[ncl-talk] Overlay profile of topography

Appo derbetini appopson4 at gmail.com
Wed May 10 03:02:32 MDT 2017

Dear Mary,

I am very surprise.
I try the script with another dataset.
As you can see in the attached plot, only humidity is displayed.
Vertical profile of wind is not appearing.

What i going wrong?

Best regards,


2017-05-08 20:22 GMT+01:00 Appo derbetini <appopson4 at gmail.com>:

> Thank you very much Mary,
> Now, I have a perfect plot.
> Cheers,
> Appo
> 2017-05-07 16:08 GMT+01:00 Mary Haley <haley at ucar.edu>:
>> Hi,
>> If by "optimized for this plot" you mean is the plotting being done
>> correctly, then I would say "yes".
>> However, I did notice that you have two slightly different scales on your
>> color bar. The top one goes from 30 to 90 in steps of 5, while the bottom
>> one goes from 20 to 90 in steps of 5.
>> If somebody is not paying attention when looking at these images, they
>> may not realize that the bottom purple color represents values < 30 in the
>> top plot, while it represents values < 20 in the bottom plot.
>> I recommend using the same color scale for both plots, and then using a
>> single panel labelbar so that it's more clear what the colors mean.
>> To make sure you use the same contour levels for both plots, set these
>> resources:
>>  res at cnLevelSelectionMode = "ManualLevels" ; manually set contour levels
>>  res at cnMinLevelValF       = 20.            ; minimum contour level
>>  res at cnMaxLevelValF       = 90.            ; maximum contour level
>>  res at cnLevelSpacingF        = 5.	
>> You then you need to turn off the individual labelbars for both plots, so you can set a common labelbar in the panel:
>>  res at lbLabelBarOn = False
>> Now, in the panel resources, set:
>> pres at gsnPanelLabelBar = True
>> pres2 at lbOrientation   = "vertical" ; set this if you want a vertical label bar
>> If you need more customization of your panel plot, then we have some examples on our panel page:
>> http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/panel.shtml
>> --Mary
>> On Fri, May 5, 2017 at 4:07 AM, Appo derbetini <appopson4 at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Mary,
>>> I applied your suggestions.
>>> Now, things are going like a charm.
>>> Here attached figure obtained and script.
>>> I guess that this script is optimized  for this plot?
>>> Thank you very much
>>> begin
>>>     in1  = addfile("uvwr.mean.JJAS.nc", "r")                         ;
>>> open netcdf file
>>>     input4  = addfile("topo.nc", "r")
>>>    u00     =  in1->u
>>>    v00     =  in1->v
>>>    w00     =  in1->w
>>>    rhum00  =  in1->r
>>>    topo1 = input4->HT
>>>    lat = in1->latitude
>>>    lon = in1->longitude
>>>    dv00    = uv2dvF (u00, v00)
>>>    uvd00   = dv2uvF (dv00)
>>>    ucomp_div00 = uvd00(0, :, : , :, :)
>>>    copy_VarCoords(u00, ucomp_div00)
>>>    sellat = 3.0
>>>    latmin = -5.0
>>>    latmax = 3.0
>>>    lonmin = min(lon)
>>>    lonmax = 20.0
>>>    sellat2 = -1.0
>>>    latmin2 = -4.0
>>>    latmax2 = -1.0
>>>    lonmin = min(lon)
>>>    lonmax = 20.0
>>>    udiv00 = dim_avg_n_Wrap(ucomp_div00(:, :, {latmin:latmax},
>>> {lonmin:lonmax}), 2)
>>>    omega00 = dim_avg_n_Wrap(w00(:, :, {latmin:latmax}, {lonmin:lonmax}),
