[ncl-talk] colorbar_and_title_not_showing

Kunal Bali kunal.bali9 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 13:03:03 MDT 2016

Dear NCL users,

I plotted the overlay map, in that the colorbar is coming properly and
title is also missing.

Could you please let  me know the missing point
The script is written below

   BR   = a->BRFLUXV(26,:,:)
   GPH  = a1->H(26,0,:,:)
   u   = a2->uwnd(114,4,:,:)
   v   = a2->vwnd(114,4,:,:)
 ;---Open workstation and change color map

    wks_type = "pdf"
   ;wks_type at wkPaperSize = "A4"
    wks = gsn_open_wks(wks_type,"figure")

;;create plots;;

;       gsn_define_colormap(wks,"BkBlAqGrYeOrReViWh200")
        res                        = True
        res at gsnDraw         = False
        res at gsnFrame       = False
        res at gsnMaximize   = True
        res at tmXTOn          = False
        res at tmYROn          = False
        res at gsnLeftString    = ""
        res at gsnRightString   = ""

;;set map;;
        mpres                                           = res
        mpres at mpDataSetName               = "Earth..4"
        mpres at mpDataBaseVersion           = "MediumRes"
        mpres at mpOutlineOn                      = True
        mpres at mpOutlineSpecifiers              = (/"india","nepal","china"/)
        mpres at mpGeophysicalLineThicknessF   = 2
        mpres at mpNationalLineThicknessF        = 2
        mpres at mpFillDrawOrder                     = "PostDraw"
        mpres at mpFillOn                               = True
        mpres at mpMaskAreaSpecifiers        =

;;set area;;
      mpres at mpMinLonF = 65.0
     mpres at mpMaxLonF = 98.0
      mpres at mpMinLatF = 5.0
       mpres at mpMaxLatF = 38.0

;;set contour;;
        cnres                             = res
        cnres at cnFillDrawOrder             = "PreDraw"
        cnres at cnFillOn                    = True
        cnres at cnLinesOn                   = False
        cnres at pmLabelBarWidthF            = 0.4
        cnres at pmLabelBarHeightF           = 0.09
        cnres at pmLabelBarOrthogonalPosF    = 0.1
        cnres at lbLabelFontHeightF          = 0.009
        cnres at lbLabelAngleF               = 45
        cnres at tiMainString                = "26 April 2016 @700hpa"
    cnres at cnLevelSelectionMode        = "ExplicitLevels"   ; set explicit
contour levels
    cnres at cnLevels                    = (/0, 1e-06, 2e-06, 3e-06, 4e-06,
5e-06, 7e-06, 8e-06, 9e-06/)
        cnres at cnFillPalette               = "WhBlGrYeRe"

        resL                   = res
      resL at cnFillOn          = False     ; turn on contour fill
      resL at cnLinesOn         = True    ; turn off contour lines
      resL at cnLineLabelsOn    = True    ; turn off line labels
      resL at cnLineThicknessF  = 3.
      resL at cnLineColor       = "red"

;;set vector;;
        res_vc                            = res
        res_vc at vcGlyphStyle               = "LineArrow"
        res_vc at vcLineArrowThicknessF      = 0.01
        res_vc at vcMinDistanceF             = 0.001
        res_vc at vcRefLengthF               =  0.085

        res_vc at vcRefAnnoOn               = True
        res_vc at vcRefAnnoString2On        = False
        res_vc at vcRefAnnoPerimOn          = False
        res_vc at vcRefAnnoOrthogonalPosF   = -0.12
        res_vc at vcRefAnnoParallelPosF     = 0.999
        res_vc at vcRefAnnoBackgroundColor  = "Purple"
        res_vc at vcVectorDrawOrder         = "PostDraw"
        res_vc at gsnRightString            = "Wind"

        map     = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres)
        bc    = gsn_csm_contour(wks,BR,cnres)
        geopot  = gsn_csm_contour(wks,GPH,resL)
        vector  = gsn_csm_vector(wks,v,u,res_vc)

;;overlay filled contours and vectors on the map;;

;;drawing "map" will draw everything: map, contours, vectors, and text;;

Kunal Bali
Research Scholar
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