsidc.org/data/G02202 <http://nsidc.org/data/G02202>

I am trying to convert and write this data to a WPS intermediate file format so that I can produce required met files for WRF simulation. I am following the steps described in NCL functions page:

https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/Built-in/wrf_wps_write_int.shtml <https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/Built-in/wrf_wps_write_int.shtml>

and my script is given at the end of this email. Everything seems to work fine and WPS intermediate file for sea-ice is produced with logical values however all sea-ice values in the final met_em files are 0. My question is has anyone successfully tried to convert one of these data set to WPS intermediate file, and then produced met_em files properly?

I would be grateful if someone could help me address my problem.

Thanks in advance,

Deniz Bozkurt, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR2) <www.cr2.cl <http://www.cr2.cl/>>
Department of Geophysics, University of Chile
Blanco Encalada 2002, Santiago, Chile

Mobil: +56 (9) 56107310
https://sites.google.com/site/deniboz <https://sites.google.com/site/deniboz>

f=addfile("seaice_conc_daily_sh_n07_19810103_v03r01.nc <http://seaice_conc_daily_sh_n07_19810103_v03r01.nc/>","r")
latd = f->latitude
lond = f->longitude
FIELD_T          = "SEAICE"
UNITS_T          = "%"
DESC_T           = "Sea Ice Fraction"
DATE             = "1981-01-03"
WPS_IM_root_name = "SEAICE"

output_file_name = WPS_IM_root_name + ":" + DATE
earth_radius     = 6367.470

opt                   = True
opt at level = (/200100/)
opt at projection        = 0
opt at date              = DATE
opt at map_source        = "NSIDC"
opt at startloc          = "SWCORNER"     ; 8 chars exact
opt at startlon          = lond(0,0);0
opt at startlat          = latd(0,0);90
opt at deltalon          = lond(0,1)-latd(0,0);0.25
opt at deltalat          = latd(1,0)-lond(0,0);-0.25
opt at is_wind_earth_relative = False


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