[ncl-talk] Need help for plotting multiple regression lines in one plot
mireiyue at gmail.com
Wed Mar 2 14:47:05 MST 2016
Dear NCL users
I am trying to plot three different data with three regression lines in one plot. I can plot all data in one plot but the regression line only plot the first one. How I can plot all three regression lines in one plot? I do appreciate any helps!! Thank you!!
rc = regline_stats(calextd,merracmf)
pltarry = new((/2,dimsizes(calextd)/),typeof(calextd))
pltarry(0,:) = merracmf ; use markers
pltarry(1,:) = rc*(calextd-rc at xave) + rc at yintercept ; use solid line
rc1 = regline_stats(camMextd,camMcmf)
pltarry1 = new((/2,dimsizes(camMextd)/),typeof(camMextd))
pltarry1(0,:) = camMcmf ; use markers
pltarry1(1,:) = rc*(camMextd-rc at xave) + rc at yintercept ; use solid line
rc2 = regline_stats(camextd,camcmf)
pltarry2 = new((/2,dimsizes(camextd)/),typeof(camextd))
pltarry2(0,:) = camcmf ; use markers
pltarry2(1,:) = rc*(camextd-rc at xave) + rc at yintercept ; use solid line
wks = gsn_open_wks("eps","Global")
res = True ; plot mods desired
res at gsnDraw = False ; Will draw later, after overlaying
res at gsnFrame = False ; all plots
; res at gsnMaximize = False
res at trXMinF = 0.
res at trYMinF = 0.
res at xyMarkLineModes = (/“Markers”,”Lines”/) ; choose which have markers
res at xyExplicitLegendLabels = “A"
res at pmLegendParallelPosF = 0.35
res at xyMarkers = "16" ; choose type of marker
res at xyMarkerColor = "darkgreen" ; Marker color
res at xyMarkerSizeF = 0.01 ; Marker size (default 0.01)
res at xyLineColor = "black"
res at xyLineThicknesses = 1 ;(/1,2/)
res at xyDashPatterns = 0 ; solid line
plot2 = gsn_csm_xy (wks,calextd,pltarry(0:1,:),res)
res at xyMarkers = "7" ; choose type of marker
res at xyMarkerColor = "blue" ; Marker color
res at xyMarkerSizeF = 0.01 ; Marker size (default 0.01)
res at xyExplicitLegendLabels = “B"
res at pmLegendParallelPosF = 0.79
res at xyLineColor = "red"
res at xyLineThicknesses = 1 ;(/1,2/)
res at xyDashPatterns = 0 ; solid line
plot1 = gsn_csm_xy (wks,camMextd,pltarry1(0:1,:),res)
res at xyExplicitLegendLabels = “C"
res at pmLegendParallelPosF = 1.2
res at xyMarkers = "12" ; choose type of marker
res at xyMarkerColor = "red" ; Marker color
res at xyMarkerSizeF = 0.01 ; Marker size (default 0.01)
res at xyLineColor = "blue"
res at xyLineThicknesses = 1 ;(/1,2/)
res at xyDashPatterns = 0 ; solid line
plot =gsn_csm_xy (wks,camextd,pltarry2(0:1,:),res)
draw(plot) ; This will draw all four plots
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