[ncl-talk] land/sea mask from shapefile

franz f.trotta at sincem.unibo.it
Fri May 27 04:06:33 MDT 2016

Dear ncl-Team

   I'm using NCL - version 6.3.0
   I would like to create a land-sea mask using a shapefile.
   I’ve created a shapefile from qgis and I tried to use the function 

   mask2dtCoast = new((/ny,nx/),float)
   mask2dtCoast(0:ny-1,0:nx-1) = 

   but I've got a not expect  result:
   sea and land grid points are not consistente with the coastline 
contained in the shape file in same region of my domain :-(

   I also try to use the function shapefile_mask_data in the following 

   opt = True
   opt at return_mask = True
   mask2dtCoast_surf(0:ny-1,0:nx-1) = 

   but with the same result.

   where is the error?

Francesco T.

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