[ncl-talk] Problems with latitude dimension

Elaine Silva laine.usp at gmail.com
Fri Feb 10 19:39:04 MST 2017

Dear ncl users

I'm trying to use the mjoclivar_2.ncl script with daily total precipitation
data from Era Interim, however an error is occurring

Could someone help me? Thank you very much in advance!

Variable: xAnom_sm
Type: float
Total Size: 951857280 bytes
            237964320 values
Number of Dimensions: 3
Dimensions and sizes:    [time | 1826] x [latitude | 181] x [longitude |
            time: [920436..964236]
            latitude: [-45..45]
            longitude: [-180..179.5]
Number Of Attributes: 3
  _FillValue :    -32767
  long_name :    Anomalies from Smooth Daily Climatology
  units :    m
(0)    Anomalies from Smooth Daily Climatology: min=-0.0362034
FileAddVar, in file: NclFile.c, line: 412
fatal:FileAddVar: Dimension (latitude) is not currently defined, can't add
fatal:["Execute.c":8578]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 130 in
file 01mjoelaine_2_pr.ncl

And the script

; ncl 01mjoelaine_2_pr.ncl

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/diagnostics_cam.ncl"

; User specifications
   NC      = True                             ; Deseja criar o arquivo
netCDF? True = sim e False = não
   PLOT    = False                            ; sample plots? Não cria

   ymdStrt = 20050101                         ; start yyyymmdd
   ymdLast = 20091231                         ; last
   yrStrt  = ymdStrt/10000
   yrLast  = ymdLast/10000

   nhar    = 4                                ; number of fourier comp

   var     = "tp"                            ; name of file. Nome da
variável do seu arquivo de entrada
   vName   = "TP"                            ; name for plots. Nome da
variável do arquivo netCDF que será gerado

  ;diri    = "/project/cas/shea/CDC/"         ; input directory
   diri    = "../../dados/diario/"               ; input directory.
Diretório de entrada dos dados
   fili    = var+".era.interim.2005.2009.invert.nc"       ; input file.
Nome do arquivo a ser lido.

   if (NC) then
       diro= "./"                             ; output dir. Onde será
gerado o arquivo netCDF. "./" quer dizer no mesmo diretório do script
      ;filo= var+".day.anomalies.nc"          ; output file
       filo= var+".day.anomalies."+yrStrt+"-"+yrLast+".nc"  ; output file.
Nome do arquivo netCDF a ser criado.
   end if

   if (PLOT) then
       wksType = "pdf"                        ; extensão da figura. eps,
pdf, ps, png
       wksName = "mjoclivar"                  ; "mjo."+yrStrt+"_"+yrLast.
Nome da figura a ser gerada.
   end if

; Read user specified time and create required yyyyddd
   f       = addfile (diri+fili , "r")

   time    = f->time                          ; all times on file
   ymd     = cd_calendar(time, -2)            ; yyyymmdd
   iStrt   = ind(ymd.eq.ymdStrt)              ; index start
   iLast   = ind(ymd.eq.ymdLast)              ; index last

; Read user specified time and create required yyyyddd
   time    = f->time(iStrt:iLast)             ; time:units = "hours since"
   TIME    = cd_calendar(time, 0)             ; type float
   year    = floattointeger( TIME(:,0) )
   month   = floattointeger( TIME(:,1) )
   day     = floattointeger( TIME(:,2) )
   ddd     = day_of_year(year, month, day)
   yyyyddd = year*1000 + ddd                  ; needed for input

; Read data: short2flt
   x       =  short2flt( f->$var$(iStrt:iLast,:,:) )    ; convert to float
   printVarSummary( x )

; Compute daily climatology: raw and then 'smoothed'
   xClmDay = clmDayTLL(x, yyyyddd)     ; daily climatology at each grid

; Compute smoothed daily climatology using 'nhar' harmonics
   xClmDay_sm = smthClmDayTLL(xClmDay, nhar)

; Compute daily anomalies using raw and smoothed climatologies
    xAnom      = calcDayAnomTLL (x, yyyyddd, xClmDay)
    printMinMax(xAnom, True)

    xAnom_sm   = calcDayAnomTLL (x, yyyyddd, xClmDay_sm)
    xAnom_sm at long_name = "Anomalies from Smooth Daily Climatology"
    printMinMax(xAnom_sm, True)

    delete( x )    ; no longer needed

; Create netCDF: convenience use 'simple' method

    dimx   = dimsizes(xAnom)
    ntim   = dimx(0)
    nlat   = dimx(1)
    mlon   = dimx(2)

    if (NC) then

        lat    = f->latitude
        lon    = f->longitude

        system("/bin/rm -f "+diro+filo)      ; rm any pre-exist file, if any
        fnc    = addfile (diro+filo, "c")

        filAtt = 0
        filAtt at title         = vName+": Daily Anomalies:
    filAtt at source_file   = fili
        filAtt at creation_date = systemfunc("date")
        fileattdef( fnc, filAtt )         ; copy file attributes


        varNC      = vName+"_anom"
        varNC_sm   = vName+"_anom_sm"

