[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] History for Bad Value

John Halley Gotway via RT met_help at ucar.edu
Tue Jul 9 12:07:10 MDT 2019

  Initial Request

John, Thanks for the help on the pcp_combine question (88544).  


Now that I am past that I am getting the following error in point stat.  I
included the whole listing in case a I missed something.

In this run I am taking the model ceiling hgt data (in MSL) and subtracting
out the model terrain height to get the ceiling in AGL.  I do this for the
model data and the climo data (which is a persisted model forecast).  I
compare this to a NETcdf ob file containing either ceiling height or a
missing value (-9999).   I run MET and get the bad value error (-9999).
Attached is my config file.  You can see I convert the units and then change
any missing value back to -9999.  The MET documentation seems to indicate
-9999 is a valid missing value so why would it kick the bad value error in
the contingency table?





DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:

DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:

DEBUG 1: Reading input file:


DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria (parm_name =

DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57,
grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13

DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr = 57,
grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11

DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57,
grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13

DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0,
grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13

DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr = 57,
grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13

DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0,
grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13


DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for 'CEIL/L0' in
GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file

DEBUG 1: Reading input file:


DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria (parm_name =

DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0,
grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7

DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr = 57,
grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7

DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2,
grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7


DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for 'MTERH/L0'
in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file

DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.

DEBUG 1: Writing output file:


/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2 'name="CEIL";
level="L0"; '
GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2 'name="MTERH";
level="L0"; '
/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-ecc1b30e4452 -v 3

DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:

DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:

DEBUG 1: Reading input file:


DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria (parm_name =

DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57,
grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13

DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr = 57,
grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11

DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57,
grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13

DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0,
grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13

DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr = 57,
grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13

DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0,
grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13


DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for 'CEIL/L0' in
GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file

DEBUG 1: Reading input file:


DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria (parm_name =

DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0,
grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7

DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr = 57,
grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7

DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2,
grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7


DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for 'MTERH/L0'
in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file

DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.

DEBUG 1: Writing output file:



self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+' '+self._sid+'
'+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater

/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-ecc1b30e4452 []
["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1 global_17km all


'[]', '["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"]', '1',
'global_17km', 'all']

'/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated', '-outdir',
'/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/ptstat/mdlob_pairs/global_17km/CB', '-v', '3']

DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:

DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:

DEBUG 1: Default Config File:

DEBUG 1: User Config File:



DEBUG 1: Forecast File:

DEBUG 1: Observation File:




DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).

DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.

DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.

DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny: 1152 lat_ll:
-89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234

DEBUG 2: Processing masking regions.

DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL

DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:

DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.

DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value of -9999.

DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology field(s)
valid at 20171202_000000.

DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.

DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology mean
levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.




DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).

DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.

DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.

DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value of -9999.

DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology field(s)
valid at 20171202_000000.

DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.

DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology mean
levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.




DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).

DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.

DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.

DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value of -9999.

DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology field(s)
valid at 20171202_000000.

DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.

DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology mean
levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.




DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.




DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for observation type
ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method NEAREST(1), using 2386

DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386

DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232

DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0

DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0

DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0

DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313

DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1

DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0

DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0

DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0

DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0

DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 532

DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0

DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for observation
type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method HiRA NBRHD(1), using
2386 pairs.


ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad value ... -9999

  Complete Ticket History

Subject: Bad Value
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Tue Jan 22 11:47:43 2019


Hmmm, I haven't see that error message before.  So you're running
Point-Stat to compare the NetCDF output of pcp_combine to point

Thanks for sending your Point-Stat configuration file.  I see that
censoring any values less than 0, resetting them to bad data (-9999).
used some sample data here to try to mimic the logic you're using, but
wasn't able to get the same error message you're seeing.  I tested
both the met-6.1 version as originally released and the latest set of
patches... but couldn't get it to fail.

The Nx2ContingencyTable is used when doing probabilistic verification.
"double" argument to it is the forecast probability value.  So somehow
getting passed a bad HiRA probability value.

Can you please send me the sample files you're using to demonstrate

*Fcst file: /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-
*Obs file: /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
*Climo file:

One other detail... I see you have 3 separate fields listed, one for
      { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh = [<=500];
      { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh = [<=1000];
      { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh = [<=3000];

That isn't necessary.  You can specify multiple categorical thresholds
each field:
      { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh = [<=500,
<=3000]; },

The way you're doing it isn't wrong, but listing multiple thresholds
is a
bit more concise.


On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 10:44 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:

> Tue Jan 22 10:44:50 2019: Request 88587 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
>        Queue: met_help
>      Subject: Bad Value
>        Owner: Nobody
>   Requestors: robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
>       Status: new
>  Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
> John, Thanks for the help on the pcp_combine question (88544).
> Now that I am past that I am getting the following error in point
stat.  I
> included the whole listing in case a I missed something.
> In this run I am taking the model ceiling hgt data (in MSL) and
> out the model terrain height to get the ceiling in AGL.  I do this
for the
> model data and the climo data (which is a persisted model forecast).
> compare this to a NETcdf ob file containing either ceiling height or
> missing value (-9999).   I run MET and get the bad value error (-
> Attached is my config file.  You can see I convert the units and
> change
> any missing value back to -9999.  The MET documentation seems to
> -9999 is a valid missing value so why would it kick the bad value
error in
> the contingency table?
> Thanks
> Bob
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
(parm_name =
> CEIL):
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in
> GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2'
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
(parm_name =
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c
= 7
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2'
> DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> level="L0"; '
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> level="L0"; '
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
ecc1b30e4452 -v 3
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
(parm_name =
> CEIL):
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in
> GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2'
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
(parm_name =
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c
= 7
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2'
> DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> 41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-ecc1b30e4452
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+' '+self._sid+'
> '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
> global_17km
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
ecc1b30e4452 []
> ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1 global_17km
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira
> ['global_17km',
> '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> '[]', '["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"]', '1',
> 'global_17km', 'all']
> ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
> '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc',
> '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated', '-
> '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/ptstat/mdlob_pairs/global_17km/CB', '-
> '3']
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
> DEBUG 1: User Config File:
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> GSL_RNG_SEED=1850296156
> DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> DEBUG 1: Observation File:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ----
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
> DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny: 1152
> -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234
> DEBUG 2: Processing masking regions.
> DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
> DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
> field(s)
> valid at 20171202_000000.
> DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ----
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
> field(s)
> valid at 20171202_000000.
> DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ----
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
> field(s)
> valid at 20171202_000000.
> DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ----
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ----
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for observation
> ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method NEAREST(1), using
> pairs.
> DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
> DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 532
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
> type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method HiRA
> using
> 2386 pairs.
> ERROR  :
> ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad value ...

Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value
From: robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
Time: Tue Jan 22 12:36:21 2019

John, I sent the files ARL SAFE.  Let me know if you don't get it.

-----Original Message-----
From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 12:48 PM
<robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
<matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value


Hmmm, I haven't see that error message before.  So you're running
Point-Stat to compare the NetCDF output of pcp_combine to point

Thanks for sending your Point-Stat configuration file.  I see that
you're censoring any values less than 0, resetting them to bad data (-
9999).  I used some sample data here to try to mimic the logic you're
using, but I wasn't able to get the same error message you're seeing.
I tested with both the met-6.1 version as originally released and the
latest set of patches... but couldn't get it to fail.

The Nx2ContingencyTable is used when doing probabilistic verification.
The "double" argument to it is the forecast probability value.  So
somehow it's getting passed a bad HiRA probability value.

Can you please send me the sample files you're using to demonstrate

*Fcst file: /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-
*Obs file: /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
*Climo file:

One other detail... I see you have 3 separate fields listed, one for
      { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh = [<=500];
      { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh = [<=1000];
      { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh = [<=3000];

That isn't necessary.  You can specify multiple categorical thresholds
for each field:
      { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh = [<=500,
<=1000, <=3000]; },

The way you're doing it isn't wrong, but listing multiple thresholds
is a bit more concise.


On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 10:44 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:

> Tue Jan 22 10:44:50 2019: Request 88587 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
>        Queue: met_help
>      Subject: Bad Value
>        Owner: Nobody
>   Requestors: robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
>       Status: new
>  Ticket <URL:
> >
> John, Thanks for the help on the pcp_combine question (88544).
> Now that I am past that I am getting the following error in point
> stat.  I included the whole listing in case a I missed something.
> In this run I am taking the model ceiling hgt data (in MSL) and
> subtracting out the model terrain height to get the ceiling in AGL.
> do this for the model data and the climo data (which is a persisted
> model forecast).  I compare this to a NETcdf ob file containing
either ceiling height or a
> missing value (-9999).   I run MET and get the bad value error (-
> Attached is my config file.  You can see I convert the units and
> change any missing value back to -9999.  The MET documentation seems
> to indicate
> -9999 is a valid missing value so why would it kick the bad value
> error in the contingency table?
> Thanks
> Bob
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> =
> CEIL):
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> = 13
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in
> GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> =
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c
> 7
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> -v 3
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> =
> CEIL):
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> = 13
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in
> GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> =
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c
> 7
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> 41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-ecc1b30e4452
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+' '+self._sid+'
> '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
> global_17km
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1 global_17km
> all
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira
> ['global_17km',
> '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> ', '[]', '["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"]', '1',
> 'global_17km', 'all']
> ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
> '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> ', '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc',
> '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated',
> '-outdir',
> '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/ptstat/mdlob_pairs/global_17km/CB',
> '-v', '3']
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
> DEBUG 1: User Config File:
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> GSL_RNG_SEED=1850296156
> DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> DEBUG 1: Observation File:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ------
> ----
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
> DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny: 1152
> -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234
> DEBUG 2: Processing masking regions.
> DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
> DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
> field(s)
> valid at 20171202_000000.
> DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ------
> ----
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
> field(s)
> valid at 20171202_000000.
> DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ------
> ----
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
> field(s)
> valid at 20171202_000000.
> DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ------
> ----
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ------
> ----
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for observation
> ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method NEAREST(1), using
> 2386 pairs.
> DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
> DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 532
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
> observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method
> HiRA NBRHD(1), using
> 2386 pairs.
> ERROR  :
> ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad value ...
> -9999

Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value
From: robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
Time: Tue Jan 22 12:38:15 2019

John, here is the updated command log.

/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2 'name="CEIL";
level="L0"; '
GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2 'name="MTERH";
level="L0"; ' /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-
b1d2-5c8b451b9973 -v 3
DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria (parm_name
= CEIL):
DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr =
57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr =
57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr =
57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr =
0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr =
57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0,
grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c
= 13
DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
'CEIL/L0' in GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria (parm_name
DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr =
0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2,
grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c =
DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
'MTERH/L0' in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2 'name="CEIL";
level="L0"; '
GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2 'name="MTERH";
level="L0"; ' /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-
a309-8518d15fe5bf -v 3
DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria (parm_name
= CEIL):
DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr =
57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr =
57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr =
57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr =
0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr =
57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0,
grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c
= 13
DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
'CEIL/L0' in GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria (parm_name
DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr =
0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2,
grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c =
DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
'MTERH/L0' in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+' '+self._sid+'
'+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
global_17km /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
8518d15fe5bf [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1
global_17km all
['global_17km', '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-
a309-8518d15fe5bf', '[]',
'["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"]', '1',
'global_17km', 'all']
'/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated', '-
'/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/ptstat/mdlob_pairs/global_17km/CB', '-
v', '3']
DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
DEBUG 1: Default Config File: /h/WXQC/met-
DEBUG 1: User Config File: /h/WXQC/met-
DEBUG 1: Forecast File: /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-
DEBUG 1: Observation File:
DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value of
DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny: 1152
lat_ll: -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234
DEBUG 2: Processing masking regions.
DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value of
DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology mean
levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value of
DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value of
DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology mean
levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value of
DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value of
DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology mean
levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for observation type
ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method NEAREST(1), using
2386 pairs.
DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 532
DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method
HiRA NBRHD(1), using 2386 pairs.
ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad value ...

