[ncl-talk] set_date_time

Dennis Shea shea at ucar.edu
Sun Oct 8 22:41:09 MDT 2017

Long answer BUT I suggest you read this carefully!
As is suggested (ad nauseum), always look at your data:

%> ncl_filedump MAIACTAOT.h00v02.20003650620.*hdf * | less

filename:       MAIACTAOT.h00v02.20003650620
path:   MAIACTAOT.h00v02.20003650620.hdf
   file global attributes:
      *HDFEOSVersion : HDFEOS_V2.12    <=== HDF-EOS file*
      StructMetadata_0 : GROUP=SwathStructure

It is a HDF-EOS file!!!

When a user sees HDFEOS [ because he/she looked at the file;  :-) ], the
file extension *.he2* or equivalently, *.hdfeos* should be appended to the
file. This can be done programatically or on the command line.  The file
need not be explicitly changed!

%> ncl_filedump MAIACTAOT.h00v02.20003650620.hdf*.he2* | less

NCL looks for the file MAIACTAOT.h00v02.20003650620.hdf*.he2* and*, *if it
does not find the file, it *'backs-off' *the last file extension [ here,*
.he2 *] and reads the file

*Why* should a user do this?

%> ncl_filedump MAIACTAOT.h00v02.20003650620.hdf*.he2 *| less

(a) If you look at the original file*, *you will see a rather complicated
file structure*. *It includes multiple *groups. *When the .he2 extenson is
used, NCL 'flattens' the file structure. It make it look like a standard
netCDF3 file. In this case the variables have appended extensions named:
_grid5km and _grid1km. A very nice feature.

(b) An even nicer feature of the .he2/.hdfeos extension is that NCL *creates
value-addedarrays *containing the lat/lon arrays.

double GridLat_grid5km ( YDim_grid5km, XDim_grid5km )
double GridLat_grid5km ( YDim_grid5km, XDim_grid5km )
double GridLat_grid1km ( YDim_grid1km, XDim_grid1km )
double GridLat_grid1km ( YDim_grid1km, XDim_grid1km )

(c) NCL *creates *CF Convention attributes like 'coordinates' for assorted


One of the less public NCL-developers (Dave Brown), deserves considerable
credit for NCL's IO capabilities. In particular, with respect to GRIB and
HDF files. Also, 'addfile' and 'addfiles'

As I say ... "A user need-not-fear any grib/hdf/netCDF files if using NCL!'


The 2nd part of this answer is 'How to add a 'time' (record) dimension?'

See attachment:

%> mkdir MAIACTAOT_TIME                <== will contain created file
%> ncl create_time.MAIACTAO.ncl

The keys are:

  f    = addfiles(pthi, "r")

*ListSetType (f, "join")                      ; add 'record' (time
dimension) *

;--- Create a time variable
  refTime = "hours since 2000-01-01 00:00:00"  ; arbitrary
  time    = *time_create_MAIACTAOT* (fili, refTime)   ; local function

An file dump of the created file in directory:


%> ncl_filedump maiactaot.h00v02.20003650620-20003660700.nc
%> ncdump -h maiactaot.h00v02.20003650620-20003660700.nc

Internal NCAR users, the files are at:




