[ncl-talk] Function return

Dennis Shea shea at ucar.edu
Sat Oct 14 15:26:01 MDT 2017

I just posted something to the original thread:

[ncl-talk] Question regarding cylindrical coordinate transformation using

It may be of some interest.


On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 2:36 PM, Prashanth Bhalachandran <
prashanth.bhalachandran at gmail.com> wrote:

> Alan,
> I give the filename and time as an input argument. The code now works
> where I define every other array except for the wnout array (the return
> from the function). The whole code is pasted here. The filename and time
> actually come from my shell script. But for debugging, I am giving it as an
> input argument. You were right in that wnout array does not need any prior
> definition. But the rest of them do, it seems.
> ncl 'filename = "20141009.nc"' 'time=24' varcalc.ncl
>  Copyright (C) 1995-2017 - All Rights Reserved
>  University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
>  NCAR Command Language Version 6.4.0
>  The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
>  See http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/ for more details.
> Variable: wnout
> Type: list <fifo>
> Total items: 2
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  varcalc.ncl ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>  load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
>  load "/scratch/lustreD/s/sbhalach/DATA/func_center.ncl"
>  load "/scratch/lustreD/s/sbhalach/DATA/func_rtheta.ncl"
>  a = addfile(filename,"r")
>  u10 = a->u10
>  v10 = a->v10
>  slp = a->slp
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Constants ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>  R         = 6371
>  d2r       = atan(1.0)/45; Equivalent of pi/180 - 0.01745329
>  r2d       = 1.0/d2r
>  toknots   = 1.94384
>  pi        = 3.14159
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>   latvals   = new((/801/),float,1e+30)
>   lonvals   = new((/810/),float,1e+30)
>   speed     = new((/801,810/),float,1e+30)
>   var01     = new((/251,73/),float,1e+30)
>   var0      = new((/251/),float,1e+30)
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>  slpsub       = slp(time,0,:,:) ; X is now a 2D array
>  speed(:,:)   = wind_speed(u10(time,0,:,:),v10(time,0,:,:)) * toknots
>  latvals(:)   = u10&lat(0:800)
>  lonvals(:)   = u10&lon(0:809)
>  coord        = center_find(speed(:,:),slpsub)
>  lat1         = coord[0]
>  lon1         = coord[1]
>  wnout        = wn01(latvals,lonvals,lat1,lon1,speed)
>  var0         = wnout[0]
>  var1         = wnout[1]
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; FUNCTION (func_rtheta.ncl)
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
> load "/scratch/lustreD/s/sbhalach/DATA/func_center.ncl"
> undef("wn01")
>  function wn01(latvals:float,lonvals:float,lat1:float,lon1:float,
> var:float)
>  local R,d2r,r2d,toknots,pi,delr,Xi,Yi,xo,yo,nearxo,nearyo,ovar,
> var01,var0,c1,b1,orad,otha,arr,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,r,weights
>  begin
>  R         = 6371
>  d2r       = atan(1.0)/45; Equivalent of pi/180 or 0.01745329
>  r2d       = 1.0/d2r
>  toknots   = 1.94384
>  pi        = 3.14159
>  delr      = 12
>  Xi        = new((/810/),float,1e+30)
>  Yi        = new((/801/),float,1e+30)
>  ovar      = new((/251,73/),float,1e+30)
>  var01     = new((/251,73/),float,1e+30)
>  var0      = new((/251/),float,1e+30)
>  c1        = new((/251/),float,1e+30)
>  b1        = new((/251/),float,1e+30)
>  orad      = ispan(0,1000,delr)
>  otha      = fspan(0,6.283185,73)
>  arr       = new((/3,3/),float,1e+30)
>  Xi(:) = R *cos(lat1*d2r)*(lonvals(:)-lon1) * d2r
>  Yi(:) = R *(latvals(:)-lat1) * d2r
>  do radius=0,250,1
>   do theta=0,72,1
>     xo  = (radius*delr)*cos((theta*5)*d2r)   ; reference points
>     yo  = (radius*delr)*sin((theta*5)*d2r)   ; reference points
>     nearxo = ind_nearest_coord (xo, Xi(:), 0)  ;Find the index of the
> bounds
>     nearyo = ind_nearest_coord (yo, Yi(:), 0)
