[ncl-talk] write variable attribute

Luo, Chao chao.luo at eas.gatech.edu
Fri Aug 28 11:33:50 MDT 2015

Dear All, 

I am working on temperature interpolation from 36km to 4km by ESMF_regrid, and want to write out the TEMP2 at new resolution, 
unfortunately the temp2 attribute didn't write out in netcdf file, I have tried to define TEMP2 attribute by: 

temp2!0 = "time" 
temp2!1 = "lay" 
temp2!2 = "lat" 
temp2!3 = "lon" 
temp2 at long_name = "TEMP2" 
temp2 at units = "k" 
temp2 at var_desc = "temperature at 2 m" 

and by function of filevarattdef. Both didn't work. 

Thanks very much for and help or suggestions! 

Here is the script I used: 

load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" 
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" 
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" 
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/wrf/WRFUserARW.ncl" 
load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/esmf/ESMF_regridding.ncl" 


diri_36 = "/data11/cluo/CMAQv5.0.1/scripts/mcip4.1/36km/201107/data/" 
diri_4 = "/data12/cluo/smoke3.6.5/data/ge_dat/" 
namei_36 = "GRIDCRO2D_148x112_20110701" 
namei_4 = "geo_em.d01_1332x1008.nc" 

f1 = addfile(diri_36+namei_36,"r") 

;output lat/lon 
lat2d_36km = f1->LAT(0,0,:,:) ; (TSTEP, LAY, ROW, COL) , 36km 
lon2d_36km = f1->LON(0,0,:,:) ; (TSTEP, LAY, ROW, COL) , 36km 

printVarSummary (lon2d_36km) 

f2 = addfile(diri_4+namei_4,"r") 
;input lat/lon 

lat2d_4km = f2->XLAT_M(0,:,:) ; 4km 
lon2d_4km = f2->XLONG_M(0,:,:) ; 4km 

printVarSummary (lon2d_4km) 

name_in = "METCRO2D_148x112_20110701" 

nlay = 1 
ntime = 25 

time = new((/ntime/),integer) 
time = ispan(0,ntime-1,1) 

f3 = addfile(diri_36+name_in,"r") temp2_36 = f3->TEMP2(:,:,:,:) ;(TSTEP, LAY, ROW, COL) 
TFLAG = f3->TFLAG(:,0,:) 
temp2_36 at _FillValue = 9.999e+36 

printVarSummary (temp2_36) 

diro = "/data11/cluo/cmaq4.6/data/post/smk31_post/" 
filo = "out.nc" ; input file name 
fl_nm_out = diro+filo 
system ("/bin/rm -f "+fl_nm_out) ; Remove any pre-existing file 
ncdf = addfile(fl_nm_out,"c") 

;---Set up options for regridding 
Opt = True 

Opt at SrcGridLat = lat2d_36km ; source grid 
Opt at SrcGridLon = lon2d_36km 
Opt at DstGridLat = lat2d_4km ; destination grid 
Opt at DstGridLon = lon2d_4km 

Opt at SrcRegional = True ; Necessary if grids 
Opt at DstRegional = True ; are regional 

Opt at InterpMethod = "bilinear" ; "patch", "conserve" 

Opt at ForceOverwrite = True ; Optional, but recommended. 
Opt at PrintTimings = True ; Optional. 
Opt at Debug = True ; Optional 

temp2 = ESMF_regrid(temp2_36,Opt) ; Do the regridding 

temp2!0 = "time" 
temp2!1 = "lay" 
temp2!2 = "lat" 
temp2!3 = "lon" 
temp2 at long_name = "TEMP2" 
temp2 at units = "k" 
temp2 at var_desc = "temperature at 2 m" 

printVarSummary (temp2) 

; filevarattdef(ncdf,"temp2",temp2) 

ncdf->temp2 = (/temp2/) 


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