On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 9:18 PM, Kunal Bali <kunal.bali9 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Mery for providing this information.
> I think the problem is with CDO.
> But is there any function to convert filenames to date-time. and then
> create time variable in the netcdf file.
> such as :
> MAIACTAOT.h00v02.*2000364**07**15*.nc   --> 2000=year, 364=day, 07=hr,
> 15=min
> *2000-01-29 07:15:00*
> could you please give some information on that.
> thank you
> regards
> Kunal Bali
> On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 2:16 AM, Guido Cioni <guidocioni at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I had to do something similar last week. Converting from hdf to netcdf
>> and then merge into a single file with time information. It was modis data.
>> I don't have time to explain the script so I'm copying here hoping that it
>> could help.
>> for f in *.nc; do
>>     year=${f:9:4}
>>     day_of_year=${f:13:3}
>>     month=`date -d "${year}-01-01 +${day_of_year} days -1 day" "+%m"`
>>     day=`date -d "${year}-01-01 +${day_of_year} days -1 day" "+%d"`
>>     echo ${year}-${month}-${day}
>>     cdo -b F64 setdate,${year}-${month}-${day} ${f} ${f%.nc}_2.nc
>> done
>> Cheers
>> Il 5 ott 2017 9:56 PM, "Marston Johnston" <shejo284 at gmail.com> ha
>> scritto:
>>> It seems like you choose a fairly complicated way to solve the problem.
>>> May I suggest reading in the MAIACTAOT.h00v02.***.nc files in
>>> chronological order and then writing new netcdf files in ncl where you can
>>> create a time array with the correct dtg.
>>> It’s fairly quick and easy in ncl.
>>> I’ve had such problems before and found it easiest to with the above
>>> method.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> /M
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> Marston S. Ward, PhD
>>> Department of Earth Sciences
>>> University of Gothenburg, Sweden
>>> Email: marston.johnston at gu.se
>>> SkypeID: marston.johnston
>>> Phone: +46-31-7864901 <+46%2031%20786%2049%2001>
>>> Only the fruitful thing is true!
>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>>> *From: *ncl-talk <ncl-talk-bounces at ucar.edu> on behalf of Kunal Bali <
>>> kunal.bali9 at gmail.com>
>>> *Date: *Thursday, 5 October 2017 at 20:40
>>> *To: *"ncl-talk at ucar.edu" <ncl-talk at ucar.edu>
>>> *Subject: *[ncl-talk] set_date_time
>>> Dear NCL users,
>>> I have one question regarding date-time setting from filename. This
>>> question is not actually related to NCL, sorry in advance.
>>> I have 4 .nc files named given below. The time is not created in these
>>> files during conversion from hdf to netcdf in NCL.
>>> MAIACTAOT.h00v02.*20003640715*.nc   --> 2000=year, 364=day, 07=hr,
>>> 15=min
>>> MAIACTAOT.h00v02.20003650620.nc
>>> MAIACTAOT.h00v02.20003660525.nc
>>> MAIACTAOT.h00v02.20003660700.nc
>>> So, I did try to create the date-time with shell scripting (given below)
>>> but it is creating wrong date as the files are of December month, but
>>> it is generating January month date also. I don't know why.
>>> *2000-01-01 05:25:00*
>>> *2000-01-01 07:00:00*
>>> 2000-12-30 07:15:00
>>> 2000-12-31 06:20:00
>>> the shell script, which I am using
>>> #######################################
>>> for n in  MAIACTAOT.h00v02.20*.nc;do
>>>  ls $n > text
>>> export xx=`cut -c18-28 text`
>>> export YYYY=`cut -c18-21 text`
>>> export JJJ=`cut -c22-24 text`
>>> export HH=`cut -c25-26 text`
>>> export MM=`cut -c27-28 text`
>>> mm=`date -d "$JJJ days $YYYY-01-01" +"%m"`
>>> dd=`date -d "$JJJ days $YYYY-01-01" +"%d"`
>>> mydate=${YYYY}-${mm}-${dd},${HH}:${MM}:00
>>> echo $mydate
>>> echo "cdo settaxis,$mydate $n re$n"
>>> cdo settaxis,$mydate $n re$n
>>> done
>>> cdo mergetime reMAI*.nc final.nc
>>> exit
>>> #################################
>>> Any suggestion regarding this issue would be very helpful.
>>> Thank You
>>> Kunal Bali
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netcdf maiactaot.h00v02.20003650620-20003660700 {
	time = UNLIMITED ; // (3 currently)
	YDim_grid1km = 1200 ;
	XDim_grid1km = 1200 ;
	double time(time) ;
		time:units = "hours since 2000-01-01 00:00:00" ;
		time:calendar = "standard" ;
	double GridLat_grid1km(YDim_grid1km, XDim_grid1km) ;
		GridLat_grid1km:projection = "Albers Conical Equal_Area" ;
		GridLat_grid1km:corners = 32.038387901543, 34.9985549202943, 24.5580030404694, 21.8673735745303 ;
		GridLat_grid1km:long_name = "latitude" ;
		GridLat_grid1km:units = "degrees_north" ;
	double GridLon_grid1km(YDim_grid1km, XDim_grid1km) ;
		GridLon_grid1km:projection = "Albers Conical Equal_Area" ;
		GridLon_grid1km:corners = 64.23634233372, 76.8178669755363, 79.4747290253718, 68.077149355049 ;