-----Original Message-----
From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 12:48 PM
<robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
<matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value


Hmmm, I haven't see that error message before.  So you're running
Point-Stat to compare the NetCDF output of pcp_combine to point

Thanks for sending your Point-Stat configuration file.  I see that
you're censoring any values less than 0, resetting them to bad data (-
9999).  I used some sample data here to try to mimic the logic you're
using, but I wasn't able to get the same error message you're seeing.
I tested with both the met-6.1 version as originally released and the
latest set of patches... but couldn't get it to fail.

The Nx2ContingencyTable is used when doing probabilistic verification.
The "double" argument to it is the forecast probability value.  So
somehow it's getting passed a bad HiRA probability value.

Can you please send me the sample files you're using to demonstrate

*Fcst file: /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-
*Obs file: /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
*Climo file:

One other detail... I see you have 3 separate fields listed, one for
      { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh = [<=500];
      { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh = [<=1000];
      { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh = [<=3000];

That isn't necessary.  You can specify multiple categorical thresholds
for each field:
      { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh = [<=500,
<=1000, <=3000]; },

The way you're doing it isn't wrong, but listing multiple thresholds
is a bit more concise.


On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 10:44 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:

> Tue Jan 22 10:44:50 2019: Request 88587 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
>        Queue: met_help
>      Subject: Bad Value
>        Owner: Nobody
>   Requestors: robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
>       Status: new
>  Ticket <URL:
> >
> John, Thanks for the help on the pcp_combine question (88544).
> Now that I am past that I am getting the following error in point
> stat.  I included the whole listing in case a I missed something.
> In this run I am taking the model ceiling hgt data (in MSL) and
> subtracting out the model terrain height to get the ceiling in AGL.
> do this for the model data and the climo data (which is a persisted
> model forecast).  I compare this to a NETcdf ob file containing
either ceiling height or a
> missing value (-9999).   I run MET and get the bad value error (-
> Attached is my config file.  You can see I convert the units and
> change any missing value back to -9999.  The MET documentation seems
> to indicate
> -9999 is a valid missing value so why would it kick the bad value
> error in the contingency table?
> Thanks
> Bob
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> =
> CEIL):
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> = 13
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in
> GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> =
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c
> 7
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> -v 3
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> =
> CEIL):
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> = 13
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in
> GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> =
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c
> 7
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> 41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-ecc1b30e4452
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+' '+self._sid+'
> '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
> global_17km
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1 global_17km
> all
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira
> ['global_17km',
> '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> ', '[]', '["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"]', '1',
> 'global_17km', 'all']
> ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
> '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> ', '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc',
> '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated',
> '-outdir',
> '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/ptstat/mdlob_pairs/global_17km/CB',
> '-v', '3']
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
> DEBUG 1: User Config File:
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> GSL_RNG_SEED=1850296156
> DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> DEBUG 1: Observation File:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ------
> ----
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
> DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny: 1152
> -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234
> DEBUG 2: Processing masking regions.
> DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
> DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
> field(s)
> valid at 20171202_000000.
> DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ------
> ----
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
> field(s)
> valid at 20171202_000000.
> DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ------
> ----
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
> field(s)
> valid at 20171202_000000.
> DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ------
> ----
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ------
> ----
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for observation
> ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method NEAREST(1), using
> 2386 pairs.
> DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
> DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 532
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
> observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method
> HiRA NBRHD(1), using
> 2386 pairs.
> ERROR  :
> ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad value ...
> -9999

Subject: Bad Value
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Tue Jan 22 18:45:57 2019


Thanks for sending the files.  I was able to grab them, rerun Point-
and reproduce the error.  It's being caused by the reference
file.  There are many cases where the forecast and observation contain
valid data values and the climatology field contains a bad data value

You can see this by rerunning Point-Stat with the HiRA flag set to
disable it.  You'll get MPR output and see that the climo field often
contains bad data.  And that's fine... since you're using persistence
the reference field... and the way you're pre-processing the data
in many bad data values.

The problem is that I didn't account for this case when writing up the
code (Sorry about that!).  For HiRA, Point-Stat blindly uses the climo
value without first checking that it's a valid data value.  Presumably
fcst, obs, or climo contains bad data, we want to skip that point...
what's done elsewhere in Point-Stat.  So we need to add in a one-liner
check for bad climo data and skip over that point.

I know that you're frozen on met-6.1 until we get you a fortified
But are you able to make a small change and recompile met-6.1?

If so, I can test out that fix tomorrow.  Just let me know.


On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 12:38 PM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:

> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
> John, here is the updated command log.
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
5c8b451b9973 -v 3
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
(parm_name =
> CEIL):
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
(parm_name =
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c
= 7
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
8518d15fe5bf -v 3
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
(parm_name =
> CEIL):
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
(parm_name =
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c
= 7
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+' '+self._sid+'
> '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
> global_17km
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
8518d15fe5bf []
> ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1 global_17km
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira
> ['global_17km',
> '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> '[]', '["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"]', '1',
> 'global_17km', 'all']
> ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
> '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc',
> '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated', '-
> '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/ptstat/mdlob_pairs/global_17km/CB', '-
v', '3']
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
> DEBUG 1: User Config File:
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> GSL_RNG_SEED=40388444
> DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> DEBUG 1: Observation File: /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/
> 2017120212.nc
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
> DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny: 1152
> -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234
> DEBUG 2: Processing masking regions.
> DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
> DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
> field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
> field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
> field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for observation
> ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method NEAREST(1), using
> pairs.
> DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
> DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 532
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
> type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method HiRA
> using 2386 pairs.
> ERROR  :
> ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad value ...
> ERROR  :
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 12:48 PM
<robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
> matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value
> Bob,
> Hmmm, I haven't see that error message before.  So you're running
> Point-Stat to compare the NetCDF output of pcp_combine to point
> observations.
> Thanks for sending your Point-Stat configuration file.  I see that
> censoring any values less than 0, resetting them to bad data (-
9999).  I
> used some sample data here to try to mimic the logic you're using,
but I
> wasn't able to get the same error message you're seeing.  I tested
> both the met-6.1 version as originally released and the latest set
> patches... but couldn't get it to fail.
> The Nx2ContingencyTable is used when doing probabilistic
> The "double" argument to it is the forecast probability value.  So
> it's getting passed a bad HiRA probability value.
> Can you please send me the sample files you're using to demonstrate
> behavior:
> *Fcst file: /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-
> *e08ea17dcaff*
> *Obs file: /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> <http://2017120212.nc>*
> *Climo file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/7837df11-1445-4283-872c-
> One other detail... I see you have 3 separate fields listed, one for
> threshold:
>       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh = [<=500];
>       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
[<=1000]; },
>       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
[<=3000]; }
> That isn't necessary.  You can specify multiple categorical
thresholds for
> each field:
>       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh = [<=500,
> <=1000, <=3000]; },
> The way you're doing it isn't wrong, but listing multiple thresholds
is a
> bit more concise.
> Thanks,
> John
> On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 10:44 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
> met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> >
> > Tue Jan 22 10:44:50 2019: Request 88587 was acted upon.
> > Transaction: Ticket created by robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
> >        Queue: met_help
> >      Subject: Bad Value
> >        Owner: Nobody
> >   Requestors: robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
> >       Status: new
> >  Ticket <URL:
> > >
> >
> >
> > John, Thanks for the help on the pcp_combine question (88544).
> >
> >
> >
> > Now that I am past that I am getting the following error in point
> > stat.  I included the whole listing in case a I missed something.
> >
> > In this run I am taking the model ceiling hgt data (in MSL) and
> > subtracting out the model terrain height to get the ceiling in
> > do this for the model data and the climo data (which is a
> > model forecast).  I compare this to a NETcdf ob file containing
> ceiling height or a
> > missing value (-9999).   I run MET and get the bad value error (-
> > Attached is my config file.  You can see I convert the units and
> > change any missing value back to -9999.  The MET documentation
> > to indicate
> > -9999 is a valid missing value so why would it kick the bad value
> > error in the contingency table?
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Bob
> >
> >
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> >
> >
> > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> >
> > DEBUG 3:
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > =
> > CEIL):
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3:
> >
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> > in
> > GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> >
> >
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> >
> >
> > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> >
> > DEBUG 3:
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > =
> > MTERH):
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a
= 2,
> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
index_c =
> > 7
> >
> > DEBUG 3:
> >
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> 'MTERH/L0'
> > in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> >
> >
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> >
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> >
> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> >
> >
> > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> >
> >
> > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > -v 3
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> >
> >
> > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> >
> > DEBUG 3:
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > =
> > CEIL):
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3:
> >
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> > in
> > GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> >
> >
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> >
> >
> > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> >
> > DEBUG 3:
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > =
> > MTERH):
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a
= 2,
> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
index_c =
> > 7
> >
> > DEBUG 3:
> >
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> 'MTERH/L0'
> > in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> >
> >
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> >
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > 41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-ecc1b30e4452
> >
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> >
> > self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+'
> > '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
> >
> > global_17km
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1
> > all
> >
> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira
> >
> > ['global_17km',
> > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > ', '[]', '["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"]',
> > 'global_17km', 'all']
> >
> > ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
> > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > ', '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc',
> > '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated',
> > '-outdir',
> > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/ptstat/mdlob_pairs/global_17km/CB',
> > '-v', '3']
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
> >
> > DEBUG 1: User Config File:
> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
> >
> > GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> >
> > GSL_RNG_SEED=1850296156
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Observation File:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> >
> > ------
> > ----
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny: 1152
> > -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Processing masking regions.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > -9999.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > field(s)
> > valid at 20171202_000000.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> >
> > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> >
> > ------
> > ----
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > -9999.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > field(s)
> > valid at 20171202_000000.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> >
> > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> >
> > ------
> > ----
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > -9999.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > field(s)
> > valid at 20171202_000000.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> >
> > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> >
> > ------
> > ----
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> >
> > ------
> > ----
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for observation
> > ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method NEAREST(1),
> > 2386 pairs.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 532
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
> > observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation
> > HiRA NBRHD(1), using
> > 2386 pairs.
> >
> > ERROR  :
> >
> > ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad value
> > -9999
> >
> >
> >

Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value
From: robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
Time: Wed Jan 23 08:29:18 2019

John, one thing I am confused about.  I changed the censor thresh
value to 0 so any negative model value would become 0.  I also set
censor thresh > 100000 to be 0 as well.  After doing this I get the
same bad value -9999.   How is that possible, if the model, ob, and
climo values are between 0 and 100000, there should not be any bad


-----Original Message-----
From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 7:46 PM
<robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
<matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value


Thanks for sending the files.  I was able to grab them, rerun Point-
Stat, and reproduce the error.  It's being caused by the reference
climatology file.  There are many cases where the forecast and
observation contain valid data values and the climatology field
contains a bad data value of -9999.

You can see this by rerunning Point-Stat with the HiRA flag set to
FALSE to disable it.  You'll get MPR output and see that the climo
field often contains bad data.  And that's fine... since you're using
persistence as the reference field... and the way you're pre-
processing the data results in many bad data values.

The problem is that I didn't account for this case when writing up the
HiRA code (Sorry about that!).  For HiRA, Point-Stat blindly uses the
climo value without first checking that it's a valid data value.
Presumably when fcst, obs, or climo contains bad data, we want to skip
that point... that's what's done elsewhere in Point-Stat.  So we need
to add in a one-liner check for bad climo data and skip over that

I know that you're frozen on met-6.1 until we get you a fortified
But are you able to make a small change and recompile met-6.1?

If so, I can test out that fix tomorrow.  Just let me know.


