[ncl-talk] how to separate data with tab using function write_matrix

Dennis Shea shea at ucar.edu
Tue Apr 24 17:18:00 MDT 2018

The 'write_matrix' only handles numeric data types. No characters.

   diro  = "./"
   filo  = "example.txt"
   ptho  = diro +filo

;---Bogus data
   nrow  = 5
   ncol  = 7
   x     = new((/nrow,ncol/),float, -999.9)
   x     = 9.9

;---Tab character
   tab = str_get_tab()

;---Array to hold data; Initialize
   NROW       = nrow+1
   TabData    = new( NROW, "string") ; , "No_FillValue")  ; extra 'row' for
   TabData    = ""

;---First a title (optional)
   TabData(0) = "                         Title                        "

;---Loop over ech row (line) and appended values
   do nr=0,nrow-1
     do nc=0,ncol-1
        TabData(nr+1) = TabData(nr+1) + tab + sprintf("%5.1f",x(nr,nc)) ;
     end do
   end do

;---Create the file
   system("/bin/rm -f "+ptho)
   asciiwrite(ptho, TabData)

++++++++ OUTPUT ++++++++++++++

          9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9
          9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9
          9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9
          9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9
          9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9     9.9

On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 8:52 PM, wen <wenguanhuan at 163.com> wrote:

> Hi Dennis,
>   Thank you for help. I have check the suggested method. It didn't work. I
> came up with  error message. Following is the ncl code and error message.
> Do you have any other idea?
>  load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
> begin
> x = new((/5,5/),float)
> x = 9.9
> opt = True
> opt at fout = "test.txt"
> opt at title  = "Normal"
> tab = str_get_tab()
> fmt = "5("+tab+",f4.1)"
> write_matrix (x, fmt , opt)
>  end
>  "writematrix.f", line 110: 1525-078 An extra comma was found in a format
> specification.  The program will recover by ignoring the extra comma.
> "writematrix.f", line 110: 1525-078 An extra comma was found in a format
> specification.  The program will recover by ignoring the extra comma.
> "writematrix.f", line 110: 1525-078 An extra comma was found in a format
> specification.  The program will recover by ignoring the extra comma.
> "writematrix.f", line 110: 1525-078 An extra comma was found in a format
> specification.  The program will recover by ignoring the extra comma.
> "writematrix.f", line 110: 1525-078 An extra comma was found in a format
> specification.  The program will recover by ignoring the extra comma.
> --
> Best regards,
> Guanhuan Wen
> At 2018-04-24 00:43:52, "Dennis Shea" <shea at ucar.edu> wrote:
> https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Document/Functions/Built-in/str_get_tab.shtml
> *UNTESTED*:  Lets say you want 10 numbers for each row with all numbers
> preceded by a
> *tab.*
> *Note: *
> *fout* String specifying the output file name. If not present, the data
> is sent to standard out.
> *The maximum length of fout is 96 characters.*
> I think the fortran character variable is set at 96
> *---*
> tab = *str_get_tab*()
> fmt = "10("+tab+",f7.1)"   ; clarity
> print("fmt="+fmt)
> opt = True
> opt at fout "./TEXT_with_TAB"        ; "./test/text_with_tab/"
> system("/bin/rm -f "+opt at fout)    ; rm any pre-existing file
> write_matrix (x,  fmt, False)
> Let ncl-talk know if this works.
> On Sun, Apr 22, 2018 at 8:20 PM, wen <wenguanhuan at 163.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>>     I want to write a 2 dimensional data into a file using function
>> write_matrix. I expect to separate data with character tab. How can I
>> realize that?  Hope you can help. Thank you!
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Guanhuan Wen
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