>>> 2)
>>>    r00 = dim_avg_n_Wrap(rhum00(:, :, {latmin:latmax},{lonmin:lonmax}),
>>> 2)
>>>    udiv002 = dim_avg_n_Wrap(ucomp_div00(:, :, {latmin2:latmax2},
>>> {lonmin:lonmax}), 2)
>>>    omega002 = dim_avg_n_Wrap(w00(:, :, {latmin2:latmax2},
>>> {lonmin:lonmax}), 2)
>>>    r002 = dim_avg_n_Wrap(rhum00(:, :, {latmin2:latmax2},{lonmin:lonmax}),
>>> 2)
>>>    elev = 1013.25*(1 - topo1*0.0065/288.15)^5.25145
>>>    copy_VarCoords(topo1, elev)
>>> ;  topo = dim_avg_n_Wrap(elev({latmin:latmax},{lonmin:lonmax}), 0)
>>>    topo = elev({sellat}, {lonmin:lonmax})
>>>    topo2 = elev({sellat2}, {lonmin:lonmax})
>>> ;---create plot
>>>    wks   = gsn_open_wks ("eps", "Overlay_Rhum_udiv_JJAS_Timmean_5S3N")
>>> ; open workstation
>>>    plot = new(2, graphic)
>>>    res                     = True                  ; plot mods desired
>>>    res at gsnDraw             = False    ; turn off draw
>>>    res at gsnFrame            = False    ; turn off frame
>>>    res at gsnMaximize         = True
>>>    res at gsnRightString      = ""
>>>    res at gsnLeftString       = ""
>>>    cnres = res
>>>    cnres at cnFillOn          = True               ; turn on color fill
>>>    cnres at cnFillPalette     = "MPL_rainbow"
>>>    cnres at lbOrientation     = "Vertical"
>>>    cnres at pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = 0.08
>>>    cnres at tiYAxisString      = "Pressure (hPa)"
>>>    vcres = res
>>>    vcres at vcRefMagnitudeF = 10.0                ; define vector ref mag
>>>    vcres at vcRefLengthF    = 0.1              ; define length of vec ref
>>>    vcres at vcGlyphStyle    = "CurlyVector"      ; turn on curley vectors
>>>    vcres at vcMinDistanceF  = 0.04               ; thin out vectors
>>>    vcres at vcMapDirection  = False
>>>    vcres at vcLineArrowThicknessF   = 3.0
>>>    vcres at vcVectorDrawOrder  = "Draw"        ; draw vectors last
>>>    contour_plota1  =  gsn_csm_pres_hgt(wks, r00(0, :, {lonmin:lonmax}),
>>> cnres)
>>>    vector_plota1   = gsn_csm_vector(wks, udiv00(0, :, {lonmin:lonmax}),
>>> -200.0*omega00(0, :, {lonmin:lonmax}), vcres )
>>>    contour_plota2  =  gsn_csm_pres_hgt(wks, r002(0, :, {lonmin:lonmax}),
>>> cnres)
>>>    vector_plota2   = gsn_csm_vector(wks, udiv002(0, :, {lonmin:lonmax}),
>>> -200.0*omega002(0, :, {lonmin:lonmax}), vcres )
>>> ;---Add topo field using a filled polygon.
>>>    getvalues contour_plota1
>>>       "trYMinF" : ymin
>>>       "trYMaxF" : ymax
>>>    end getvalues
>>> ;---Create new X,Y arrays that form a closed polygon.
>>>    nlon  = dimsizes(topo&lon)
>>>    xtopo = new(nlon+3,typeof(topo&lon))
>>>    ytopo = new(nlon+3,typeof(topo))
>>>    xtopo(0:nlon-1) = topo&lon
>>>    ytopo(0:nlon-1) = topo
>>>    xtopo(nlon)     = topo&lon(nlon-1)
>>>    ytopo(nlon)     = ymax          ; Use actual Y max of contour plot
>>>    xtopo(nlon+1)   = topo&lon(0)
>>>    ytopo(nlon+1)   = ymax
>>>    xtopo(nlon+2)   = topo&lon(0)   ; This last point closes
>>>    ytopo(nlon+2)   = topo(0)       ; the polygon.
>>> ;---Add topo field using a filled polygon.
>>>    getvalues contour_plota2
>>>       "trYMinF" : ymin2
>>>       "trYMaxF" : ymax2
>>>    end getvalues
>>> ;---Create new X,Y arrays that form a closed polygon.