>     if(nearxo .eq. 0 .or. nearxo .eq. 809 .or. nearyo .eq. 0 .or. nearyo
> .eq. 800) then
>     ovar(radius,theta) = var(nearyo,nearxo)
>   else
>    a1 = var(nearyo+1,nearxo+1)
>    a2 = var(nearyo+1,nearxo)
>    a3 = var(nearyo-1,nearxo-1)
>    a4 = var(nearyo,nearxo+1)
>    a5 = var(nearyo,nearxo)
>    a6 = var(nearyo,nearxo-1)
>    a7 = var(nearyo-1,nearxo+1)
>    a8 = var(nearyo-1,nearxo)
>    a9 = var(nearyo-1,nearxo-1)
>    arr = (/ (/a1,a2,a3/), (/a4,a5,a6/), (/a7,a8,a9/)/)   ; Written as nD
> arrays for visual clarity of neighbors
>    weights = (/ (/0.0625,0.0625,0.0625/), (/0.0625,0.5,0.0625/),
> (/0.0625,0.0625,0.0625/)/)
>    ovar(radius,theta) =  dim_avg_wgt(ndtooned(arr),ndtooned(weights),1)
> ;  Give 50% weight to the nearest location and distribute the other 50%
> equally amongst the neighbours
>    end if
>   end do ; Loop over every radius and theta
>  end do    ; End of r-theta loop
>   do r=0,250,1
>      var0(r)    =  1/(2*pi)*simpeq(ovar(r,:),5.0*d2r)
>      c1(r)      =  1/(2*pi)*simpeq(ovar(r,:)*cos(otha),5.0*d2r)
>      b1(r)      =  1/(2*pi)*simpeq(ovar(r,:)*sin(otha),5.0*d2r)
>      var01(r,:) =  var0(r) + (c1(r)*cos(otha)) + (b1(r)*sin(otha))
>   end do
>  return([/var0,var01/])
>  end
> On Oct 14, 2017, at 1:27 PM, Alan Brammer <abrammer at albany.edu> wrote:
> Would probably be best to attach varcalc.ncl so we can see the whole
> script.
>  The edited code I sent back to you should not create those errors *if
> you have defined time somewhere*.  Otherwise there will have been an
> initial error saying that time was not defined, which then cascades down
> the code.  Previously, the code will have continued but with the empty
> arrays but doing effectively nothing.
> Always start with the first error.
> On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 4:13 PM, Prashanth Bhalachandran <
> prashanth.bhalachandran at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Alan,
>> Unfortunately, I get a series of fatal errors if I don’t define them
>> apriori.
>> fatal:Undefined identifier: (speed) is undefined, can't continue
>> fatal:["Execute.c":8640]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 32 in
>> file varcalc.ncl
>> fatal:Undefined identifier: (latvals) is undefined, can't continue
>> fatal:["Execute.c":8640]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 33 in
>> file varcalc.ncl
>> fatal:Undefined identifier: (lonvals) is undefined, can't continue
>> fatal:["Execute.c":8640]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 34 in
>> file varcalc.ncl
>> fatal:Undefined identifier: (speed) is undefined, can't continue
>> fatal:["Execute.c":8640]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 36 in
>> file varcalc.ncl
>> fatal:Undefined identifier: (coord) is undefined, can't continue
>> fatal:["Execute.c":8640]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 37 in
>> file varcalc.ncl
>> fatal:Undefined identifier: (coord) is undefined, can't continue
>> fatal:["Execute.c":8640]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 38 in
>> file varcalc.ncl
>> fatal:Variable (latvals) is undefined
>> fatal:["Execute.c":8640]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 42 in
>> file varcalc.ncl
>> fatal:Undefined identifier: (wnout) is undefined, can't continue
>> fatal:["Execute.c":8640]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 43 in
>> file varcalc.ncl
>> fatal:Undefined identifier: (wnout) is undefined, can't continue
>> fatal:["Execute.c":8640]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 44 in
>> file varcalc.ncl
>> fatal:Variable (var0) is undefined
>> fatal:["Execute.c":8640]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 45 in
>> file varcalc.ncl
>> fatal:Variable (var1) is undefined
>> fatal:["Execute.c":8640]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 46 in
>> file varcalc.ncl
>> On Oct 14, 2017, at 12:44 PM, Alan Brammer <abrammer at albany.edu> wrote:
>> > I don’t know what my dimensions of wnout will be. Will it be a
>> 251x251x73 array?
