[ncl-talk] TIMED/SABER NASA Data

Verena Lili verena.prick at gmail.com
Thu Dec 11 14:03:58 MST 2014

Dear NCL,

I'd like to extract the kinetic temperature variable for each netcdf file
provided by TIMED/SABER team. Unfortunately, they only have an IDL
converter tool (subroutine) to regrid the netcdf output into the standard
grid and height (km), So,, is there any solution to convert these data
using ncl?

Thank you.


The example data is here:


Copyright (C) 1995-2014 - All Rights Reserved
 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
 NCAR Command Language Version 6.2.0
 The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
 See http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/ for more details.

Variable: f
Type: file
filename: SABER_Temp_O3_April2003_v1.07
path: SABER_Temp_O3_April2003_v1.07.nc
   file global attributes:
      Title : SABER Custom Level2A Product!
      Data_Product_Type : Processed Level2A
      Mission : TIMED
      Software_Name : ./Level2a
      Software_Version : 01.07
      Calibration_Version : 01.07
      Product_Format_Version : 003
      Data_Product_Version : 01.07
      altitude = 370
      vector = 3
      event = 32577
      integer orbit ( event )

      integer date ( event )
         long_name : Date [yyyyddd]
         units : yyyyddd

      integer time ( event, altitude )
         long_name : Msec Since Midnight
         units : msec

      float tpaltitude ( event, altitude )
         long_name : Tangent-Point Altitude
         units : km

      float tplatitude ( event, altitude )
         long_name : Tangent-Point Latitude
         units : degrees

      float tplongitude ( event, altitude )
         long_name : Tangent-Point Longitude
         units : degrees

      float tpgpaltitude ( event, altitude )
         long_name : Tangent-Point Geopotential Altitude
         units : km

      float tpSolarLT ( event, altitude )
         long_name : Tangent-Point Local-Solar Time
         units : msec

      float tpSolarZen ( event, altitude )
         long_name : Tangent-Point Solar-Zenith Angle
         units : degrees

      float pressure ( event, altitude )
         long_name : Pressure
         units : mbar

      float density ( event, altitude )
         long_name : Atmospheric Density
         units : 1/cm^3

  *    float ktemp ( event, altitude )*
*         long_name : Kinetic Temperature*
*         units : K*

      float O3_96 ( event, altitude )
         long_name : O3 Mixing Ratio 9.6um
         units : unitless

      float O3_127 ( event, altitude )
         long_name : O3 Mixing Ratio 1.27um Channel
         units : unitless

Dr. Verena.
School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences
Stony Brook University
homepage: http://www.somas.stonybrook.edu/
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