On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 12:38 PM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:

> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
> John, here is the updated command log.
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> -v 3 DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> =
> CEIL):
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> = 13 DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> =
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c
> 7 DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> -v 3 DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> =
> CEIL):
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14, grib2_cntr
= 57,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> = 13 DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> =
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr
= 0,
> grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a =
> grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c
> 7 DEBUG 3:
> DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+' '+self._sid+'
> '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1 global_17km
> all /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira
> ['global_17km',
> '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> ', '[]', '["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"]', '1',
> 'global_17km', 'all'] ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
> '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> ', '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc',
> '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated',
> '-outdir',
> '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/ptstat/mdlob_pairs/global_17km/CB', '-
v', '3'] DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
> DEBUG 1: User Config File:
> /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
> GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> GSL_RNG_SEED=40388444
> DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> DEBUG 1: Observation File: /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/
> 2017120212.nc
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ----------
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
> DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny: 1152
> -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234 DEBUG 2:
> Processing masking regions.
> DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
> DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
> field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ----------
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
> field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ----------
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> -9999.
> DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1 climatology
> field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ----------
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2:
> ----------
> DEBUG 2:
> DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for observation
> ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method NEAREST(1), using
> 2386 pairs.
> DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
> DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 532
> DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
> observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method
> HiRA NBRHD(1), using 2386 pairs.
> ERROR  :
> ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad value ...
> -9999 ERROR  :
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 12:48 PM
> <robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
> matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value
> Bob,
> Hmmm, I haven't see that error message before.  So you're running
> Point-Stat to compare the NetCDF output of pcp_combine to point
> observations.
> Thanks for sending your Point-Stat configuration file.  I see that
> you're censoring any values less than 0, resetting them to bad data
> (-9999).  I used some sample data here to try to mimic the logic
> you're using, but I wasn't able to get the same error message you're
> seeing.  I tested with both the met-6.1 version as originally
> and the latest set of patches... but couldn't get it to fail.
> The Nx2ContingencyTable is used when doing probabilistic
> The "double" argument to it is the forecast probability value.  So
> somehow it's getting passed a bad HiRA probability value.
> Can you please send me the sample files you're using to demonstrate
> this
> behavior:
> *Fcst file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-*
> *e08ea17dcaff*
> *Obs file: /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> <http://2017120212.nc>*
> *Climo file:
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/7837df11-1445-4283-872c-
> One other detail... I see you have 3 separate fields listed, one for
> each
> threshold:
>       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh = [<=500];
>       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
[<=1000]; },
>       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
> }
> That isn't necessary.  You can specify multiple categorical
> for each field:
>       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh = [<=500,
> <=1000, <=3000]; },
> The way you're doing it isn't wrong, but listing multiple thresholds
> is a bit more concise.
> Thanks,
> John
> On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 10:44 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
> met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> >
> > Tue Jan 22 10:44:50 2019: Request 88587 was acted upon.
> > Transaction: Ticket created by robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
> >        Queue: met_help
> >      Subject: Bad Value
> >        Owner: Nobody
> >   Requestors: robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
> >       Status: new
> >  Ticket <URL:
> > https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587
> > >
> >
> >
> > John, Thanks for the help on the pcp_combine question (88544).
> >
> >
> >
> > Now that I am past that I am getting the following error in point
> > stat.  I included the whole listing in case a I missed something.
> >
> > In this run I am taking the model ceiling hgt data (in MSL) and
> > subtracting out the model terrain height to get the ceiling in
> > I do this for the model data and the climo data (which is a
> > persisted model forecast).  I compare this to a NETcdf ob file
> > containing either
> ceiling height or a
> > missing value (-9999).   I run MET and get the bad value error (-
> > Attached is my config file.  You can see I convert the units and
> > then change any missing value back to -9999.  The MET
> > seems to indicate
> > -9999 is a valid missing value so why would it kick the bad value
> > error in the contingency table?
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Bob
> >
> >
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> >
> >
> > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> >
> > DEBUG 3:
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > (parm_name =
> > CEIL):
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3:
> >
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> > in
> > GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> >
> >
> > _D I.C_GP
> > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2'
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> >
> >
> > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> >
> > DEBUG 3:
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > (parm_name =
> > MTERH):
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a
= 2,
> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > =
> > 7
> >
> > DEBUG 3:
> >
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> 'MTERH/L0'
> > in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> >
> >
> > _D I.C_GP
> > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2'
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > f
> >
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> >
> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> >
> >
> > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> >
> >
> > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > 2
> > -v 3
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> >
> >
> > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> >
> > DEBUG 3:
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > (parm_name =
> > CEIL):
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > index_c = 13
> >
> > DEBUG 3:
> >
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> > in
> > GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> >
> >
> > _D I.C_GP
> > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2'
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> >
> >
> > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> >
> > DEBUG 3:
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > (parm_name =
> > MTERH):
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> >
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a
= 2,
> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > =
> > 7
> >
> > DEBUG 3:
> >
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> 'MTERH/L0'
> > in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> >
> >
> > _D I.C_GP
> > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2'
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > 2
> >
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > 2
> > 41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-ecc1b30e4452
> >
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > 2
> >
> > self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+'
> > '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
> >
> > global_17km
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > 2 [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1
> > global_17km all
> >
> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira
> >
> > ['global_17km',
> > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > 52 ', '[]', '["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"]',
> > '1', 'global_17km', 'all']
> >
> > ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
> > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > ff ', '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc',
> > '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated',
> > '-outdir',
> > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/ptstat/mdlob_pairs/global_17km/CB',
> > '-v', '3']
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
> >
> > DEBUG 1: User Config File:
> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
> >
> > GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> >
> > GSL_RNG_SEED=1850296156
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > f
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Observation File:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> >
> > --
> > ------
> > ----
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny: 1152
> > -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Processing masking regions.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > of -9999.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > field(s)
> > valid at 20171202_000000.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> >
> > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> >
> > --
> > ------
> > ----
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > of -9999.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > field(s)
> > valid at 20171202_000000.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> >
> > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> >
> > --
> > ------
> > ----
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > of -9999.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > field(s)
> > valid at 20171202_000000.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> >
> > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> >
> > --
> > ------
> > ----
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> >
> > --
> > ------
> > ----
> >
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for observation
> > type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method
> > using
> > 2386 pairs.
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 532
> >
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
> > observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation
> > HiRA NBRHD(1), using
> > 2386 pairs.
> >
> > ERROR  :
> >
> > ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad value
> > -9999
> >
> >
> >

Subject: Bad Value
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Wed Jan 23 10:04:59 2019


I ran the following commands to plot the data you sent me using the
plot_data_plane tool in MET.  Note that I modified the attached color
to plot any bad data values of -9999 as black:

<http://5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-5c8b451b9973.ps> 'name="CEIL_L0";
level="(*,*)";' -color_table ctable*

<http://a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf.ps> 'name="CEIL_L0";
level="(*,*)";' -color_table ctable*

If you add the following, then you'll get the same plot:
*   censor_thresh = lt0; censor_val = 0;*

So that doesn't work the way you expected.  That's because the code
the bad data value as a special value.  The inequality '*bad_data <
does not evaluate to true.  However, '*bad_data == -9999*' does
evaluate to
true.  So you can censor the data in that way. Please try using:
*   censor_thresh = eq-9999; censor_val = 0;*

That should make this error go away.  But that also means that you're
treating bad data values as 0's, which probably isn't correct.


On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 8:29 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:

> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
> John, one thing I am confused about.  I changed the censor thresh
value to
> 0 so any negative model value would become 0.  I also set censor
thresh >
> 100000 to be 0 as well.  After doing this I get the same bad value
>  How is that possible, if the model, ob, and climo values are
between 0 and
> 100000, there should not be any bad values.
> Thanks
> Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 7:46 PM
<robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
> matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
> Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value
> Bob,
> Thanks for sending the files.  I was able to grab them, rerun Point-
> and reproduce the error.  It's being caused by the reference
> file.  There are many cases where the forecast and observation
> valid data values and the climatology field contains a bad data
value of
> -9999.
> You can see this by rerunning Point-Stat with the HiRA flag set to
> to disable it.  You'll get MPR output and see that the climo field
> contains bad data.  And that's fine... since you're using
persistence as
> the reference field... and the way you're pre-processing the data
> in many bad data values.
> The problem is that I didn't account for this case when writing up
> HiRA code (Sorry about that!).  For HiRA, Point-Stat blindly uses
the climo
> value without first checking that it's a valid data value.
Presumably when
> fcst, obs, or climo contains bad data, we want to skip that point...
> what's done elsewhere in Point-Stat.  So we need to add in a one-
> check for bad climo data and skip over that point.
> I know that you're frozen on met-6.1 until we get you a fortified
> But are you able to make a small change and recompile met-6.1?
> If so, I can test out that fix tomorrow.  Just let me know.
> Thanks,
> John
> On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 12:38 PM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
> met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> >
> > <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
> >
> > John, here is the updated command log.
> >
> >
> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> >
> > .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> >
> > .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > -v 3 DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> >
> > .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > DEBUG 3:
> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > =
> > CEIL):
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > = 13 DEBUG 3:
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> > in GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> >
> > .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > DEBUG 3:
> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > =
> > MTERH):
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a
= 2,
> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
index_c =
> > 7 DEBUG 3:
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> 'MTERH/L0'
> > in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> >
> > .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> >
> > .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > -v 3 DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> >
> > .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > DEBUG 3:
> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > =
> > CEIL):
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > = 13 DEBUG 3:
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> > in GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> >
> > .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > DEBUG 3:
> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > =
> > MTERH):
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a
= 2,
> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
index_c =
> > 7 DEBUG 3:
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> 'MTERH/L0'
> > in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+'
> > '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1
> > all /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira
> > ['global_17km',
> > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > ', '[]', '["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"]',
> > 'global_17km', 'all'] ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
> > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > ', '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc',
> > '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated',
> > '-outdir',
> > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/ptstat/mdlob_pairs/global_17km/CB',
> '3'] DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
> > DEBUG 1: User Config File:
> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
> > GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> > GSL_RNG_SEED=40388444
> > DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > DEBUG 1: Observation File:
> > 2017120212.nc
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > ----------
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > -9999.
> > DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
> > DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny: 1152
> > -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234 DEBUG 2:
> > Processing masking regions.
> > DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
> > DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > -9999.
> > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > ----------
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > -9999.
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > -9999.
> > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > ----------
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > -9999.
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > -9999.
> > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > ----------
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > ----------
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for observation
> > ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method NEAREST(1),
> > 2386 pairs.
> > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
> > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 532
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
> > observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation
> > HiRA NBRHD(1), using 2386 pairs.
> > ERROR  :
> > ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad value
> > -9999 ERROR  :
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 12:48 PM
> > <robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
> > matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
> > Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value
> >
> > Bob,
> >
> > Hmmm, I haven't see that error message before.  So you're running
> > Point-Stat to compare the NetCDF output of pcp_combine to point
> > observations.
> >
> > Thanks for sending your Point-Stat configuration file.  I see that
> > you're censoring any values less than 0, resetting them to bad
> > (-9999).  I used some sample data here to try to mimic the logic
> > you're using, but I wasn't able to get the same error message
> > seeing.  I tested with both the met-6.1 version as originally
> > and the latest set of patches... but couldn't get it to fail.
> >
> > The Nx2ContingencyTable is used when doing probabilistic
> > The "double" argument to it is the forecast probability value.  So
> > somehow it's getting passed a bad HiRA probability value.
> >
> > Can you please send me the sample files you're using to
> > this
> > behavior:
> >
> > *Fcst file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-*
> > *e08ea17dcaff*
> > *Obs file:
> > <http://2017120212.nc>*
> > *Climo file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/7837df11-1445-4283-872c-
> >
> > One other detail... I see you have 3 separate fields listed, one
> > each
> > threshold:
> >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
[<=500]; },
> >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
[<=1000]; },
> >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
> > }
> >
> > That isn't necessary.  You can specify multiple categorical
> > for each field:
> >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
> > <=1000, <=3000]; },
> >
> > The way you're doing it isn't wrong, but listing multiple
> > is a bit more concise.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > John
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 10:44 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
> > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Tue Jan 22 10:44:50 2019: Request 88587 was acted upon.
> > > Transaction: Ticket created by robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
> > >        Queue: met_help
> > >      Subject: Bad Value
> > >        Owner: Nobody
> > >   Requestors: robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
> > >       Status: new
> > >  Ticket <URL:
> > > https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > John, Thanks for the help on the pcp_combine question (88544).
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Now that I am past that I am getting the following error in
> > > stat.  I included the whole listing in case a I missed
> > >
> > > In this run I am taking the model ceiling hgt data (in MSL) and
> > > subtracting out the model terrain height to get the ceiling in
> > > I do this for the model data and the climo data (which is a
> > > persisted model forecast).  I compare this to a NETcdf ob file
> > > containing either
> > ceiling height or a
> > > missing value (-9999).   I run MET and get the bad value error
> > > Attached is my config file.  You can see I convert the units and
> > > then change any missing value back to -9999.  The MET
> > > seems to indicate
> > > -9999 is a valid missing value so why would it kick the bad
> > > error in the contingency table?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > >
> > > Bob
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > (parm_name =
> > > CEIL):
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 0,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a
= 0,
> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > > index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> 'CEIL/L0'
> > > in
> > > GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > >
> > >
> > > _D I.C_GP
> > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2'
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > (parm_name =
> > > MTERH):
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 0,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a = 2,
> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > > =
> > > 7
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> > 'MTERH/L0'
> > > in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > >
> > >
> > > _D I.C_GP
> > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2'
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > > f
> > >
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> > >
> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > 2
> > > -v 3
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > (parm_name =
> > > CEIL):
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 0,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a
= 0,
> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > > index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> 'CEIL/L0'
> > > in
> > > GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > >
> > >
> > > _D I.C_GP
> > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2'
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > (parm_name =
> > > MTERH):
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 0,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a = 2,
> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > > =
> > > 7
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> > 'MTERH/L0'
> > > in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > >
> > >
> > > _D I.C_GP
> > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2'
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > 2
> > >
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > 2
> > > 41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-ecc1b30e4452
> > >
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > 2
> > >
> > > self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+'
> > > '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
> > >
> > > global_17km
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > 2 [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1
> > > global_17km all
> > >
> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira
> > >
> > > ['global_17km',
> > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > 52 ', '[]',
> > > '1', 'global_17km', 'all']
> > >
> > > ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
> > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > > ff ', '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc',
> > > '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated',
> > > '-outdir',
> > >
> > > '-v', '3']
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: User Config File:
> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
> > >
> > > GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> > >
> > > GSL_RNG_SEED=1850296156
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > > f
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Observation File:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > ------
> > > ----
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny: 1152
> > > -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Processing masking regions.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > field(s)
> > > valid at 20171202_000000.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > ------
> > > ----
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > field(s)
> > > valid at 20171202_000000.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > ------
> > > ----
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > field(s)
> > > valid at 20171202_000000.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > ------
> > > ----
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > ------
> > > ----
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for observation
> > > type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method
> > > using
> > > 2386 pairs.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 532
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
> > > observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation
> > > HiRA NBRHD(1), using
> > > 2386 pairs.
> > >
> > > ERROR  :
> > >
> > > ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad value
> > > -9999
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Subject: Bad Value
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Wed Jan 23 10:06:26 2019