>>>    nlon  = dimsizes(topo2&lon)
>>>    xtopo2 = new(nlon+3,typeof(topo2&lon))
>>>    ytopo2 = new(nlon+3,typeof(topo2))
>>>    xtopo2(0:nlon-1) = topo2&lon
>>>    ytopo2(0:nlon-1) = topo2
>>>    xtopo2(nlon)     = topo2&lon(nlon-1)
>>>    ytopo2(nlon)     = ymax2          ; Use actual Y max of contour plot
>>>    xtopo2(nlon+1)   = topo2&lon(0)
>>>    ytopo2(nlon+1)   = ymax2
>>>    xtopo2(nlon+2)   = topo2&lon(0)   ; This last point closes
>>>    ytopo2(nlon+2)   = topo2(0)       ; the polygon.
>>> ;---Add the polygon to the contour plot.
>>>    gnres = True
>>>    gnres at gsFillColor = "gray20"
>>>    id = gsn_add_polygon(wks, contour_plota1, xtopo, ytopo, gnres)
>>>    i2 = gsn_add_polygon(wks, contour_plota2, xtopo2, ytopo2, gnres)
>>>     overlay(contour_plota1, vector_plota1)
>>>     overlay(contour_plota2, vector_plota2)
>>>      plot(0)  = contour_plota1
>>>      plot(1)  = contour_plota2
>>>    ;draw(contour_plot)     ; This draws everything
>>>    pres = True
>>>    pres at gsnMaximize = True
>>>    gsn_panel(wks, plot, (/2, 1/), pres)
>>> end
>>> 2017-05-05 0:39 GMT+01:00 Mary Haley <haley at ucar.edu>:
>>>> I'm so sorry I didn't get back to you sooner on this.  I've been
>>>> swamped and then was out-of-town for a few days.
>>>> It's a little hard to follow what's going on in this script without
>>>> being able to run it.
>>>> I think the issue is that you are using the "res" variable in your call
>>>> to gsn_panel, and "res" has both gsnDraw and gsnFrame set to False. This
>>>> will cause *no* plot to appear when you call gsn_panel.  I'm surprised you
>>>> are getting any plot at all.
>>>> I recommend creating a new resource variable for gsn_panel, because you
>>>> really don't want to use the one that you used for the plots themselves:
>>>> pres = True
>>>> pres at gsnMaximize = True
>>>> gsn_panel(wks, plot, (/2, 1/), pres)
>>>> If you
>>>> ​ continue to have problems, then it would help if you send me the two
>>>> data files. If you can't send the files, then send me the image you're
>>>> getting, and any error messages ​that the script produces.
>>>> ​Thanks,
>>>> --Mary
>>>> On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 12:56 AM, Appo derbetini <appopson4 at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Good morning Mary,
>>>>> Sorry , i forgot to add ncl-users email to the reply.
>>>>> I am attaching the modified version of the script were I'm trying to
>>>>> create a panel plot for two transects at latitude sellat and sellat2.
>>>>> Unfortunately, only one plot appears.
>>>>> Really, I don't know what is wrong this script.
>>>>> Your help will be appreciated.
