[ncl-install] NCAR Graphics - Test fails

Smriti Prathapan smritip1 at umbc.edu
Wed Jun 11 15:53:02 MDT 2014


I am trying to check the NCAR Graphics installation on a Linux machine.

I have installed NCL from the precompiles binaries following the instructions at https://www.ncl.ucar.edu/Download/install.shtml. 
NCL version is NCAR Command Language Version 6.2.0.

I could test the following command successfully. 
 ng4ex gsun01n -clean

However, the test for NCAR Graphics fails. When I try the execute the following: 
ncargex cpex08 -clean
I get error: 

  Copying cpex08.f

  Copying cpexcc.f

Compiling and linking...
gfortran -fPIC -fno-second-underscore -fno-range-check -fopenmp -O -o cpex08 cpexcc.f cpex08.f -L/home/smritip1/NOAA/new_gsi/RHEL-ncl_ncarg-6.2.0/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib64 -lncarg -lncarg_gks -lncarg_c -lX11 -lXext -lcairo -lfontconfig -lpixman-1 -lfreetype -lexpat -lpng -lz -liconv -lXrender -lbz2
/home/smritip1/NOAA/new_gsi/RHEL-ncl_ncarg-6.2.0/lib/libncarg_gks.a(cro.o): In function `cro_OpenWorkstation':
cro.c:(.text+0x3efd): undefined reference to `cairo_recording_surface_create'
/home/smritip1/NOAA/new_gsi/RHEL-ncl_ncarg-6.2.0/lib/libncarg_gks.a(cro.o): In function `cro_ClearWorkstation':
cro.c:(.text+0x4be5): undefined reference to `cairo_recording_surface_create'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

The compile and link failed.

I have already installed libcairo. Could you please guide me how to fix this?

Smriti Prathapan
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