[ncl-talk] issues interpolating data from NCEP to WRF coordinates

Michael Stone mrstone at Colorado.EDU
Tue Jun 9 15:16:26 MDT 2015

Hi again,

I've continued to investigate the issue and decided to try out using the
ESMF regridding package instead. I wrote a script that does a simple
interpolation using the same data and grids but using the ESMF
regridding/interpolation and ran into the same issue with missing values.
This script is attached below and requires the same "geo_em" file in my
prior email as well as the data file. I plotted the missing values and they
are in the same location.

To me, this indicates some issue with how I'm creating the geo_em file but
I am having a hard time finding out why that might be. I'm going to
continue to work on this and try a different grid to see if I run into the
same issue. If anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate it.


On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 2:26 PM, Michael Stone <mrstone.colorado at gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> I'm having issues interpolating data using the rgrid2rcm function from
> NCEP to WRF coordinates. After interpolation there is a strip of missing
> data and I'm having a very difficult time figuring out exactly why that is.
> Attached you'll find the script I'm running to interpolate the data, a
> plot of where the missing values occur, and the location of the lats/lons
> that are missing. The NCEP data is just air temperature (although I'm
> trying to do many variables) and I put a single year on the NCAR ftp server
> under "air.1950.nc". There is also a file "geo_em.d01.nc" that represents
> the WRF grid to interpolate to that is necessary for the script to run
> located on the ftp.
> ncl -V
> 6.2.0
> uname -a
> Linux vardar.colorado.edu 2.6.32-504.12.2.el6.i686 #1 SMP Sun Feb 1
> 12:14:25 EST 2015 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
> Thanks for the help.
> Michael
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