		GridLon_grid1km:long_name = "longitude" ;
		GridLon_grid1km:units = "degrees_east" ;
	short AOT_QA_grid1km(YDim_grid1km, XDim_grid1km) ;
		AOT_QA_grid1km:coordinates = "GridLat_grid1km, GridLon_grid1km" ;
		AOT_QA_grid1km:hdfeos_name = "AOT_QA" ;
		AOT_QA_grid1km:projection = "Albers Conical Equal_Area" ;
		AOT_QA_grid1km:unsigned = 1 ;
		AOT_QA_grid1km:valid_range = 0s, 255s ;
		AOT_QA_grid1km:_FillValue = 0s ;
		AOT_QA_grid1km:data_description = "Bits\tDefinition\n",
			"0-2    Cloud Mask\n",
			"       00 --- Undefined\n",
			"       001 --- Clear\n",
			"       010 --- Possible Cloudy\n",
			"       011 --- Cloudy \n",
			"       101 --- Cloud shadow\n",
			"       110 --- Fire hotspot\n",
			"       111 --- Water Sediments\n",
			"3-4    Land Water Snow/ice  Mask\n",
			"       00 --- Land\n",
			"       01 --- Water\n",
			"       10 --- Snow\n",
			"       11 --- Ice\n",
			"5-7  Adjacency Mask\n",
			"       000 --- Normal condition\n",
			"       001 --- Adjacent to cloud\n",
			"       010 --- Surrounded by more than 8 cloudy pixels\n",
			"       011 --- Single cloudy pixel\n",
			"       100 --- Adjacent to snow\n",
			"       101 --- Snow was previously detected for this pixel\n",
			"8-11 QA for AOT retrieval over Water \n",
			"       0000 --- Best \n",
			"       0001 --- Water Sediments are detected\n",
			"       0010 --- AC over water done, but AOT>0.5\n",
			"       0011 --- There is 1 neighbor cloud\n",
			"       0100 --- There is >1 neighbor clouds\n",
			"       0101 --- no retrieval (cloudy, or whatever)\n",
			"       0110 --- no retrievals near detected or previously snow\n",
			"       0111 --- no retrievals for altituide more than 3.5km\n",
			"       1000 --- no retrieval due to sun glint\n",
			"       1001 --- retrieved AOT is very low (<0.05) due to low Coxmunk angle\n",
			"       1010 --- AOT within +-2km from the coastline is replaced by nearby AOT\n",
			"12    Glint mask\n",
			"       0 --- glint is not detected\n",
			"       1 --- glint is detected\n",
			"13-14 Aerosol model\n",
			"       00 --- background model\n",
			"       01 --- Smoke model\n",
			"       10 --- Dust model\n",
			"15    Reserved" ;
		AOT_QA_grid1km:unit = "None" ;
		AOT_QA_grid1km:long_name = "AOT_QA" ;
	byte AOT_MODEL_grid1km(YDim_grid1km, XDim_grid1km) ;
		AOT_MODEL_grid1km:coordinates = "GridLat_grid1km, GridLon_grid1km" ;
		AOT_MODEL_grid1km:hdfeos_name = "AOT_MODEL" ;
		AOT_MODEL_grid1km:projection = "Albers Conical Equal_Area" ;
		AOT_MODEL_grid1km:unsigned = 1 ;
		AOT_MODEL_grid1km:valid_range = 0b, 100b ;
		AOT_MODEL_grid1km:_FillValue = -1b ;
		AOT_MODEL_grid1km:unit = "None" ;
		AOT_MODEL_grid1km:long_name = "AOT model used in retrieval" ;
	short Optical_Depth_047_grid1km(time, YDim_grid1km, XDim_grid1km) ;
		Optical_Depth_047_grid1km:coordinates = "GridLat_grid1km, GridLon_grid1km" ;
		Optical_Depth_047_grid1km:hdfeos_name = "Optical_Depth_047" ;
		Optical_Depth_047_grid1km:projection = "Albers Conical Equal_Area" ;
		Optical_Depth_047_grid1km:valid_range = -100s, 5000s ;
		Optical_Depth_047_grid1km:_FillValue = -28672s ;
		Optical_Depth_047_grid1km:unit = "None" ;
		Optical_Depth_047_grid1km:add_offset = 0. ;
		Optical_Depth_047_grid1km:scale_factor = 0.001 ;
		Optical_Depth_047_grid1km:long_name = "AOT at 0.47 micron" ;
	short Optical_Depth_055_grid1km(time, YDim_grid1km, XDim_grid1km) ;
		Optical_Depth_055_grid1km:coordinates = "GridLat_grid1km, GridLon_grid1km" ;
		Optical_Depth_055_grid1km:hdfeos_name = "Optical_Depth_055" ;
		Optical_Depth_055_grid1km:projection = "Albers Conical Equal_Area" ;
		Optical_Depth_055_grid1km:valid_range = -100s, 5000s ;
		Optical_Depth_055_grid1km:_FillValue = -28672s ;
		Optical_Depth_055_grid1km:unit = "None" ;
		Optical_Depth_055_grid1km:add_offset = 0. ;
		Optical_Depth_055_grid1km:scale_factor = 0.001 ;
		Optical_Depth_055_grid1km:long_name = "AOT at 0.55 micron" ;
	short Column_WV_grid1km(time, YDim_grid1km, XDim_grid1km) ;
		Column_WV_grid1km:coordinates = "GridLat_grid1km, GridLon_grid1km" ;
		Column_WV_grid1km:hdfeos_name = "Column_WV" ;
		Column_WV_grid1km:projection = "Albers Conical Equal_Area" ;
		Column_WV_grid1km:valid_range = 0s, 30000s ;
		Column_WV_grid1km:_FillValue = -28672s ;
		Column_WV_grid1km:unit = "cm" ;
		Column_WV_grid1km:add_offset = 0. ;
		Column_WV_grid1km:scale_factor = 0.001 ;
		Column_WV_grid1km:long_name = "Column Water Vapor" ;

// global attributes:
		:creation_date = "Sun Oct  8 22:13:54 MDT 2017" ;
		:Conventions = "None" ;
		:NCL_version = "Any version of NCL >= 5.2.0 (4/2010)" ;
		:source_file = "MAIACTAOT HDF-EOS files" ;
		:title = "MAIACTAOT HDF-EOS: time dimension added to selected variables" ;
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