Sorry, didn't mean to confuse you.  Sent the wrong version of one of
png images.  They both should have the black in them.


On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 10:04 AM John Halley Gotway <johnhg at ucar.edu>

> Bob,
> I ran the following commands to plot the data you sent me using the
> plot_data_plane tool in MET.  Note that I modified the attached
color table
> to plot any bad data values of -9999 as black:
> */usr/local/met-6.1/bin/plot_data_plane
> 5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-5c8b451b9973
> 5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-5c8b451b9973.ps
> <http://5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-5c8b451b9973.ps> 'name="CEIL_L0";
> level="(*,*)";' -color_table ctable*
> */usr/local/met-6.1/bin/plot_data_plane
> a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf
> a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf.ps
> <http://a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf.ps> 'name="CEIL_L0";
> level="(*,*)";' -color_table ctable*
> If you add the following, then you'll get the same plot:
> *   censor_thresh = lt0; censor_val = 0;*
> So that doesn't work the way you expected.  That's because the code
> the bad data value as a special value.  The inequality '*bad_data <
> does not evaluate to true.  However, '*bad_data == -9999*' does
> to true.  So you can censor the data in that way. Please try using:
> *   censor_thresh = eq-9999; censor_val = 0;*
> That should make this error go away.  But that also means that
> treating bad data values as 0's, which probably isn't correct.
> Thanks,
> John
> On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 8:29 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
> met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
>> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
>> John, one thing I am confused about.  I changed the censor thresh
>> to 0 so any negative model value would become 0.  I also set censor
>> > 100000 to be 0 as well.  After doing this I get the same bad
>> -9999.   How is that possible, if the model, ob, and climo values
>> between 0 and 100000, there should not be any bad values.
>> Thanks
>> Bob
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 7:46 PM
<robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
>> matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
>> Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad
>> Bob,
>> Thanks for sending the files.  I was able to grab them, rerun
>> and reproduce the error.  It's being caused by the reference
>> file.  There are many cases where the forecast and observation
>> valid data values and the climatology field contains a bad data
value of
>> -9999.
>> You can see this by rerunning Point-Stat with the HiRA flag set to
>> to disable it.  You'll get MPR output and see that the climo field
>> contains bad data.  And that's fine... since you're using
persistence as
>> the reference field... and the way you're pre-processing the data
>> in many bad data values.
>> The problem is that I didn't account for this case when writing up
>> HiRA code (Sorry about that!).  For HiRA, Point-Stat blindly uses
the climo
>> value without first checking that it's a valid data value.
Presumably when
>> fcst, obs, or climo contains bad data, we want to skip that
point... that's
>> what's done elsewhere in Point-Stat.  So we need to add in a one-
>> check for bad climo data and skip over that point.
>> I know that you're frozen on met-6.1 until we get you a fortified
>> But are you able to make a small change and recompile met-6.1?
>> If so, I can test out that fix tomorrow.  Just let me know.
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 12:38 PM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
>> met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
>> >
>> > <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
>> >
>> > John, here is the updated command log.
>> >
>> >
>> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
>> >
>> > .C_GP.GALWEM-
>> > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
>> >
>> > .C_GP.GALWEM-
>> > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
>> > -v 3 DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
>> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
>> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
>> >
>> > .C_GP.GALWEM-
>> > DEBUG 3:
>> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
>> > =
>> > CEIL):
>> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
>> 57,
>> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
>> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
>> 57,
>> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
>> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
>> 57,
>> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
>> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
>> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
>> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
>> 57,
>> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
>> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a
= 0,
>> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
>> > = 13 DEBUG 3:
>> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
>> 'CEIL/L0'
>> > in GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
>> >
>> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
>> >
>> > .C_GP.GALWEM-
>> > DEBUG 3:
>> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
>> > =
>> > MTERH):
>> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
>> 0,
>> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
>> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
>> > 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
>> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a
= 2,
>> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
index_c =
>> > 7 DEBUG 3:
>> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
>> 'MTERH/L0'
>> > in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
>> >
>> > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
>> > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
>> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
>> >
>> > .C_GP.GALWEM-
>> > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
>> >
>> > .C_GP.GALWEM-
>> > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
>> > -v 3 DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
>> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
>> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
>> >
>> > .C_GP.GALWEM-
>> > DEBUG 3:
>> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
>> > =
>> > CEIL):
>> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
>> 57,
>> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
>> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
>> 57,
>> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
>> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
>> 57,
>> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
>> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
>> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
>> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
>> 57,
>> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
>> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a
= 0,
>> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
>> > = 13 DEBUG 3:
>> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
>> 'CEIL/L0'
>> > in GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
>> >
>> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
>> >
>> > .C_GP.GALWEM-
>> > DEBUG 3:
>> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
>> > =
>> > MTERH):
>> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
>> 0,
>> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
>> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
>> > 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
>> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a
= 2,
>> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
index_c =
>> > 7 DEBUG 3:
>> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
>> 'MTERH/L0'
>> > in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
>> >
>> > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
>> > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
>> > a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
>> > self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+'
>> > '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
>> > [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1
>> > all /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira
>> > ['global_17km',
>> > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
>> > ', '[]', '["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"]',
>> > 'global_17km', 'all'] ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
>> > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
>> > ', '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc',
>> > '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated',
>> > '-outdir',
>> > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/ptstat/mdlob_pairs/global_17km/CB',
>> '3'] DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
>> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
>> > DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
>> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
>> > DEBUG 1: User Config File:
>> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
>> > GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
>> > GSL_RNG_SEED=40388444
>> > DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
>> > DEBUG 1: Observation File:
>> > 2017120212.nc
>> > DEBUG 2:
>> > DEBUG 2:
>> >
>> > ----------
>> > DEBUG 2:
>> > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
>> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
>> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
value of
>> > -9999.
>> > DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
>> > DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny: 1152
>> > -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234 DEBUG 2:
>> > Processing masking regions.
>> > DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
>> > DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
>> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
>> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
value of
>> > -9999.
>> > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
>> > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
>> > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
>> > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
>> > levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
>> > DEBUG 2:
>> > DEBUG 2:
>> >
>> > ----------
>> > DEBUG 2:
>> > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
>> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
>> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
value of
>> > -9999.
>> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
>> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
value of
>> > -9999.
>> > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
>> > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
>> > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
>> > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
>> > levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
>> > DEBUG 2:
>> > DEBUG 2:
>> >
>> > ----------
>> > DEBUG 2:
>> > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
>> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
>> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
value of
>> > -9999.
>> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
>> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
value of
>> > -9999.
>> > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
>> > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
>> > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
>> > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
>> > levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
>> > DEBUG 2:
>> > DEBUG 2:
>> >
>> > ----------
>> > DEBUG 2:
>> > DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
>> > DEBUG 2:
>> > DEBUG 2:
>> >
>> > ----------
>> > DEBUG 2:
>> > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for observation
>> > ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method NEAREST(1),
>> > 2386 pairs.
>> > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
>> > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
>> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
>> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
>> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
>> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
>> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
>> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
>> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
>> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
>> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
>> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 532
>> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
>> > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
>> > observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation
>> > HiRA NBRHD(1), using 2386 pairs.
>> > ERROR  :
>> > ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad value
>> > -9999 ERROR  :
>> >
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
>> > Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 12:48 PM
>> > <robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
>> > matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
>> > Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value
>> >
>> > Bob,
>> >
>> > Hmmm, I haven't see that error message before.  So you're running
>> > Point-Stat to compare the NetCDF output of pcp_combine to point
>> > observations.
>> >
>> > Thanks for sending your Point-Stat configuration file.  I see
>> > you're censoring any values less than 0, resetting them to bad
>> > (-9999).  I used some sample data here to try to mimic the logic
>> > you're using, but I wasn't able to get the same error message
>> > seeing.  I tested with both the met-6.1 version as originally
>> > and the latest set of patches... but couldn't get it to fail.
>> >
>> > The Nx2ContingencyTable is used when doing probabilistic
>> > The "double" argument to it is the forecast probability value.
>> > somehow it's getting passed a bad HiRA probability value.
>> >
>> > Can you please send me the sample files you're using to
>> > this
>> > behavior:
>> >
>> > *Fcst file:
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-*
>> > *e08ea17dcaff*
>> > *Obs file:
>> > <http://2017120212.nc>*
>> > *Climo file:
>> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/7837df11-1445-4283-872c-
>> >
>> > One other detail... I see you have 3 separate fields listed, one
>> > each
>> > threshold:
>> >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
[<=500]; },
>> >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
[<=1000]; },
>> >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
>> > }
>> >
>> > That isn't necessary.  You can specify multiple categorical
>> > for each field:
>> >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
>> > <=1000, <=3000]; },
>> >
>> > The way you're doing it isn't wrong, but listing multiple
>> > is a bit more concise.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > John
>> >
>> >
>> > On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 10:44 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT
>> > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
>> >
>> > >
>> > > Tue Jan 22 10:44:50 2019: Request 88587 was acted upon.
>> > > Transaction: Ticket created by robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
>> > >        Queue: met_help
>> > >      Subject: Bad Value
>> > >        Owner: Nobody
>> > >   Requestors: robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
>> > >       Status: new
>> > >  Ticket <URL:
>> > > https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587
>> > > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > John, Thanks for the help on the pcp_combine question (88544).
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Now that I am past that I am getting the following error in
>> > > stat.  I included the whole listing in case a I missed
>> > >
>> > > In this run I am taking the model ceiling hgt data (in MSL) and
>> > > subtracting out the model terrain height to get the ceiling in
>> > > I do this for the model data and the climo data (which is a
>> > > persisted model forecast).  I compare this to a NETcdf ob file
>> > > containing either
>> > ceiling height or a
>> > > missing value (-9999).   I run MET and get the bad value error
>> (-9999).
>> > > Attached is my config file.  You can see I convert the units
>> > > then change any missing value back to -9999.  The MET
>> > > seems to indicate
>> > > -9999 is a valid missing value so why would it kick the bad
>> > > error in the contingency table?
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Thanks
>> > >
>> > > Bob
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
>> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
>> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
>> > > (parm_name =
>> > > CEIL):
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
>> 57,
>> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
>> > 57,
>> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
>> 57,
>> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
>> 0,
>> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
>> > 57,
>> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL,
index_a = 0,
>> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
>> > > index_c = 13
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
>> 'CEIL/L0'
>> > > in
>> > > GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > _D I.C_GP
>> > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2'
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
>> > > (parm_name =
>> > > MTERH):
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
>> = 0,
>> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
>> =
>> > 57,
>> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a = 2,
>> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
>> > > =
>> > > 7
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
>> > 'MTERH/L0'
>> > > in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > _D I.C_GP
>> > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2'
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
>> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
>> > > f
>> > >
>> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
>> > >
>> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
>> > > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
>> > > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
>> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
>> > > 2
>> > > -v 3
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
>> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
>> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
>> > > (parm_name =
>> > > CEIL):
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
>> 57,
>> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
>> > 57,
>> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
>> 57,
>> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
>> 0,
>> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
>> > 57,
>> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL,
index_a = 0,
>> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
>> > > index_c = 13
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
>> 'CEIL/L0'
>> > > in
>> > > GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > _D I.C_GP
>> > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2'
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
>> > > (parm_name =
>> > > MTERH):
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
>> = 0,
>> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
>> =
>> > 57,
>> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a = 2,
>> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
>> > > =
>> > > 7
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
>> > 'MTERH/L0'
>> > > in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > _D I.C_GP
>> > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2'
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
>> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
>> > > 2
>> > >
>> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
>> > > 2
>> > > 41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-ecc1b30e4452
>> > >
>> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
>> > > 2
>> > >
>> > > self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+'
>> > > '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
>> > >
>> > > global_17km
>> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
>> > > 2 [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1
>> > > global_17km all
>> > >
>> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira
>> > >
>> > > ['global_17km',
>> > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
>> > > 52 ', '[]',
>> > > '1', 'global_17km', 'all']
>> > >
>> > > ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
>> > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
>> > > ff ', '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc',
>> > > '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated',
>> > > '-outdir',
>> > >
>> > > '-v', '3']
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
>> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
>> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
>> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 1: User Config File:
>> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
>> > >
>> > > GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
>> > >
>> > > GSL_RNG_SEED=1850296156
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
>> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
>> > > f
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 1: Observation File:
>> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2:
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > --
>> > > ------
>> > > ----
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny: 1152
>> lat_ll:
>> > > -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2: Processing masking regions.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
>> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
>> > > of -9999.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
>> > > field(s)
>> > > valid at 20171202_000000.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1
>> > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2:
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > --
>> > > ------
>> > > ----
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
>> > > of -9999.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
>> > > field(s)
>> > > valid at 20171202_000000.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1
>> > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2:
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > --
>> > > ------
>> > > ----
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
>> > > of -9999.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
>> > > field(s)
>> > > valid at 20171202_000000.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1
>> > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2:
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > --
>> > > ------
>> > > ----
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2:
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > --
>> > > ------
>> > > ----
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2:
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for
>> > > type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method
>> > > using
>> > > 2386 pairs.
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 532
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
>> > >
>> > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
>> > > observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation
>> > > HiRA NBRHD(1), using
>> > > 2386 pairs.
>> > >
>> > > ERROR  :
>> > >
>> > > ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad value
>> > > -9999
>> > >
>> > >
>> > >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >

Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value
From: robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
Time: Wed Jan 23 10:28:30 2019

Thanks, I will try using -9999 in censor thresh.  Since you are
hopefully getting close to delivering the fortified version, If the
fix is in that code, that should be sufficient.

Another question, HIRA is also used to verify continues variables such
as temperature and uses CRPS as the statistic.  Could orank be added
to point stat when the HIRA flag is set?  That would keep us from
having to run HIRA temperatures outside of MET to generate an orank


-----Original Message-----
From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 11:05 AM
<robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
<matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value


I ran the following commands to plot the data you sent me using the
plot_data_plane tool in MET.  Note that I modified the attached color
table to plot any bad data values of -9999 as black:

<http://5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-5c8b451b9973.ps> 'name="CEIL_L0";
level="(*,*)";' -color_table ctable*

<http://a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf.ps> 'name="CEIL_L0";
level="(*,*)";' -color_table ctable*

If you add the following, then you'll get the same plot:
*   censor_thresh = lt0; censor_val = 0;*

So that doesn't work the way you expected.  That's because the code
treats the bad data value as a special value.  The inequality
'*bad_data < 0*'
does not evaluate to true.  However, '*bad_data == -9999*' does
evaluate to true.  So you can censor the data in that way. Please try
*   censor_thresh = eq-9999; censor_val = 0;*

That should make this error go away.  But that also means that you're
treating bad data values as 0's, which probably isn't correct.


On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 8:29 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:

> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
> John, one thing I am confused about.  I changed the censor thresh
> value to
> 0 so any negative model value would become 0.  I also set censor
> thresh >
> 100000 to be 0 as well.  After doing this I get the same bad value
>  How is that possible, if the model, ob, and climo values are
> 0 and 100000, there should not be any bad values.
> Thanks
> Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 7:46 PM
> <robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
> matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
> Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value
> Bob,
> Thanks for sending the files.  I was able to grab them, rerun
> Point-Stat, and reproduce the error.  It's being caused by the
> reference climatology file.  There are many cases where the forecast
> and observation contain valid data values and the climatology field
> contains a bad data value of -9999.
> You can see this by rerunning Point-Stat with the HiRA flag set to
> FALSE to disable it.  You'll get MPR output and see that the climo
> field often contains bad data.  And that's fine... since you're
> persistence as the reference field... and the way you're
> pre-processing the data results in many bad data values.
> The problem is that I didn't account for this case when writing up
> HiRA code (Sorry about that!).  For HiRA, Point-Stat blindly uses
> climo value without first checking that it's a valid data value.
> Presumably when fcst, obs, or climo contains bad data, we want to
> that point... that's what's done elsewhere in Point-Stat.  So we
> to add in a one-liner check for bad climo data and skip over that
> I know that you're frozen on met-6.1 until we get you a fortified
> But are you able to make a small change and recompile met-6.1?
> If so, I can test out that fix tomorrow.  Just let me know.
> Thanks,
> John
> On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 12:38 PM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
> met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> >
> > <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
> >
> > John, here is the updated command log.
> >
> >
> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> >
> > DI
> > .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> >
> > DI
> > .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > 3 -v 3 DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> >
> > DI
> > .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > DEBUG 3:
> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > (parm_name =
> > CEIL):
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > index_c = 13 DEBUG 3:
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> > in GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> >
> > DI
> > .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > DEBUG 3:
> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > (parm_name =
> > MTERH):
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a
= 2,
> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > =
> > 7 DEBUG 3:
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> 'MTERH/L0'
> > in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > 3 /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> >
> > DI
> > .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> >
> > DI
> > .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > f -v 3 DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> >
> > DI
> > .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > DEBUG 3:
> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > (parm_name =
> > CEIL):
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a =
> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > index_c = 13 DEBUG 3:
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> > in GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> >
> > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> >
> > DI
> > .C_GP.GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > DEBUG 3:
> > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > (parm_name =
> > MTERH):
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr = 0,
> > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a
= 2,
> > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > =
> > 7 DEBUG 3:
> > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> 'MTERH/L0'
> > in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> >
> > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > f
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > f a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > f self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+'
> > '+self._sid+'
> > '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
> > global_17km
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > f [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1
> > global_17km all /h/WXQC/met-
> > ['global_17km',
> > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > bf ', '[]', '["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"]',
> > '1', 'global_17km', 'all'] ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
> > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > 73 ', '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc',
> > '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated',
> > '-outdir',
> > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/ptstat/mdlob_pairs/global_17km/CB',
> > '-v',
> '3'] DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
> > DEBUG 1: User Config File:
> > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
> > GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> > GSL_RNG_SEED=40388444
> > DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > 3 DEBUG 1: Observation File:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/
> > 2017120212.nc
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > --
> > ----------
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > of -9999.
> > DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
> > DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny: 1152
> > -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234 DEBUG 2:
> > Processing masking regions.
> > DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
> > DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > of -9999.
> > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > --
> > ----------
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > of -9999.
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > of -9999.
> > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > --
> > ----------
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > of -9999.
> > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a value
> > of -9999.
> > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > --
> > ----------
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2:
> >
> > --
> > ----------
> > DEBUG 2:
> > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for observation
> > type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method
> > using
> > 2386 pairs.
> > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
> > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0 DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality
> > marker = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0 DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst
> > value = 532
> > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
> > observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation
> > HiRA NBRHD(1), using 2386 pairs.
> > ERROR  :
> > ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad value
> > -9999 ERROR  :
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 12:48 PM
> > <robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
> > matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
> > Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value
> >
> > Bob,
> >
> > Hmmm, I haven't see that error message before.  So you're running
> > Point-Stat to compare the NetCDF output of pcp_combine to point
> > observations.
> >
> > Thanks for sending your Point-Stat configuration file.  I see that
> > you're censoring any values less than 0, resetting them to bad
> > (-9999).  I used some sample data here to try to mimic the logic
> > you're using, but I wasn't able to get the same error message
> > seeing.  I tested with both the met-6.1 version as originally
> > released and the latest set of patches... but couldn't get it to
> >
> > The Nx2ContingencyTable is used when doing probabilistic
> > The "double" argument to it is the forecast probability value.  So
> > somehow it's getting passed a bad HiRA probability value.
> >
> > Can you please send me the sample files you're using to
> > this
> > behavior:
> >
> > *Fcst file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-*
> > *e08ea17dcaff*
> > *Obs file:
> > <http://2017120212.nc>*
> > *Climo file:
> > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/7837df11-1445-4283-872c-
> > 1*
> >
> > One other detail... I see you have 3 separate fields listed, one
> > each
> > threshold:
> >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
[<=500]; },
> >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
[<=1000]; },
> >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
> > [<=3000]; }
> >
> > That isn't necessary.  You can specify multiple categorical
> > thresholds for each field:
> >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
> > <=1000, <=3000]; },
> >
> > The way you're doing it isn't wrong, but listing multiple
> > is a bit more concise.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > John
> >
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 10:44 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
> > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Tue Jan 22 10:44:50 2019: Request 88587 was acted upon.
> > > Transaction: Ticket created by robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
> > >        Queue: met_help
> > >      Subject: Bad Value
> > >        Owner: Nobody
> > >   Requestors: robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
> > >       Status: new
> > >  Ticket <URL:
> > > https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > John, Thanks for the help on the pcp_combine question (88544).
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Now that I am past that I am getting the following error in
> > > stat.  I included the whole listing in case a I missed
> > >
> > > In this run I am taking the model ceiling hgt data (in MSL) and
> > > subtracting out the model terrain height to get the ceiling in
> > > I do this for the model data and the climo data (which is a
> > > persisted model forecast).  I compare this to a NETcdf ob file
> > > containing either
> > ceiling height or a
> > > missing value (-9999).   I run MET and get the bad value error
> > > Attached is my config file.  You can see I convert the units and
> > > then change any missing value back to -9999.  The MET
> > > documentation seems to indicate
> > > -9999 is a valid missing value so why would it kick the bad
> > > error in the contingency table?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > >
> > > Bob
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > (parm_name =
> > > CEIL):
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 0,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a
= 0,
> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > > index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> 'CEIL/L0'
> > > in
> > > GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > >
> > >
> > > .U
> > > _D I.C_GP
> > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2'
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > (parm_name =
> > > MTERH):
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 0,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a = 2,
> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > > index_c =
> > > 7
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> > 'MTERH/L0'
> > > in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > >
> > >
> > > .U
> > > _D I.C_GP
> > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2'
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > > af
> > > f
> > >
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> > >
> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > 45
> > > 2
> > > -v 3
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > (parm_name =
> > > CEIL):
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 0,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a
= 0,
> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > > index_c = 13
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> 'CEIL/L0'
> > > in
> > > GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > >
> > >
> > > .U
> > > _D I.C_GP
> > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2'
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > (parm_name =
> > > MTERH):
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 0,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a = 2,
> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > > index_c =
> > > 7
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> > 'MTERH/L0'
> > > in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > >
> > >
> > > .U
> > > _D I.C_GP
> > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2'
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > 45
> > > 2
> > >
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > 45
> > > 2
> > > 41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-ecc1b30e4452
> > >
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > 45
> > > 2
> > >
> > > self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+'
> > > '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
> > >
> > > global_17km
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > 45
> > > 2 [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1
> > > global_17km all
> > >
> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira
> > >
> > > ['global_17km',
> > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > 44
> > > 52 ', '[]',
> > > '1', 'global_17km', 'all']
> > >
> > > ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
> > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > > ca ff ',
> > > '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated',
> > > '-outdir',
> > >
> > > '-v', '3']
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: User Config File:
> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
> > >
> > > GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> > >
> > > GSL_RNG_SEED=1850296156
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > > af
> > > f
> > >
> > > DEBUG 1: Observation File:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > --
> > > ------
> > > ----
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny: 1152
> > > -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Processing masking regions.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > climatology
> > > field(s)
> > > valid at 20171202_000000.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > --
> > > ------
> > > ----
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > climatology
> > > field(s)
> > > valid at 20171202_000000.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > --
> > > ------
> > > ----
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > climatology
> > > field(s)
> > > valid at 20171202_000000.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > --
> > > ------
> > > ----
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > --
> > > ------
> > > ----
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for observation
> > > type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method
> > > NEAREST(1), using
> > > 2386 pairs.
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 532
> > >
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> > >
> > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
> > > observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation
> > > method HiRA NBRHD(1), using
> > > 2386 pairs.
> > >
> > > ERROR  :
> > >
> > > ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad value
> > > -9999
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Subject: Bad Value
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Wed Jan 23 13:57:05 2019