>>>>> begin
>>>>>     in1  = addfile("uvwr.mean.JJAS.nc", "r")
>>>>> ; open netcdf file
>>>>>     input4  = addfile("atanas_topo.nc", "r")
>>>>>    u00     =  in1->u
>>>>>    v00     =  in1->v
>>>>>    w00     =  in1->w
>>>>>    rhum00  =  in1->r
>>>>>    topo1 = input4->HT
>>>>>    lat = in1->latitude
>>>>>    lon = in1->longitude
>>>>>    dv00    = uv2dvF (u00, v00)
>>>>>    uvd00   = dv2uvF (dv00)
>>>>>    ucomp_div00 = uvd00(0, :, : , :, :)
>>>>>    copy_VarCoords(u00, ucomp_div00)
>>>>>    sellat = 3.0
>>>>>    sellat2 = -2.5
>>>>>    latmin = -5.0
>>>>>    latmax = 3.0
>>>>>    lonmin = min(lon)
>>>>>    lonmax = 20.0
>>>>>    udiv00 = dim_avg_n_Wrap(ucomp_div00(:, :, {latmin:latmax},
>>>>> {lonmin:lonmax}), 2)
>>>>>    omega00 = dim_avg_n_Wrap(w00(:, :, {latmin:latmax},
>>>>> {lonmin:lonmax}), 2)
>>>>>    r00 = dim_avg_n_Wrap(rhum00(:, :, {latmin:latmax},{lonmin:lonmax}),
>>>>> 2)
>>>>>    ;udiv00  = ucomp_div00(:, :, {sellat}, {lonmin:lonmax})
>>>>>    ;omega00 = w00(:, :, {sellat}, {lonmin:lonmax})
>>>>>    ;r00     = rhum00(:, :, {sellat},{lonmin:lonmax})
>>>>>    elev = 1013.25*(1 - topo1*0.0065/288.15)^5.25145
>>>>>    copy_VarCoords(topo1, elev)
>>>>> ;  topo = dim_avg_n_Wrap(elev({latmin:latmax},{lonmin:lonmax}), 0)
>>>>>    topo  = elev({sellat}, {lonmin:lonmax})
>>>>>    topo2 = elev({sellat2}, {lonmin:lonmax})
>>>>> ;---create plot
>>>>>    wks   = gsn_open_wks ("eps", "Overlay_Rhum_udiv_topo")        ;
>>>>> open workstation
>>>>>     plot = new(2, graphic)
>>>>>    res                     = True                  ; plot mods desired
>>>>>    res at gsnDraw             = False    ; turn off draw
>>>>>    res at gsnFrame            = False    ; turn off frame
>>>>>    res at gsnMaximize         = True
>>>>>    res at gsnRightString      = ""
>>>>>    res at gsnLeftString       = ""
>>>>>    cnres = res
>>>>>    cnres at cnFillOn          = True               ; turn on color fill
>>>>>    cnres at cnFillPalette     = "MPL_rainbow"
>>>>>    cnres at lbOrientation     = "Vertical"
>>>>>    cnres at pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF = 0.08
>>>>>    cnres at tiYAxisString      = "Pressure (hPa)"
>>>>>    vcres = res
>>>>>    vcres at vcRefMagnitudeF = 10.0                ; define vector ref mag
>>>>>    vcres at vcRefLengthF    = 0.1              ; define length of vec ref
>>>>>    vcres at vcGlyphStyle    = "CurlyVector"      ; turn on curley vectors
>>>>>    vcres at vcMinDistanceF  = 0.04               ; thin out vectors
>>>>>    vcres at vcMapDirection  = False
>>>>>    vcres at vcLineArrowThicknessF   = 3.0
>>>>>    vcres at vcVectorDrawOrder  = "Draw"        ; draw vectors last
>>>>>    contour_plot_1 = gsn_csm_pres_hgt(wks, r00(0, :, {lonmin:lonmax}),
>>>>> cnres)
>>>>>    vector_plot_1  = gsn_csm_vector(wks, udiv00(0, :, {lonmin:lonmax}),
>>>>> -200.0*omega00(0, :, {lonmin:lonmax}), vcres )
>>>>>    contour_plot_2 = gsn_csm_pres_hgt(wks, r00(0, :, {lonmin:lonmax}),
>>>>> cnres)
>>>>>    vector_plot_2  = gsn_csm_vector(wks, udiv00(0, :, {lonmin:lonmax}),
>>>>> -200.0*omega00(0, :, {lonmin:lonmax}), vcres )
>>>>> ;---Add topo field using a filled polygon.
>>>>>    getvalues contour_plot_1
>>>>>       "trYMinF" : ymin
>>>>>       "trYMaxF" : ymax
>>>>>    end getvalues
>>>>> ;---Add topo field using a filled polygon.
>>>>>    getvalues contour_plot_2
>>>>>       "trYMinF" : ymin2
>>>>>       "trYMaxF" : ymax2
>>>>>    end getvalues
>>>>> ;---Create new X,Y arrays that form a closed polygon.
