[ncl-talk] plot with irregular latitude
clotilde dubois
clotilde.dubois at mercator-ocean.fr
Fri Nov 13 10:31:52 MST 2015
Dear ncl-users,
I am trying to plot an ocean section (lat/depth) at a constant
longitude. The grid is irregular and when plotting , i cannont managed
to get the latitude coordinates right. Evenif i try the command:
v_subregion&lat = lat2d(latS:latN,lonW) or similar.
Best regards,
PS: here, it is the script
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl"
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl"
filename =
f = addfile (filename, "r")
v = short2flt(f->votemper ) ; (time_counter, deptht, y, x)
lat2d = f->nav_lat ; (y,x)
lon2d = f->nav_lon ; (y,x)
nt = 0 ; time index to plot
nd = 0 ; depth index to plot
; v = where(v.ge.v at _FillValue,v at _FillValue,v)
;---Start the graphics
wks = gsn_open_wks("eps" ,"figure_test")
;---Set some resources
res = True
res at gsnMaximize = True
res at gsnSpreadColors = True
res at cnFillOn = True ; Turn on contour fill
res at cnLinesOn = True ; Turn off contour lines
res at cnLineLabelsOn = True ; Turn off line labels
res at lbLabelAutoStride = True
res at trYReverse = True ; Reverse Y axis
res at tmXBTickSpacingF = 5
res at cnLabelBarEndStyle = "ExcludeOuterBoxes"
;---Area to do the cross-section across
latS = 0
latN = 1020
lonW = 600
nivsup = 0 ; a partir de 100 m
nivinf= 40
;---Get a subregion to plot
v_subregion = v(nt,nivsup:nivinf,latS:latN,lonW)
;---The new coordinate array is double, so convert to float
newdep0 = tofloat((/f->deptht/))
;v_subregion&deptht = newdep0(nivsup:nivinf)
;v_subregion&nav_lat = lat2d(latS:latN,lonW)
;res at sfXArray = v_subsection&y
;res at sfYArray = v_subsection&deptht ; y axis array
res at gsnYAxisIrregular2Linear = True ; converts irreg depth to linear
res at trYReverse=True ; reverses y-axis
plot = gsn_csm_contour(wks,v_subregion,res)
On 09/02/15 16:51, clotilde dubois wrote:
> Dear ncl-users,
> I am trying to use the function lonFlip, but i keep having the following
> message (see below). Whereas I have no problem to use the lonFlip
> function. Do you have any idea why it is not working?
> Best regards,
> Clotilde Dubois
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