>> It will
>> ​ be a list, there won't be array dimensions.  You do not need to define
>> wnout before hand.
>> likewise, you do not need to define ​var0 or var1 before hand.
>> e.g.
>>  a = addfile(filename,"r")
>>  u10 = a->u10
>>  v10 = a->v10
>>  slp = a->slp
>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Constants ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>  R         = 6371
>>  d2r       = atan(1.0)/45; Equivalent of pi/180 - 0.01745329
>>  r2d       = 1.0/d2r
>>  toknots   = 1.94384
>>  pi        = 3.14159
>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>> ;; this section wasn't really needed
>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>  slpsub    = slp(time,0,:,:) ; X is now a 2D array
>>  speed     = wind_speed(u10(time,0,:,:),v10(time,0,:,:)) * toknots
>>  latvals   = u10&lat(0:800)
>>  lonvals   = u10&lon(0:809)
>>  coord        = center_find(speed(:,:),slpsub)
>>  lat1         = coord[0]
>>  lon1         = coord[1]
>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Find all variables here and store into allvars ;;;;;;;
>>  wnout        = wn01(latvals,lonvals,lat1,lon1,speed)
>>  var0         = wnout[0]
>>  var1         = wnout[1]
>> printVarSummary(var0)
>> printVarSummary(var1)
>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Write to a netcdf file ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>> ;;;;   I do not think the lines that were here will work.
>> On Sat, Oct 14, 2017 at 10:26 AM, Prashanth Bhalachandran <
>> prashanth.bhalachandran at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Marston,
>>> Thank you for your response. I will ensure that the missing values are
>>> the default ones from NCL. I hope my attaching the code will give you a
>>> little more context.
>>> My concern is this : If I am returning two arrays var0  and var01
>>> (please see the red highlighted portions for array dimensions), how will I
>>> receive it in the main wrapper script?
