[ncl-talk] Fwd: Adding Up Files

Tim Melino melino33 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 03:51:12 MST 2015


I am trying to add up reflectivity values from a bunch of netcdf radar data
but I can't quite get it to work. I have 75 files to loop over and I am
trying to add to the total each iteration. I have attached the code below.
If anyone has any ideas how to put this together correctly that would be

  ; get list of all files and open as "one big file"
   fils = systemfunc ("ls ./grids/ncf*.nc") ; file paths
   a    = addfiles (fils, "r")
   ListSetType (a, "cat")        ; concatenate (=default)

  type = "png"
  wks = gsn_open_wks(type, "radar")

; Set some Basic Plot options
  res = True
  res at gsnDraw      =  False                   ; do not draw the plot
  res at gsnFrame     =  False                   ; do not advance the frame
  pltres = True
  pltres at NoTitles = True
  pltres at CommonTitle = True
  pltres at PlotTitle = "Radar Reflectivity DbZ"
  pltres at PanelPlot = True
  pltres at FramePlot = False

; Set the Colormap
    FillValue = 0
    lat  = a[0]->lat0(:,:)
    lon  = a[0]->lon0(:,:)

   total = 75
   i = 0
   do while(i.le.total)
      ;print (i)
      if ( i .gt. 0 ) then
      ref_save = a[i]->REF(0,0,:,:)
      ref_save = where(ref_save.lt.45,FillValue,ref_save)
      ref_tot = ref_tot + ref_save
      ;print (ref_save)
       ref_tot = a[i]->REF(0,0,:,:)
       ref_tot = where(ref_tot.lt.45,FillValue,ref_tot)
      end if

   end do

Thanks in advance!
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