OK, I just tested and committed the fix to the development version of

And I see your request about adding the ORANK line type as output to
Point-Stat.  In the current development version, HiRA processing is
done in
2 ways:

(1) do_hira_prob: Looks in a neighborhood, applies a categorical
computes a fractional coverage value by looking at the ratio of events
the neighborhood, and evaluate those coverage values as probabilities.

(2) do_hira_ens: Treats the continuous forecast values in the
as an ensemble forecast and writes the new ECNT line type summarizing
HiRA ensemble performance in that neighborhood.

After the common 22 header columns, the ECNT line type consists of:

All of the _OERR columns will contain bad data.  Those are populated
handling observation error logic in ensemble-stat.  And currently the
value is also NA because we're not applying the HiRA ensemble method
to the
climo data.

Some questions are:
(1) Since you're getting CRPS in the ECNT line type, do you really
need to
ORANK line type?

(2) Do you also need CRPSS computed by applying HiRA to the climo
I'll ask Tressa about the statistical interpretation of that.


On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 10:29 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:

> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
> Thanks, I will try using -9999 in censor thresh.  Since you are
> getting close to delivering the fortified version, If the fix is in
> code, that should be sufficient.
> Another question, HIRA is also used to verify continues variables
such as
> temperature and uses CRPS as the statistic.  Could orank be added to
> stat when the HIRA flag is set?  That would keep us from having to
run HIRA
> temperatures outside of MET to generate an orank file.
> Thanks
> Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 11:05 AM
<robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
> matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
> Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value
> Bob,
> I ran the following commands to plot the data you sent me using the
> plot_data_plane tool in MET.  Note that I modified the attached
color table
> to plot any bad data values of -9999 as black:
> */usr/local/met-6.1/bin/plot_data_plane
> 5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-5c8b451b9973
> 5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-5c8b451b9973.ps
> <http://5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-5c8b451b9973.ps> 'name="CEIL_L0";
> level="(*,*)";' -color_table ctable*
> */usr/local/met-6.1/bin/plot_data_plane
> a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf
> a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf.ps
> <http://a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf.ps> 'name="CEIL_L0";
> level="(*,*)";' -color_table ctable*
> If you add the following, then you'll get the same plot:
> *   censor_thresh = lt0; censor_val = 0;*
> So that doesn't work the way you expected.  That's because the code
> the bad data value as a special value.  The inequality '*bad_data <
> does not evaluate to true.  However, '*bad_data == -9999*' does
> to true.  So you can censor the data in that way. Please try using:
> *   censor_thresh = eq-9999; censor_val = 0;*
> That should make this error go away.  But that also means that
> treating bad data values as 0's, which probably isn't correct.
> Thanks,
> John
> On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 8:29 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
> met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> >
> > <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
> >
> > John, one thing I am confused about.  I changed the censor thresh
> > value to
> > 0 so any negative model value would become 0.  I also set censor
> > thresh >
> > 100000 to be 0 as well.  After doing this I get the same bad value
> >  How is that possible, if the model, ob, and climo values are
> > 0 and 100000, there should not be any bad values.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Bob
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 7:46 PM
> > <robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
> > matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
> > Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad
> >
> > Bob,
> >
> > Thanks for sending the files.  I was able to grab them, rerun
> > Point-Stat, and reproduce the error.  It's being caused by the
> > reference climatology file.  There are many cases where the
> > and observation contain valid data values and the climatology
> > contains a bad data value of -9999.
> >
> > You can see this by rerunning Point-Stat with the HiRA flag set to
> > FALSE to disable it.  You'll get MPR output and see that the climo
> > field often contains bad data.  And that's fine... since you're
> > persistence as the reference field... and the way you're
> > pre-processing the data results in many bad data values.
> >
> > The problem is that I didn't account for this case when writing up
> > HiRA code (Sorry about that!).  For HiRA, Point-Stat blindly uses
> > climo value without first checking that it's a valid data value.
> > Presumably when fcst, obs, or climo contains bad data, we want to
> > that point... that's what's done elsewhere in Point-Stat.  So we
> > to add in a one-liner check for bad climo data and skip over that
> >
> > I know that you're frozen on met-6.1 until we get you a fortified
> version.
> > But are you able to make a small change and recompile met-6.1?
> >
> > If so, I can test out that fix tomorrow.  Just let me know.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > John
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 12:38 PM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
> > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
> > >
> > > John, here is the updated command log.
> > >
> > >
> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> > >
> > > DI
> > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> > >
> > > DI
> > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > > 3 -v 3 DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > >
> > > DI
> > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > (parm_name =
> > > CEIL):
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 0,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a
= 0,
> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > > index_c = 13 DEBUG 3:
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> 'CEIL/L0'
> > > in GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > >
> >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > >
> > > DI
> > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > (parm_name =
> > > MTERH):
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 0,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > > 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a = 2,
> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > > =
> > > 7 DEBUG 3:
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> > 'MTERH/L0'
> > > in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > >
> >
> > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > > 3 /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> > >
> > > DI
> > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> > >
> > > DI
> > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > f -v 3 DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > >
> > > DI
> > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > (parm_name =
> > > CEIL):
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 0,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a
= 0,
> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > > index_c = 13 DEBUG 3:
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> 'CEIL/L0'
> > > in GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > >
> >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > >
> > > DI
> > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > (parm_name =
> > > MTERH):
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 0,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > > 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a = 2,
> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > > =
> > > 7 DEBUG 3:
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> > 'MTERH/L0'
> > > in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > >
> >
> > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > f
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > f a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > f self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+'
> > > '+self._sid+'
> > > '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
> > > global_17km
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > f [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1
> > > global_17km all /h/WXQC/met-
> > > ['global_17km',
> > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > bf ', '[]',
> > > '1', 'global_17km', 'all'] ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
> > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > > 73 ', '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc',
> > > '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated',
> > > '-outdir',
> > >
> > > '-v',
> > '3'] DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
> > > DEBUG 1: User Config File:
> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
> > > GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> > > GSL_RNG_SEED=40388444
> > > DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > > 3 DEBUG 1: Observation File:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/
> > > 2017120212.nc
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > --
> > > ----------
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > > DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
> > > DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny: 1152
> > > -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234 DEBUG
> > > Processing masking regions.
> > > DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
> > > DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > --
> > > ----------
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > --
> > > ----------
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > --
> > > ----------
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > --
> > > ----------
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for observation
> > > type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method
> > > using
> > > 2386 pairs.
> > > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
> > > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0 DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality
> > > marker = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0 DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad
> > > value = 532
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
> > > observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation
> > > HiRA NBRHD(1), using 2386 pairs.
> > > ERROR  :
> > > ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad value
> > > -9999 ERROR  :
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> > > Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 12:48 PM
> > > <robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
> > > matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
> > > Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value
> > >
> > > Bob,
> > >
> > > Hmmm, I haven't see that error message before.  So you're
> > > Point-Stat to compare the NetCDF output of pcp_combine to point
> > > observations.
> > >
> > > Thanks for sending your Point-Stat configuration file.  I see
> > > you're censoring any values less than 0, resetting them to bad
> > > (-9999).  I used some sample data here to try to mimic the logic
> > > you're using, but I wasn't able to get the same error message
> > > seeing.  I tested with both the met-6.1 version as originally
> > > released and the latest set of patches... but couldn't get it to
> > >
> > > The Nx2ContingencyTable is used when doing probabilistic
> > > The "double" argument to it is the forecast probability value.
> > > somehow it's getting passed a bad HiRA probability value.
> > >
> > > Can you please send me the sample files you're using to
> > > this
> > > behavior:
> > >
> > > *Fcst file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-*
> > > *e08ea17dcaff*
> > > *Obs file:
> > > <http://2017120212.nc>*
> > > *Climo file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/7837df11-1445-4283-872c-
> > > 1*
> > >
> > > One other detail... I see you have 3 separate fields listed, one
> > > each
> > > threshold:
> > >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
[<=500]; },
> > >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
> },
> > >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
> > > [<=3000]; }
> > >
> > > That isn't necessary.  You can specify multiple categorical
> > > thresholds for each field:
> > >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
> > > <=1000, <=3000]; },
> > >
> > > The way you're doing it isn't wrong, but listing multiple
> > > is a bit more concise.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > John
> > >
> > >
> > > On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 10:44 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT
> > > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Tue Jan 22 10:44:50 2019: Request 88587 was acted upon.
> > > > Transaction: Ticket created by robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
> > > >        Queue: met_help
> > > >      Subject: Bad Value
> > > >        Owner: Nobody
> > > >   Requestors: robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
> > > >       Status: new
> > > >  Ticket <URL:
> > > > https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > John, Thanks for the help on the pcp_combine question (88544).
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Now that I am past that I am getting the following error in
> > > > stat.  I included the whole listing in case a I missed
> > > >
> > > > In this run I am taking the model ceiling hgt data (in MSL)
> > > > subtracting out the model terrain height to get the ceiling in
> > > > I do this for the model data and the climo data (which is a
> > > > persisted model forecast).  I compare this to a NETcdf ob file
> > > > containing either
> > > ceiling height or a
> > > > missing value (-9999).   I run MET and get the bad value error
> (-9999).
> > > > Attached is my config file.  You can see I convert the units
> > > > then change any missing value back to -9999.  The MET
> > > > documentation seems to indicate
> > > > -9999 is a valid missing value so why would it kick the bad
> > > > error in the contingency table?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Thanks
> > > >
> > > > Bob
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > > (parm_name =
> > > > CEIL):
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
> =
> > > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 0,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
> =
> > > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL,
index_a = 0,
> > > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > > > index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match
> > 'CEIL/L0'
> > > > in
> > > > GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > .U
> > > > _D I.C_GP
> > > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2'
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > > (parm_name =
> > > > MTERH):
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
> =
> > 0,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
> grib2_cntr =
> > > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a =
> 2,
> > > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > > > index_c =
> > > > 7
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match
> > > 'MTERH/L0'
> > > > in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > .U
> > > > _D I.C_GP
> > > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2'
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > > > af
> > > > f
> > > >
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> > > >
> > > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > > > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > > > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > 45
> > > > 2
> > > > -v 3
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > > (parm_name =
> > > > CEIL):
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
> =
> > > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 0,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
> =
> > > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL,
index_a = 0,
> > > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > > > index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match
> > 'CEIL/L0'
> > > > in
> > > > GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > .U
> > > > _D I.C_GP
> > > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2'
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > > (parm_name =
> > > > MTERH):
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
> =
> > 0,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
> grib2_cntr =
> > > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a =
> 2,
> > > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > > > index_c =
> > > > 7
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match
> > > 'MTERH/L0'
> > > > in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > .U
> > > > _D I.C_GP
> > > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2'
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > 45
> > > > 2
> > > >
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > 45
> > > > 2
> > > > 41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-ecc1b30e4452
> > > >
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > 45
> > > > 2
> > > >
> > > > self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+'
> > > > '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
> > > >
> > > > global_17km
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > 45
> > > > 2 [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1
> > > > global_17km all
> > > >
> > > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira
> > > >
> > > > ['global_17km',
> > > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > 44
> > > > 52 ', '[]',
> > > > '1', 'global_17km', 'all']
> > > >
> > > > ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
> > > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > > > ca ff ',
> > > > '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated',
> > > > '-outdir',
> > > >
> > > > '-v', '3']
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> > > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: User Config File:
> > > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
> > > >
> > > > GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> > > >
> > > > GSL_RNG_SEED=1850296156
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > > > af
> > > > f
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Observation File:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > ------
> > > > ----
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny:
> lat_ll:
> > > > -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Processing masking regions.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > > of -9999.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > > climatology
> > > > field(s)
> > > > valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1
> > > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > ------
> > > > ----
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > > of -9999.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > > climatology
> > > > field(s)
> > > > valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1
> > > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > ------
> > > > ----
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > > of -9999.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > > climatology
> > > > field(s)
> > > > valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1
> > > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > ------
> > > > ----
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > ------
> > > > ----
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for
> > > > type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method
> > > > NEAREST(1), using
> > > > 2386 pairs.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 532
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
> > > > observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation
> > > > method HiRA NBRHD(1), using
> > > > 2386 pairs.
> > > >
> > > > ERROR  :
> > > >
> > > > ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad
value ...
> > > > -9999
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Subject: RE: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value
From: robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
Time: Wed Jan 23 14:25:33 2019