>>> That is, if my var0 dimension is : (/251/) and my var01 dimension is
>>> (/251,73/), and I return the variable from the function using
>>> return([/var0,var01/]), when I collect it in the wrapper script using
>>> wnout        = wn01(latvals,lonvals,lat1,lon1,speed),
>>> I don’t know what my dimensions of wnout will be. Will it be a
>>> 251x251x73 array? I do know that I want to extract it as:
>>>  var0         = wnout[0]
>>>  var1         = wnout[1]
>>> *CODE*
>>>  load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
>>>  load "/scratch/lustreD/s/sbhalach/DATA/func_center.ncl"
>>>  load "/scratch/lustreD/s/sbhalach/DATA/func_rtheta.ncl"
>>>  a = addfile(filename,"r")
>>>  u10 = a->u10
>>>  v10 = a->v10
>>>  slp = a->slp
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Constants ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>>  R         = 6371
>>>  d2r       = atan(1.0)/45; Equivalent of pi/180 - 0.01745329
>>>  r2d       = 1.0/d2r
>>>  toknots   = 1.94384
>>>  pi        = 3.14159
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>>  latvals   = new((/801/),float,1e+30)
>>>  lonvals   = new((/810/),float,1e+30)
>>>  speed     = new((/801,810/),float,1e+30)
>>>  var01     = new((/251,73/),float,1e+30)
>>>  var0      = new((/251/),float,1e+30)
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>>  slpsub       = slp(time,0,:,:) ; X is now a 2D array
>>>  speed(:,:)   = wind_speed(u10(time,0,:,:),v10(time,0,:,:)) * toknots
>>>  latvals(:)   = u10&lat(0:800)
>>>  lonvals(:)   = u10&lon(0:809)
>>>  coord        = center_find(speed(:,:),slpsub)
>>>  lat1         = coord[0]
>>>  lon1         = coord[1]
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Find all variables here and store into allvars ;;;;;;;
>>>  wnout        = wn01(latvals,lonvals,lat1,lon1,speed)
>>>  var0         = wnout[0]
>>>  var1         = wnout[1]
>>> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Write to a netcdf file ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
>>>  system("rm -f $f1_$f2.nc")
>>>  ncdf = addfile("$f1_$f2.nc","c")
>>>  ncdf->allvars = allvars
>>>  ncdf->yymmdd  = $f1
>>>  ncdf->time    = $f2
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
>>> load "/scratch/lustreD/s/sbhalach/DATA/func_center.ncl"
>>> undef("wn01")
>>>  function wn01(latvals:float,lonvals:float,lat1:float,lon1:float,var:f
>>> loat)
>>>  local R,d2r,r2d,toknots,pi,delr,Xi,Yi,xo,yo,nearxo,nearyo,ovar,var
>>> 01,var0,c1,b1,orad,otha,arr,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,r,weights
>>>  begin
>>>  R         = 6371
>>>  d2r       = atan(1.0)/45; Equivalent of pi/180 or 0.01745329
>>>  r2d       = 1.0/d2r
>>>  toknots   = 1.94384
>>>  pi        = 3.14159
>>>  delr      = 12
>>>  Xi        = new((/810/),float,1e+30)
>>>  Yi        = new((/801/),float,1e+30)
>>>  ovar      = new((/251,73/),float,1e+30)
>>>  var01     = new((/251,73/),float,1e+30)
>>>  var0      = new((/251/),float,1e+30)
>>>  c1        = new((/251/),float,1e+30)
>>>  b1        = new((/251/),float,1e+30)
>>>  orad      = ispan(0,1000,delr)
>>>  otha      = fspan(0,6.283185,73)
>>>  arr       = new((/3,3/),float,1e+30)
>>>  Xi(:) = R *cos(lat1*d2r)*(lonvals(:)-lon1) * d2r
>>>  Yi(:) = R *(latvals(:)-lat1) * d2r
>>>  do radius=0,250,1
>>>   do theta=0,72,1
>>>     xo  = (radius*delr)*cos((theta*5)*d2r)   ; reference points
>>>     yo  = (radius*delr)*sin((theta*5)*d2r)   ; reference points
>>>     nearxo = ind_nearest_coord (xo, Xi(:), 0)  ;Find the index of the
>>> bounds
>>>     nearyo = ind_nearest_coord (yo, Yi(:), 0)
>>>     if(nearxo .eq. 0 .or. nearxo .eq. 809 .or. nearyo .eq. 0 .or. nearyo
>>> .eq. 800) then
>>>     ovar(radius,theta) = var(nearyo,nearxo)
>>>   else
>>>    a1 = var(nearyo+1,nearxo+1)
