[ncl-talk] Fwd: Help with creating a script for precipitation stored in shapefiles
Rick Brownrigg
brownrig at ucar.edu
Fri Oct 23 11:48:27 MDT 2015
Hi Carlos,
As for your second question, I modified your script slightly; the script
and snapshot are attached. The changes are:
- added mpDataBaseVersion = "MediumRes", which gives a slightly better
looking map
- draw each polymarker twice, once with a solid-fill marker, then with an
outline marker in black
I don't really understand your first question. The x and y values are n
NDC (normalized idevice coordinates), which range from 0--1 across the
longest dimension of your plot. Example 11 at the following link shows an
example of i) getting the corners/edges of the plot boundary, and then
constructing a label/legend in a particular corner of the plot. Perhaps
this will guide, but please write back to the list if not.
On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 6:33 PM, Carlos J. Valle-Diaz <
cj.vallediaz at gmail.com> wrote:
> Forgot to Cc ncl-talk...I apologize!
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Carlos J. Valle-Diaz <cj.vallediaz at gmail.com>
> Date: Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 8:27 PM
> Subject: Re: [ncl-talk] Help with creating a script for precipitation
> stored in shapefiles
> To: Rick Brownrigg <brownrig at ucar.edu>
> Thank you very much Rick,
> I've been playing around with the script to understand the functions and
> resources used to make the plot and learn NCL from it. I managed to focus
> it on my area of interest (Puerto Rico). At the moment, I've been trying to
> put a legend and text. I've seen an example at the website "polyg_8.ncl",
> but I have a question.
> I know that the gsn_polymarker_ndc(wks, x, y, res) function lets me put
> the legend markers and the gsn_text_ndc(wks, text, x, y, res) function lets
> me put the text. I'm using "gsres" as a resource for the polymarkers and
> "txres" as a resource for the text to go along with it. My question lies in
> the numeric values (x and y). In the example script I mentioned above, the
> code is set for an array set defined. In my case I would have to define it
> for the Globalvalues (precipitation) in my shapefile. In summary, how do I
> define x and y to make a legend at an even interval of my GlobalValues and
> to play with the location of both the markers and text? (See script
> attached)
> Also, I've been trying to include black circles in the loop that generates
> the colored polymarkers in the plot to make it more visible, but haven't
> been succesful. I've tried the following sequence, for example, and marks
> an error. What am I doing wrong?
> do i=0, dimsizes(f->Globvalue) - 1
> indx = doubletoint( (f->Globvalue(i)-globMin) / globRange *
> numColors) + 1 ; skip first color in table
> if (indx.ge.numColors) then
> indx = numColors - 1
> end if
> gsres at gsMarkerIndex = 4
> gsres at gsMarkerThicknessF = 2
> gsres at gsMarkerColor = "Black"
> gsn_polymarker(wks, plot, f->Lon(i), f->Lat(i), gsres)
> gsres at gsMarkerIndex = 1
> gsres at gsMarkerSizeF = 0.03
> gsres at gsMarkerColor = cmap(indx, :)
> gsn_polymarker(wks, plot, f->Lon(i), f->Lat(i), gsres)
> end do
> Thanks again,
> Carlos
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load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
wks = gsn_open_wks("X11","NWS-Precip-2011071215")
f = addfile("nws_precip_2011071215.shp","r")
minLat = 17.30
maxLat = 19
latRange = maxLat - minLat
minLon = 292
maxLon = 295
lonRange = maxLon - minLon
globMin = min(f->Globvalue)
globRange = max(f->Globvalue) - min(f->Globvalue)
mres = True
mres at mpDataBaseVersion = "MediumRes"
mres at mpLimitMode = "Corners" ; corner method of zoom
mres at mpLeftCornerLatF = minLat - (latRange * .01)
mres at mpLeftCornerLonF = minLon - (lonRange * .01)
mres at mpRightCornerLatF = maxLat + (latRange * .01)
mres at mpRightCornerLonF = maxLon + (lonRange * .01)
mres at gsnDraw = True ; don't draw yet
mres at gsnFrame = False ; don't advance frame yet
mres at gsnMaximize = False
mres at pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Always" ; turn on tickmarks
mres at tiMainString = "NWS Precipitation July 12 2011 at 15 UTC"
plot = gsn_csm_map(wks,mres)
cmap = read_colormap_file("prcp_1")
numColors = dimsizes(cmap(:,0)) - 1 ; skip the first color in the table
print(globMin + " " + globRange)
txres = True
txres at txFontHeightF = 0.015
gsres = True
do i=0, dimsizes(f->Globvalue) - 1
indx = doubletoint( (f->Globvalue(i)-globMin) / globRange * numColors) + 1 ; skip first color in table
if (indx.ge.numColors) then
indx = numColors - 1
end if
gsres at gsMarkerIndex = 16
gsres at gsMarkerSizeF = 0.005
gsres at gsMarkerColor = cmap(indx, :)
gsn_polymarker(wks, plot, f->Lon(i), f->Lat(i), gsres)
gsres at gsMarkerIndex = 4
gsres at gsMarkerColor = (/ 0., 0., 0., 1. /) ; opaque-black
gsn_polymarker(wks, plot, f->Lon(i), f->Lat(i), gsres)
; gsn_polymarker_ndc(wks, x, y, gsres)
; gsn_text_ndc(wks, text, x, y, txres)
end do
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