[ncl-talk] write out in HDF5 format by NCL

Yi-Chih Huang dscpln at gmail.com
Sat Aug 12 03:10:54 MDT 2017


    I am trying to write out one variable in HDF5 format in an NCL script
following the commands on the web page
https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/hdf5.shtml.  Because the output data
are calculated in the NCL script, I commented the three lines below.
However, I got the error message "NclFileAddGrp: Old File Structure DO NOT
Support Group." as follows.  Could anyone indicate how to fix this error?

    Thanks much,


fatal:["FileSupport.c":1638]:_NclFileAddGrp: Old File Structure DO NOT
Support Group.
^Mfatal:["FileSupport.c":1638]:_NclFileAddGrp: Old File Structure DO NOT
Support Group.
^Mfatal:["FileSupport.c":1638]:_NclFileAddGrp: Old File Structure DO NOT
Support Group.
^Mfatal:["Execute.c":8128]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 340 in
file q_ln-ln_pre_q01.ncl

; fn = "/Users/huangwei/myncl/nc4_work/wrtgroup/nc4uvt.nc"

; fi = addfile(fn, "r")

;  fAtt at source_file   = fn

##########################################     as on the web page

	Write HDF5 file with group:

 setfileoption("nc", "FileStructure", "Advanced")

 fn = "/Users/huangwei/myncl/nc4_work/wrtgroup/nc4uvt.nc"

 fi = addfile(fn, "r")


 time = fi->time
 lev = fi->lev
 lat = fi->lat
 lon = fi->lon

 t = fi->T
 u = fi->U
 v = fi->V


;print("t(0,0,0,0) = " + t(0,0,0,0))
;print("u(0,1,1,1) = " + u(0,1,1,1))
;print("v(0,2,2,2) = " + v(0,2,2,2))

;print("t&lat(0) = " + t&lat(0))
;print("t at units = " + t at units)
;print("u at units = " + u at units)
;print("v at units = " + v at units)

;u1 = fi->U(::2)
;v1 = fi->V(3:121:3)

 ntim  = dimsizes(time)	; get dimension sizes
 nlev  = dimsizes(lev)
 nlat  = dimsizes(lat)
 nlon  = dimsizes(lon)

 setfileoption("h5", "FileStructure", "Advanced")

 fon = "ncl_wrt_uvt.h5"
 system("/bin/rm -f " + fon) ; remove if exists
 fo = addfile(fon, "c")

; explicitly declare file definition mode. Improve efficiency.
;setfileoption(fo,"CompressionLevel", 6)
;setfileoption(fo,"CacheSize", 3200000)
;setfileoption(fo,"CacheNelems", 1027)
;setfileoption(fo,"CachePreemption", 0.25)

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