John, I should have checked the verion 8 document.  ECNT sounds like
it should work.  We use CRPSS (CRPS skill score) in our HIRA
evaluation so we would like a climo field.   Our use case is if we
have a climo file that contains our variable of interest we will use
it.  Otherwise, we use persistence.   We also us HIRA for wind speed
verification.  The way Marion Mittermaier does it is to use the wind
beaufort scale to categorize the wind speeds and the then calculate
the Rank Probability Score from those categories.  RPS does not seem
to be in MET.  Question for you or Terssa, can CRPS be used in some
way to calculate the RPS?  Could RPS be added?


-----Original Message-----
From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 2:57 PM
<robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
<matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value


OK, I just tested and committed the fix to the development version of
the code.

And I see your request about adding the ORANK line type as output to
Point-Stat.  In the current development version, HiRA processing is
done in
2 ways:

(1) do_hira_prob: Looks in a neighborhood, applies a categorical
threshold, computes a fractional coverage value by looking at the
ratio of events in the neighborhood, and evaluate those coverage
values as probabilities.

(2) do_hira_ens: Treats the continuous forecast values in the
neighborhood as an ensemble forecast and writes the new ECNT line type
summarizing the HiRA ensemble performance in that neighborhood.

After the common 22 header columns, the ECNT line type consists of:

All of the _OERR columns will contain bad data.  Those are populated
by handling observation error logic in ensemble-stat.  And currently
the CRPSS value is also NA because we're not applying the HiRA
ensemble method to the climo data.

Some questions are:
(1) Since you're getting CRPS in the ECNT line type, do you really
need to ORANK line type?

(2) Do you also need CRPSS computed by applying HiRA to the climo
I'll ask Tressa about the statistical interpretation of that.


On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 10:29 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:

> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
> Thanks, I will try using -9999 in censor thresh.  Since you are
> hopefully getting close to delivering the fortified version, If the
> fix is in that code, that should be sufficient.
> Another question, HIRA is also used to verify continues variables
> as temperature and uses CRPS as the statistic.  Could orank be added
> to point stat when the HIRA flag is set?  That would keep us from
> having to run HIRA temperatures outside of MET to generate an orank
> Thanks
> Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 11:05 AM
> <robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
> matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
> Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value
> Bob,
> I ran the following commands to plot the data you sent me using the
> plot_data_plane tool in MET.  Note that I modified the attached
> table to plot any bad data values of -9999 as black:
> */usr/local/met-6.1/bin/plot_data_plane
> 5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-5c8b451b9973
> 5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-5c8b451b9973.ps
> <http://5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-5c8b451b9973.ps> 'name="CEIL_L0";
> level="(*,*)";' -color_table ctable*
> */usr/local/met-6.1/bin/plot_data_plane
> a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf
> a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf.ps
> <http://a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf.ps> 'name="CEIL_L0";
> level="(*,*)";' -color_table ctable*
> If you add the following, then you'll get the same plot:
> *   censor_thresh = lt0; censor_val = 0;*
> So that doesn't work the way you expected.  That's because the code
> treats the bad data value as a special value.  The inequality
'*bad_data < 0*'
> does not evaluate to true.  However, '*bad_data == -9999*' does
> evaluate to true.  So you can censor the data in that way. Please
try using:
> *   censor_thresh = eq-9999; censor_val = 0;*
> That should make this error go away.  But that also means that
> treating bad data values as 0's, which probably isn't correct.
> Thanks,
> John
> On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 8:29 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
> met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> >
> > <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
> >
> > John, one thing I am confused about.  I changed the censor thresh
> > value to
> > 0 so any negative model value would become 0.  I also set censor
> > thresh >
> > 100000 to be 0 as well.  After doing this I get the same bad value
> >  How is that possible, if the model, ob, and climo values are
> > between
> > 0 and 100000, there should not be any bad values.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Bob
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> > Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 7:46 PM
> > <robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
> > matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
> > Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad
> >
> > Bob,
> >
> > Thanks for sending the files.  I was able to grab them, rerun
> > Point-Stat, and reproduce the error.  It's being caused by the
> > reference climatology file.  There are many cases where the
> > and observation contain valid data values and the climatology
> > contains a bad data value of -9999.
> >
> > You can see this by rerunning Point-Stat with the HiRA flag set to
> > FALSE to disable it.  You'll get MPR output and see that the climo
> > field often contains bad data.  And that's fine... since you're
> > using persistence as the reference field... and the way you're
> > pre-processing the data results in many bad data values.
> >
> > The problem is that I didn't account for this case when writing up
> > the HiRA code (Sorry about that!).  For HiRA, Point-Stat blindly
> > uses the climo value without first checking that it's a valid data
> > Presumably when fcst, obs, or climo contains bad data, we want to
> > skip that point... that's what's done elsewhere in Point-Stat.  So
> > we need to add in a one-liner check for bad climo data and skip
over that point.
> >
> > I know that you're frozen on met-6.1 until we get you a fortified
> version.
> > But are you able to make a small change and recompile met-6.1?
> >
> > If so, I can test out that fix tomorrow.  Just let me know.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > John
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 12:38 PM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
> > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
> > >
> > > John, here is the updated command log.
> > >
> > >
> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> > >
> > > U_
> > > DI
> > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> > >
> > > U_
> > > DI
> > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > > 97
> > > 3 -v 3 DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > >
> > > U_
> > > DI
> > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > (parm_name =
> > > CEIL):
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 0,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a
= 0,
> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > > index_c = 13 DEBUG 3:
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> 'CEIL/L0'
> > > in GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > >
> >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > >
> > > U_
> > > DI
> > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > (parm_name =
> > > MTERH):
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 0,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > > 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a = 2,
> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > > index_c =
> > > 7 DEBUG 3:
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> > 'MTERH/L0'
> > > in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > >
> >
> > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > > 97
> > > 3 /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> > >
> > > U_
> > > DI
> > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> > >
> > > U_
> > > DI
> > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > 5b f -v 3 DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES
> > > file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > >
> > > U_
> > > DI
> > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > (parm_name =
> > > CEIL):
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 0,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a
= 0,
> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > > index_c = 13 DEBUG 3:
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> 'CEIL/L0'
> > > in GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > >
> >
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > >
> > > U_
> > > DI
> > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > DEBUG 3:
> > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > (parm_name =
> > > MTERH):
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> 0,
> > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
grib2_cntr =
> > > 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a = 2,
> > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > > index_c =
> > > 7 DEBUG 3:
> > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match for
> > 'MTERH/L0'
> > > in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > >
> >
> > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > 5b
> > > f
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > 5b f a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > 5b f self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+'
> > > '+self._sid+'
> > > '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
> > > global_17km
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > 5b f [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1
> > > global_17km all
> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira
> > > ['global_17km',
> > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > e5 bf ', '[]',
> > > '["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"]',
> > > '1', 'global_17km', 'all'] ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
> > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > > 99
> > > 73 ', '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc',
> > > '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated',
> > > '-outdir',
> > >
> > > '-v',
> > '3'] DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
> > > DEBUG 1: User Config File:
> > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
> > > GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> > > GSL_RNG_SEED=40388444
> > > DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > > 97
> > > 3 DEBUG 1: Observation File:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/
> > > 2017120212.nc
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > --
> > > --
> > > ----------
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > > DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
> > > DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny: 1152
> > > -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234 DEBUG
> > > Processing masking regions.
> > > DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL DEBUG 3: Processing station
> > > mask:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > climatology
> > > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > --
> > > --
> > > ----------
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > climatology
> > > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > --
> > > --
> > > ----------
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > of -9999.
> > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > climatology
> > > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1 climatology
> > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > --
> > > --
> > > ----------
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > >
> > > --
> > > --
> > > ----------
> > > DEBUG 2:
> > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for observation
> > > type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method
> > > NEAREST(1), using
> > > 2386 pairs.
> > > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
> > > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0 DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality
> > > marker = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0 DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad
> > > value = 532
> > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
> > > observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation
> > > method HiRA NBRHD(1), using 2386 pairs.
> > > ERROR  :
> > > ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad value
> > > -9999 ERROR  :
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> > > Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 12:48 PM
> > > <robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
> > > matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
> > > Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value
> > >
> > > Bob,
> > >
> > > Hmmm, I haven't see that error message before.  So you're
> > > Point-Stat to compare the NetCDF output of pcp_combine to point
> > > observations.
> > >
> > > Thanks for sending your Point-Stat configuration file.  I see
> > > you're censoring any values less than 0, resetting them to bad
> > > data (-9999).  I used some sample data here to try to mimic the
> > > logic you're using, but I wasn't able to get the same error
> > > message you're seeing.  I tested with both the met-6.1 version
> > > originally released and the latest set of patches... but
couldn't get it to fail.
> > >
> > > The Nx2ContingencyTable is used when doing probabilistic
> > > The "double" argument to it is the forecast probability value.
> > > somehow it's getting passed a bad HiRA probability value.
> > >
> > > Can you please send me the sample files you're using to
> > > demonstrate this
> > > behavior:
> > >
> > > *Fcst file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-*
> > > *e08ea17dcaff*
> > > *Obs file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> > > <http://2017120212.nc>*
> > > *Climo file:
> > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/7837df11-1445-4283-872c-
> > > 77
> > > 1*
> > >
> > > One other detail... I see you have 3 separate fields listed, one
> > > for each
> > > threshold:
> > >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
[<=500]; },
> > >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
> > > [<=1000];
> },
> > >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
> > > [<=3000]; }
> > >
> > > That isn't necessary.  You can specify multiple categorical
> > > thresholds for each field:
> > >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
> > > [<=500, <=1000, <=3000]; },
> > >
> > > The way you're doing it isn't wrong, but listing multiple
> > > thresholds is a bit more concise.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > John
> > >
> > >
> > > On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 10:44 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT
> > > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Tue Jan 22 10:44:50 2019: Request 88587 was acted upon.
> > > > Transaction: Ticket created by robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
> > > >        Queue: met_help
> > > >      Subject: Bad Value
> > > >        Owner: Nobody
> > > >   Requestors: robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
> > > >       Status: new
> > > >  Ticket <URL:
> > > > https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > John, Thanks for the help on the pcp_combine question (88544).
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Now that I am past that I am getting the following error in
> > > > point stat.  I included the whole listing in case a I missed
> > > >
> > > > In this run I am taking the model ceiling hgt data (in MSL)
> > > > subtracting out the model terrain height to get the ceiling in
> > > > I do this for the model data and the climo data (which is a
> > > > persisted model forecast).  I compare this to a NETcdf ob file
> > > > containing either
> > > ceiling height or a
> > > > missing value (-9999).   I run MET and get the bad value error
> (-9999).
> > > > Attached is my config file.  You can see I convert the units
> > > > then change any missing value back to -9999.  The MET
> > > > documentation seems to indicate
> > > > -9999 is a valid missing value so why would it kick the bad
> > > > value error in the contingency table?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Thanks
> > > >
> > > > Bob
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > > (parm_name =
> > > > CEIL):
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
> =
> > > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 0,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
> =
> > > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL,
index_a = 0,
> > > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > > > index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match
> > 'CEIL/L0'
> > > > in
> > > > GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > SC
> > > > .U
> > > > _D I.C_GP
> > > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2'
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > > (parm_name =
> > > > MTERH):
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
> =
> > 0,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
> grib2_cntr =
> > > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a =
> 2,
> > > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > > > index_c =
> > > > 7
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match
> > > 'MTERH/L0'
> > > > in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > SC
> > > > .U
> > > > _D I.C_GP
> > > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2'
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > > > dc
> > > > af
> > > > f
> > > >
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> > > >
> > > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > > > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > > > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > e4
> > > > 45
> > > > 2
> > > > -v 3
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > > (parm_name =
> > > > CEIL):
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
> =
> > > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 0,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
> =
> > > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL,
index_a = 0,
> > > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > > > index_c = 13
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match
> > 'CEIL/L0'
> > > > in
> > > > GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > SC
> > > > .U
> > > > _D I.C_GP
> > > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2'
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > > (parm_name =
> > > > MTERH):
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
> =
> > 0,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
> grib2_cntr =
> > > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a =
> 2,
> > > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > > > index_c =
> > > > 7
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match
> > > 'MTERH/L0'
> > > > in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > SC
> > > > .U
> > > > _D I.C_GP
> > > > .GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2'
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > e4
> > > > 45
> > > > 2
> > > >
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > e4
> > > > 45
> > > > 2
> > > > 41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-ecc1b30e4452
> > > >
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > e4
> > > > 45
> > > > 2
> > > >
> > > > self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+'
> > > > '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
> > > >
> > > > global_17km
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > e4
> > > > 45
> > > > 2 [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1
> > > > global_17km all
> > > >
> > > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira
> > > >
> > > > ['global_17km',
> > > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > 0e
> > > > 44
> > > > 52 ', '[]',
> > > > '["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"]',
> > > > '1', 'global_17km', 'all']
> > > >
> > > > ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
> > > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > > > 7d ca ff ',
> > > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc',
> > > > '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated',
> > > > '-outdir',
> > > >
> > > > ,
> > > > '-v', '3']
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> > > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: User Config File:
> > > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
> > > >
> > > > GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> > > >
> > > > GSL_RNG_SEED=1850296156
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > > > dc
> > > > af
> > > > f
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Observation File:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > ------
> > > > ----
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny:
> lat_ll:
> > > > -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Processing masking regions.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > > value of -9999.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > > climatology
> > > > field(s)
> > > > valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1
> > > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > ------
> > > > ----
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > > value of -9999.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > > climatology
> > > > field(s)
> > > > valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1
> > > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > ------
> > > > ----
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > > value of -9999.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > > climatology
> > > > field(s)
> > > > valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1
> > > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > ------
> > > > ----
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > ------
> > > > ----
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for
> > > > type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method
> > > > NEAREST(1), using
> > > > 2386 pairs.
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 532
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> > > >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
> > > > observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation
> > > > method HiRA NBRHD(1), using
> > > > 2386 pairs.
> > > >
> > > > ERROR  :
> > > >
> > > > ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad
value ...
> > > > -9999
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Subject: Bad Value
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Wed Jan 23 16:05:50 2019


