[ncl-talk] no valid values in scalar field; ContourPlot not possible:[errno=1101]

Sebastian Otarola-Bustos Sebastian.F.Otarola-Bustos.1 at nd.edu
Thu Aug 6 03:36:25 MDT 2015

Hi everybody,

I'm trying to plot a contour with week average of sst anomalies, but I'm
having that error. I read that could be because of the coordinates, but I'd
copied all the cordinates from sst(daily values (time, lat,lon)) to my
auxiliary sst_avg(week average(time,lat,lon)), despite I don'y need all of
them( I don't need time), just to be sure. I also tried setting to 0 all
fill_Values and missing values. I attached you an image where you can see
the summary of my two variables(sst & sst_avg), and I'm showing the
essential part of the script:

sst = a->anom(:,:,:)    ; times, lat ,lon
 sst at missing_value = 0.
 sst at _FillValue = 0.

 row  = dimsizes(sst(0,:,0))
 col  = dimsizes(sst(0,0,:))
 sst_avg = new((/times,row,col/),"float",0)
         do it =0,times-1
         end do
 sst_avg(0,:,:)=sst_avg(0,:,:)/times    ; Calculo anomalia semanal promedio

 wks_type            = "png"
 wks_type at wkWidth    = 1700
 wks_type at wkHeight   = 1536
 wks = gsn_open_wks(wks_type,"animate")
 mpid    = gsn_csm_map(wks,mpres)
 ST  = gsn_csm_contour(wks,sst_avg(0,:,:),Tres)
;Overlaps maps in order

 Any suggestion to try new direction would be really appreciated.

Best regards,
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