[ncl-talk] Point data over terain data

Geeta Geeta geetag54 at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 4 10:32:39 MST 2015

Dear Mary. 
Yes i wanted to plot the station data over the terain data. 
It working and thank you very much. I have small question. 
I printed the O/P of contour.              contour      = wrf_contour(datafil,wks,hgt,res)

The o/p was 

NCAR Command Language Version 6.2.1
 The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
 See http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/ for more details.

Variable: contour
Type: obj
Total Size: 4 bytes
            1 values
Number of Dimensions: 1
Dimensions and sizes:    [1]
Number Of Attributes: 1
  data :    terain-stn-v1_data    scalarFieldClass    9

So variable "contour" will be of the type "graphic/object".  what is the last line of the print statement coming from???
2. I looked for the "PanelPlot" res. I think that is the key thing for making this kind of plot. 
But i could not get/find it in the RESOURCES link of the site. and also in the link, https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Applications/panel.shtml  I could not find this being used. Kindly provide me the info. 

3. Actually I was making two separate plots (terrain and station) then trying to use "overlay"... I dont know what was the problem. I couldnt do it this way.
4. I tried putting                     pltres at PanelPlot                 = True 
just before the following statement. 
 ;                   pltres at PanelPlot                 = True
     72          str                       = unique_string("polymarker")
     73          plot@$str$                = gsn_add_polymarker(wks,plot,lon(rf0),lat(rf0),res_mark)

then there were 2 plots. 

Kindly explain me. 


I tried setting it to False, then 2 plots are created. 

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