[ncl-talk] Panel plots of hovmuellers

Melissa Lazenby M.Lazenby at sussex.ac.uk
Wed Jul 4 07:37:33 MDT 2018

Dear NCL Users

I am not able to plot a panel plot of 36 CMIP5 models (lat vs time plots).
They plot individually however I think I am missing something when it comes to plotting it as a panel plot.

Any suggestions as to what could be wrong with the code would be very much appreciated.

Kindest Regards


; lat_time_bw.ncl
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl"


model = (/"ACCESS1-0","ACCESS1-3","bcc-csm1-1","bcc-csm1-1-m","BNU-ESM","CanESM2","CCSM4","CESM1-BGC","CESM1-CAM5","CMCC-CMS","CNRM-CM5","CSIRO-Mk3-6-0","EC-EARTH","FGOALS-g2","FGOALS-s2","FIO-ESM","GFDL-CM3","GFDL-ESM2G","GFDL-ESM2M","GISS-E2-R_p1","GISS-E2-H-CC","GISS-E2-R-CC","HadGEM2-AO","HadGEM2-CC","HadGEM2-ES","inmcm4","IPSL-CM5A-LR","IPSL-CM5A-MR","MIROC5","MIROC-ESM","MIROC-ESM-CHEM","MPI-ESM-LR","MPI-ESM-MR","MRI-CGCM3","NorESM1-M","NorESM1-ME"/)

do gg = 0,dimsizes(model)-1

 fili  = "/mnt/geog/ml382/ml382_sals000408_home_dir/melsicz/dPhov/pr_Amon_"+model(gg)+"_dP_hov.nc"
 fili2  = "/mnt/geog/ml382/ml382_sals000408_home_dir/melsicz/dPhov/pr_Amon_"+model(gg)+"_climhov_1971-2000.nc"

 f     = addfile (fili , "r")                         ; add file
 lat   = f->lat                                       ; get lat
 lon   = f->lon                                       ; get lon
 time  = f->time                                      ; get time
 ;precip    = f->pr                                ; get precip
 ;precip2   = precip(:,0,:,:)

 f1     = addfile (fili2 , "r")                         ; add file
 lat1   = f->lat                                       ; get lat
 lon1   = f->lon                                       ; get lon
 time1  = f->time                                      ; get time

if ((gg.eq.13) .or. (gg.eq.17) .or. (gg.eq.18)) then
  precip = f1->pr(:,:,:)
  precip = f1->pr(:,0,:,:)
    end if

if ((gg.eq.3) .or. (gg.eq.13) .or. (gg.eq.17) .or. (gg.eq.18) .or. (gg.eq.20) .or. (gg.eq.21)) then
  precip2 = f->pr(:,:,:)
  precip2 = f->pr(:,0,:,:)
    end if


 latS      = -30.
 latN      =  30.
 shov      = precip2(:,{-30:30},{30:40})
shov1      = precip(:,{-30:30},{30:40})
 dims      = dimsizes(shov)                   ; shov=3D array=(12,40,37)
 sdemo     = dim_avg_Wrap(shov)   ;sdemo(time,lat)
sdemo4     = dim_avg_Wrap(shov1)   ;sdemo(time,lat)

 sdemo1 = sdemo(lat|:,time|:)
 sdemo1 = smth9 (sdemo1,0.5, 0.25, False)               ; 2D smoother
 sdemo2 = sdemo4(lat|:,time|:)
 sdemo2 = smth9 (sdemo2,0.5, 0.25, False)
 sdemo1 at units     = "mm/day"
 sdemo1 at long_name = "dP Hov "+model(gg)+" (lon 30E-40E)"
 gtPat = 17                                           ; stiple
 ltPat = 3
sdemo2 at units     = ""
 sdemo2 at long_name = ""
                                           ; hatch
; plotting parameters
 wks   = gsn_open_wks ("X11", "dPhov_ALL_models_lon30-40" ) ; open workstation
 gsn_define_colormap(wks,"BlueDarkRed18")  ; choose color map

  plot = new (36,"graphic")
  plot1= new (36,"graphic")

 res                  = True               ; plot mods desired
 res at cnFillOn         = True               ; color on
 res at gsnDraw          = True              ; don't draw yet
 res at gsnAddCyclic      = False
 res at lbLabelStride    = 2                   ; every other label
 res at lbOrientation    = "Horizontal"          ; vertical label bar
 res at pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = -0.04       ; move label bar closer to axis
 res at cnLinesOn        = False               ; turn off contour lines
 res at gsnSpreadColors  = True                ; use full range of color map
 res at gsnFrame         = True             ; don't advance frame yet

 res at vpXF             = 0.12               ; default is 0.2 change aspect
 res at vpYF             = 0.8                ; default is 0.8 ration
 res at vpHeightF        = 0.4                ; default is 0.6
 res at vpWidthF         = 0.8                ; default is 0.6

 res at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"  ; manual levels
 res at cnMinLevelValF       =  -1.5              ; min level
 res at cnMaxLevelValF       =  1.5            ; max level
 res at cnLevelSpacingF      =  0.25           ; contour spacing

 res at tmXBMode      = "Explicit"     ; Define own tick mark labels.
 res at tmXBValues    = (/  0.,  1.,  2.,  3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9., 10., 11. /)
 res at tmXBLabels    = (/"D","J","F","M" ,"A","M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N" /)

 wpres                  = True               ; plot mods desired
 wpres at cnFillOn         = False               ; color on
 wpres at gsnDraw          = True              ; don't draw yet
 wpres at gsnFrame         = True
 wpres at gsnAddCyclic      = False
 wpres at lbLabelStride    = 2                   ; every other label
 wpres at cnLinesOn        = True
 wpres at cnLineLabelsOn   = True
 wpres at cnLineThicknessF = 1.5
 wpres at cnInfoLabelOn     = False

wpres at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels"  ; manual levels
 wpres at cnMinLevelValF       =  0              ; min level
 wpres at cnMaxLevelValF       =  10            ; max level
 wpres at cnLevelSpacingF      =  1           ; contour spacing

 plot(gg) = gsn_csm_lat_time(wks, sdemo1({-30:30},:),res )
 plot1(gg) = gsn_csm_lat_time(wks, sdemo2({-30:30},:),wpres )



end do
panres                = True              ; mod panel plot
panres at gsnPanelLabelBar    = True                ; add common colorbar
panres at lbLabelFontHeightF =.012                 ; make labels larger
panres at gsnMaximize = True ; Maximize plot in frame.

gsn_panel(wks,plot(:15),(/4,4/),panres)    ; panel 16 models at a time.


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