[ncl-talk] Difference in ensemble mean near surface temperature

Muhammad Omer Mughal m.mughal1 at postgrad.curtin.edu.au
Wed Oct 18 20:12:04 MDT 2017


I want to generate a plot to represent difference in ensemble mean 2m temperature between two WRF output files. Both the WRF files are for a similar location. One of the WRF files has MODIS land use from 1-17 and urban categories from 31 to 40 while the other WRF outfile has landuse 1-17 while the categories 31 to 40 have all been changed to 2 i.e Forest. Can any one guide me towards a blog where I can get the correct code. I am recently using the attached code but it is failing to generate the correct difference.

I am also trying to overlay the average of the wind vectors for a particular hour over the difference plot. I have also added it this in the attached code but still there seems to be some error which fail to generate the correct results.

I would be grateful for a quick response.

Muhammad Omer Mughal
MSc BSc Mechanical Engineering
PhD  Research Scholar
Remote Sensing and Satellite Research Group
Department of Imaging and Applied Physics
Curtin University

Curtin University
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Email | m.mughal1 at postgrad.curtin.edu.au<mailto:m.lynch at curtin.edu.au>
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