        dimNames = (/"time", "lat", "lon"/)
    dimSizes = (/ -1   ,  nlat,  mlon/)
    dimUnlim = (/ True , False, False/)

        filevardef(fnc, "time"  ,typeof(time),getvardims(time))
        filevardef(fnc, "lat"   ,typeof(lat) ,getvardims(lat))
        filevardef(fnc, "lon"   ,typeof(lon) ,getvardims(lon))
        filevardef(fnc, varNC   ,typeof(xAnom)   ,getvardims(xAnom))
        filevardef(fnc, varNC_sm,typeof(xAnom)   ,getvardims(xAnom))

        filevarattdef(fnc,"time"  ,time)                    ; copy time
        filevarattdef(fnc,"lat"   ,lat)                     ; copy lat
        filevarattdef(fnc,"lon"   ,lon)                     ; copy lon
        filevarattdef(fnc,varNC   ,xAnom)

        fnc->time       = (/time/)
        fnc->lat        = (/lat/)
        fnc->lon        = (/lon/)
        fnc->$varNC$    = (/xAnom   /)
        fnc->$varNC_sm$ = (/xAnom_sm/)
    end if

; plotting parameters
    if (PLOT) then
        LAT   = (/ 60, 45,  5,  -5, -45, 60 /)
        LON   = (/270, 30, 90,  90, 180,  0 /)
        nPts  = dimsizes( LAT )

        plot  = new ( nPts, graphic)
        data  = new ( (/2,366/), typeof(xClmDay), getFillValue(xClmDay))

        wks   = gsn_open_wks (wksType,wksName)

        res                   = True                      ; plot mods
        res at gsnDraw           = False
        res at gsnFrame          = False
        res at trXMinF           =   1
        res at trXMaxF           = 366
       ;res at tiMainString      = ""

        res at xyLineThicknesses = (/1.0, 2.0/)              ; make 2nd lines
        res at xyLineColors      = (/"blue","red"/)          ; change line
        res at xyMonoDashPattern = True                      ; all solid

        do np=0,nPts-1
           data(0,:) = xClmDay(:,{LAT(np)},{LON(np)})
           data(1,:) = xClmDay_sm(:,{LAT(np)},{LON(np)})
           res at gsnCenterString = "lat="+LAT(np)+"  lon="+LON(np)
           plot(np)  = gsn_csm_y (wks,data,res) ; create plot
        end do

        resP                     = True                ; modify the panel
        resP at txString            = vName+": Raw/Smooth Daily Climatology:
        resP at gsnMaximize         = True
        resP at gsnPaperOrientation = "portrait"
        gsn_panel(wks,plot,(/(nPts/2),2/),resP)               ; now draw as
one plot

       ; Plot anomalies for an arbitrarily selected near equatorial location
       ; Time: Oct 1, 1996 to April 1,1997  [arbitrary selection]
        LATX    = 0
        LONX    = 90

        yyyymmdd  = cd_calendar(time, -2)
      ;;yrfrac    = yyyymmdd_to_yyyyfrac (yyyymmdd, 0)
      ;;delete(yrfrac at long_name)

        xAnom at long_name    = "Anomalies from Raw"   ; short labels for plot
        xAnom_sm at long_name = "Anomalies from Smooth"

        ntBegin   = ind(yyyymmdd.eq.20051001)
        ntEnd     = ind(yyyymmdd.eq.20060401)

        monthLabels    = (/1,4,7,10/)
        monNam = (/"Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun" \
                  ,"Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec" /)
        xVal   = new(ntim, typeof(xAnom&time) , "No_FillValue") ; bigger
        xLab   = new(ntim, "string", "No_FillValue")        ; needed
        xValm  = new(ntim, typeof(xAnom&time) , "No_FillValue") ; bigger

        ntm            = -1
        cr             = inttochar(10)                     ; carriage return
        do nt=ntBegin,ntEnd
         if (day(nt).eq.1) then
             ntm       = ntm + 1
             xVal(ntm) = xAnom&time(nt)
             xLab(ntm) = monNam(month(nt)-1)
             if (month(nt).eq.1) then
                 xLab(ntm) = xLab(ntm) + cr +sprinti("%0.4i", year(nt))
             end if
         end if
        end do

        rxy  = True
        rxy at gsnDraw     = False
        rxy at gsnFrame    = False
        rxy at gsnYRefLine = 0.0                    ; create a reference
        rxy at gsnAboveYRefLineColor = "red"        ; above ref line fill red
        rxy at gsnBelowYRefLineColor = "blue"       ; below ref line fill blue
        rxy at xyLineThicknessF  =
        rxy at vpHeightF  = 0.4                     ; resize
        rxy at vpWidthF   = 0.8
        rxy at tmXBMode   = "Explicit"
        rxy at tmXBValues = xVal(0:ntm)
        rxy at tmXBLabels = xLab(0:ntm)

        plot(0)  = gsn_csm_xy (wks,time(ntBegin:ntEnd) \
        plot(1)  = gsn_csm_xy (wks,time(ntBegin:ntEnd) \
        resP at txString  = vName+": Anomalies: (0,90E)"

    end if
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