>>>>>    nlon  = dimsizes(topo&lon)
>>>>>    xtopo = new(nlon+3,typeof(topo&lon))
>>>>>    ytopo = new(nlon+3,typeof(topo))
>>>>>    xtopo(0:nlon-1) = topo&lon
>>>>>    ytopo(0:nlon-1) = topo
>>>>>    xtopo(nlon)     = topo&lon(nlon-1)
>>>>>    ytopo(nlon)     = ymax          ; Use actual Y max of contour plot
>>>>>    xtopo(nlon+1)   = topo&lon(0)
>>>>>    ytopo(nlon+1)   = ymax
>>>>>    xtopo(nlon+2)   = topo&lon(0)   ; This last point closes
>>>>>    ytopo(nlon+2)   = topo(0)       ; the polygon.
>>>>>    nlon2  = dimsizes(topo2&lon)
>>>>>    xtopo2 = new(nlon2+3,typeof(topo2&lon))
>>>>>    ytopo2 = new(nlon2+3,typeof(topo2))
>>>>>    xtopo2(0:nlon-1) = topo2&lon
>>>>>    ytopo2(0:nlon-1) = topo2
>>>>>    xtopo2(nlon)     = topo2&lon(nlon-1)
>>>>>    ytopo2(nlon)     = ymax2         ; Use actual Y max of contour plot
>>>>>    xtopo2(nlon+1)   = topo2&lon(0)
>>>>>    ytopo2(nlon+1)   = ymax2
>>>>>    xtopo2(nlon+2)   = topo2&lon(0)   ; This last point closes
>>>>>    ytopo2(nlon+2)   = topo2(0)       ; the polygon.
>>>>> ;---Add the polygon to the contour plot.
>>>>>    gnres = True
>>>>>    gnres at gsFillColor = "gray20"
>>>>>    id = gsn_add_polygon(wks, contour_plot_1, xtopo, ytopo, gnres)
>>>>>    id2 = gsn_add_polygon(wks, contour_plot_2, xtopo2, ytopo2, gnres)
>>>>>    overlay(contour_plot_1, vector_plot_1)
>>>>>    overlay(contour_plot_2, vector_plot_2)
>>>>>      draw(contour_plot_1)     ; This draws everything
>>>>>      draw(contour_plot_2)     ; This draws everything
>>>>>    plot(0) = contour_plot_1
>>>>>    plot(1) = contour_plot_2
>>>>>     gsn_panel(wks,plot, (/2, 1/), res)               ; now draw as one
>>>>> plot
>>>>> end
>>>>> 2017-04-24 21:58 GMT+01:00 Mary Haley <haley at ucar.edu>:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> In the future, please email ncl-talk with follow-up questions so
>>>>>> everybody can benefit from the answers.
>>>>>> What is the exact error message you're getting?
>>>>>> --Mary
>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 4:08 AM, Appo derbetini <appopson4 at gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Mary,
>>>>>>> Since you send me the script that plot masked fields, I am working
>>>>>>> to do it for many latitude in a panel plot.
>>>>>>> Always i got many errors saying that i cannot overlay.
>>>>>>> How to solve it?
>>>>>>> Thank you in advance.
>>>>>>> Appo
>>>>>>> 2017-04-10 8:23 GMT+01:00 Appo derbetini <appopson4 at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>> Thank you very much.
>>>>>>>> It's look like what I'm trying to do.
>>>>>>>> regards
>>>>>>>> 2017-04-09 22:11 GMT+01:00 Mary Haley <haley at ucar.edu>:
>>>>>>>>> I'm sorry I didn't get back to this sooner, but I was having
>>>>>>>>> trouble trying to understand what you are doing in the script.
>>>>>>>>> First, I'm not sure it makes sense to take an average of
>>>>>>>>> topographical data across a set of latitudes and plot that as a topo layer.
>>>>>>>>> But, that aside, I think you just want to plot the topo line as a
>>>>>>>>> filled polygon instead of a separate XY plot.
>>>>>>>>> I'm not sure what I've attached is correct, but hopefully it gives
>>>>>>>>> you an idea of what to do.