>>>    a2 = var(nearyo+1,nearxo)
>>>    a3 = var(nearyo-1,nearxo-1)
>>>    a4 = var(nearyo,nearxo+1)
>>>    a5 = var(nearyo,nearxo)
>>>    a6 = var(nearyo,nearxo-1)
>>>    a7 = var(nearyo-1,nearxo+1)
>>>    a8 = var(nearyo-1,nearxo)
>>>    a9 = var(nearyo-1,nearxo-1)
>>>    arr = (/ (/a1,a2,a3/), (/a4,a5,a6/), (/a7,a8,a9/)/)   ; Written as nD
>>> arrays for visual clarity of neighbors
>>>    weights = (/ (/0.0625,0.0625,0.0625/), (/0.0625,0.5,0.0625/),
>>> (/0.0625,0.0625,0.0625/)/)
>>>    ovar(radius,theta) =  dim_avg_wgt(ndtooned(arr),ndtooned(weights),1)
>>> ;  Give 50% weight to the nearest location and distribute the other 50%
>>> equally amongst the neighbours
>>>    end if
>>>   end do ; Loop over every radius and theta
>>>  end do    ; End of r-theta loop
>>>   do r=0,250,1
>>>      var0(r)    =  1/(2*pi)*simpeq(ovar(r,:),5.0*d2r)
>>>  ; Dimension (/251/)
>>>      c1(r)      =  1/(2*pi)*simpeq(ovar(r,:)*cos(otha),5.0*d2r)
>>>      b1(r)      =  1/(2*pi)*simpeq(ovar(r,:)*sin(otha),5.0*d2r)
>>>      var01(r,:) =  var0(r) + (c1(r)*cos(otha)) + (b1(r)*sin(otha))  ;
>>> Dimension (/251,73/)
>>>   end do
>>>  return([/var0,var01/])
>>>  end
>>> On Oct 14, 2017, at 12:42 AM, Marston Johnston <shejo284 at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> There is an error in your code:        var0 = new((/251/),float,1e+30
>>> As a preference, I always find it best to use the default FillValues
>>> when creating arrays. Read up on missing values/fillvalues on the NCL
>>> wedpage.
>>> There is nothing wrong with returning a list from a function, even if
>>> the dimensions are different. Why would the dimensions matter?
>>> This doesn’t seem to be your problem. You have not provided enough
>>> information about your code and variable information (printVarSumary) to
>>> give a definite answer.
>>> It seems you need to do some more debugging of your code yourself.
>>> When defining functions, it is good practice to set the define the
>>> intrinsic variables as “local” as well as using the “undef” function.
>>> Using the same name for the variables inside and outside the function,
>>> if you are indeed using a function that is properly designed, can mask a
>>> bug in your code.
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> Marston S. Ward, PhD
>>> Department of Earth Sciences
>>> University of Gothenburg, Sweden
>>> Email: marston.johnston at gu.se
>>> SkypeID: marston.johnston
>>> Phone: +46-31-7864901 <+46%2031%20786%2049%2001>
>>> Only the fruitful thing is true!
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> *From: *ncl-talk <ncl-talk-bounces at ucar.edu> on behalf of Prashanth
>>> Bhalachandran <prashanth.bhalachandran at gmail.com>
>>> *Date: *Saturday, 14 October 2017 at 03:57
>>> *To: *<ncl-talk at ucar.edu>
>>> *Subject: *Re: [ncl-talk] Function return
>>> Hello,
>>> I have a quick question regarding returning of arrays from functions.
>>> In my code, I have two arrays var0 and var01 that I want to return from
>>> my function. Their dimensionalities are as follows:
>>> var0      = new((/251/),float,1e+30
>>> var01     = new((/251,73/),float,1e+30)
>>> At present, I am trying to return this using the command :
>>> return([/var0,var01/]) ; Note that the dimensions of var0 and var1 are
>>> different.
>>> As a result, in my wrapper script, when I receive the variables, it is
>>> becoming a confusing task.
>>>  wnout        = wn01(latvals,lonvals,lat1,lon1,speed)
>>>  var0         = wnout[0]
>>>  var1         = wnout[1]
>>>  The above return procedure is giving out an error since I don’t know
>>> how to define the dimensions of wnout. Is there any better way to return
>>> two arrays of varying dimensions in NCL?
>>> Thank you,
>>> Prashanth
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