>>>>>>>>> Note that I'm using "sellat" to select a single latitude value,
>>>>>>>>> rather than averaging across a range of latitudes.
>>>>>>>>> --Mary
>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 2:10 AM, Appo derbetini <
>>>>>>>>> appopson4 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Dear Mary,
>>>>>>>>>> Despite applying what you suggest the problem remain the same
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you very much
>>>>>>>>>> 2017-04-06 8:53 GMT+01:00 Appo derbetini <appopson4 at gmail.com>:
>>>>>>>>>>> Dear Mary,
>>>>>>>>>>> Datasets are uploaded as indicated.
>>>>>>>>>>> What I really trying to do is something like Mask Example 14.
>>>>>>>>>>> But I don't want to interpolate topography to grid of wind.
>>>>>>>>>>> Here attached figure produced by the script
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you
>>>>>>>>>>> 2017-04-05 15:36 GMT+01:00 Mary Haley <haley at ucar.edu>:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't think I've ever seen this error before.
>>>>>>>>>>>> It's hard to debug this particular script without having the
>>>>>>>>>>>> data so I can run it. But, I'm wondering if this line might be part of the
>>>>>>>>>>>> problem:
>>>>>>>>>>>>   plot  = gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector(wks, r00(0, :,
>>>>>>>>>>>> {lonmin:lonmax}), udiv00(0, :, {lonmin:lonmax}), -200.0*omega00(0, :,
>>>>>>>>>>>> {lonmin:lonmax}), res )
>>>>>>>>>>>> When you do an arithmetic operation on an array, like:
>>>>>>>>>>>>   -200. * omega00
>>>>>>>>>>>> you end up stripping all of the metadata off omega00.  What's
>>>>>>>>>>>> getting passed into gsn_csm_pres_hgt has no metadata. This might be okay,
>>>>>>>>>>>> however, because I think this routine might just use the metadata from
>>>>>>>>>>>> "udiv00" instead.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Still, it's worth trying this:
>>>>>>>>>>>>  omega00_scale = omega00(0, :, {lonmin:lonmax})   ; subsets
>>>>>>>>>>>> omega00 *and* copies all metadata
>>>>>>>>>>>>  omega00_scale = -200.0 * omega00_scale
>>>>>>>>>>>>   plot  = gsn_csm_pres_hgt_vector(wks, r00(0, :,
>>>>>>>>>>>> {lonmin:lonmax}), udiv00(0, :, {lonmin:lonmax}), omega00_scale, res )
>>>>>>>>>>>> If you continue to have problems with this script, could you
>>>>>>>>>>>> upload your data (if it's not too large) to our ftp:
>>>>>>>>>>>> ftp ftp.cgd.ucar.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>> anonymous
>>>>>>>>>>>> <use your email address for the password>
>>>>>>>>>>>> cd incoming
>>>>>>>>>>>> put uvwr.mean.JJAS.nc
>>>>>>>>>>>> put atanas_topo.nc
>>>>>>>>>>>> quit
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> --Mary
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 9:18 AM, Appo derbetini <
>>>>>>>>>>>> appopson4 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dear all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am trying to overlay topography profil on a profil of wind
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and relative humidity.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't want to interpolate topography to show some details.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Atached are script and datasets used for the plot.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> But I having errors.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> warning:LlDataPolygon: point 6.150009,0.000000 outside data
>>>>>>>>>>>>> domain
>>>>>>>>>>>>> warning:LlDataPolygon: point 19.983337,0.000000 outside data
>>>>>>>>>>>>> domain
>>>>>>>>>>>>> warning:LlDataLineTo: point 6.150009,0.000000 outside data
>>>>>>>>>>>>> domain
>>>>>>>>>>>>> warning:LlDataLineTo: point 19.983337,0.000000 outside data
>>>>>>>>>>>>> domain
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any help will be appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Best regards.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ncl-talk mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ncl-talk at ucar.edu
>>>>>>>>>>>>> List instructions, subscriber options, unsubscribe:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/ncl-talk
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