Did some more testing with your data and found the CRPSS was *not*
written because of the missing climo values as well.  So I'm updating
logic in the "do_hira_ens()" function to handle those bad climo values

I also ran across some pesky behavior when I set hira.vld_thresh to a
less than 1.0 (which is what you used).  This caused runtime errors
the edge of the grid where the HiRA ensemble size was smaller than
expected.  For example, for a 3x3 neighborhood = 9 points, on the edge
the grid I was only getting 6 (since the other 3 fell off the edge).
So I
updated the logic to handle this as well.

That's a good question about the winds.  Point-Stat does not currently
include the processing you describe for winds.  We'll need to clarify


On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 2:26 PM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:

> <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
> John, I should have checked the verion 8 document.  ECNT sounds like
> should work.  We use CRPSS (CRPS skill score) in our HIRA evaluation
so we
> would like a climo field.   Our use case is if we have a climo file
> contains our variable of interest we will use it.  Otherwise, we use
> persistence.   We also us HIRA for wind speed verification.  The way
> Mittermaier does it is to use the wind beaufort scale to categorize
> wind speeds and the then calculate the Rank Probability Score from
> categories.  RPS does not seem to be in MET.  Question for you or
> can CRPS be used in some way to calculate the RPS?  Could RPS be
> Thanks
> Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 2:57 PM
<robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
> matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
> Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad Value
> Bob,
> OK, I just tested and committed the fix to the development version
of the
> code.
> And I see your request about adding the ORANK line type as output to
> Point-Stat.  In the current development version, HiRA processing is
done in
> 2 ways:
> (1) do_hira_prob: Looks in a neighborhood, applies a categorical
> threshold, computes a fractional coverage value by looking at the
ratio of
> events in the neighborhood, and evaluate those coverage values as
> probabilities.
> (2) do_hira_ens: Treats the continuous forecast values in the
> as an ensemble forecast and writes the new ECNT line type
summarizing the
> HiRA ensemble performance in that neighborhood.
> After the common 22 header columns, the ECNT line type consists of:
> All of the _OERR columns will contain bad data.  Those are populated
> handling observation error logic in ensemble-stat.  And currently
> value is also NA because we're not applying the HiRA ensemble method
to the
> climo data.
> Some questions are:
> (1) Since you're getting CRPS in the ECNT line type, do you really
need to
> ORANK line type?
> (2) Do you also need CRPSS computed by applying HiRA to the climo
> I'll ask Tressa about the statistical interpretation of that.
> Thanks,
> John
> On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 10:29 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
> met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> >
> > <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
> >
> > Thanks, I will try using -9999 in censor thresh.  Since you are
> > hopefully getting close to delivering the fortified version, If
> > fix is in that code, that should be sufficient.
> >
> > Another question, HIRA is also used to verify continues variables
> > as temperature and uses CRPS as the statistic.  Could orank be
> > to point stat when the HIRA flag is set?  That would keep us from
> > having to run HIRA temperatures outside of MET to generate an
orank file.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Bob
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 11:05 AM
> > <robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
> > matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
> > Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad
> >
> > Bob,
> >
> > I ran the following commands to plot the data you sent me using
> > plot_data_plane tool in MET.  Note that I modified the attached
> > table to plot any bad data values of -9999 as black:
> >
> > */usr/local/met-6.1/bin/plot_data_plane
> > 5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-5c8b451b9973
> > 5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-5c8b451b9973.ps
> > <http://5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-5c8b451b9973.ps> 'name="CEIL_L0";
> > level="(*,*)";' -color_table ctable*
> >
> > */usr/local/met-6.1/bin/plot_data_plane
> > a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf
> > a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf.ps
> > <http://a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf.ps> 'name="CEIL_L0";
> > level="(*,*)";' -color_table ctable*
> >
> > If you add the following, then you'll get the same plot:
> > *   censor_thresh = lt0; censor_val = 0;*
> >
> > So that doesn't work the way you expected.  That's because the
> > treats the bad data value as a special value.  The inequality
> < 0*'
> > does not evaluate to true.  However, '*bad_data == -9999*' does
> > evaluate to true.  So you can censor the data in that way. Please
> using:
> > *   censor_thresh = eq-9999; censor_val = 0;*
> >
> > That should make this error go away.  But that also means that
> > treating bad data values as 0's, which probably isn't correct.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > John
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 8:29 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT <
> > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587 >
> > >
> > > John, one thing I am confused about.  I changed the censor
> > > value to
> > > 0 so any negative model value would become 0.  I also set censor
> > > thresh >
> > > 100000 to be 0 as well.  After doing this I get the same bad
> -9999.
> > >  How is that possible, if the model, ob, and climo values are
> > > between
> > > 0 and 100000, there should not be any bad values.
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > Bob
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> > > Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 7:46 PM
> > > <robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
> > > matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
> > > Subject: Re: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad
> > >
> > > Bob,
> > >
> > > Thanks for sending the files.  I was able to grab them, rerun
> > > Point-Stat, and reproduce the error.  It's being caused by the
> > > reference climatology file.  There are many cases where the
> > > and observation contain valid data values and the climatology
> > > contains a bad data value of -9999.
> > >
> > > You can see this by rerunning Point-Stat with the HiRA flag set
> > > FALSE to disable it.  You'll get MPR output and see that the
> > > field often contains bad data.  And that's fine... since you're
> > > using persistence as the reference field... and the way you're
> > > pre-processing the data results in many bad data values.
> > >
> > > The problem is that I didn't account for this case when writing
> > > the HiRA code (Sorry about that!).  For HiRA, Point-Stat blindly
> > > uses the climo value without first checking that it's a valid
> value.
> > > Presumably when fcst, obs, or climo contains bad data, we want
> > > skip that point... that's what's done elsewhere in Point-Stat.
> > > we need to add in a one-liner check for bad climo data and skip
> that point.
> > >
> > > I know that you're frozen on met-6.1 until we get you a
> > version.
> > > But are you able to make a small change and recompile met-6.1?
> > >
> > > If so, I can test out that fix tomorrow.  Just let me know.
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > John
> > >
> > > On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 12:38 PM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via RT
> > > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > > <URL: https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587
> > > >
> > > > John, here is the updated command log.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> > > >
> > > > U_
> > > > DI
> > > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> > > >
> > > > U_
> > > > DI
> > > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > > > 97
> > > > 3 -v 3 DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > > >
> > > > U_
> > > > DI
> > > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > > (parm_name =
> > > > CEIL):
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
> =
> > > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 0,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
> =
> > > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL,
index_a = 0,
> > > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > > > index_c = 13 DEBUG 3:
> > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match
> > 'CEIL/L0'
> > > > in GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > > >
> > > > U_
> > > > DI
> > > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > > (parm_name =
> > > > MTERH):
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
> =
> > 0,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
> grib2_cntr =
> > > > 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a =
> 2,
> > > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > > > index_c =
> > > > 7 DEBUG 3:
> > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match
> > > 'MTERH/L0'
> > > > in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > > > 97
> > > > 3 /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> > > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> > > >
> > > > U_
> > > > DI
> > > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> > > >
> > > > U_
> > > > DI
> > > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > > 5b f -v 3 DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES
> > > > file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > > >
> > > > U_
> > > > DI
> > > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > > (parm_name =
> > > > CEIL):
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
> =
> > > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
grib2_cntr =
> > 0,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
> =
> > > 57,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL,
index_a = 0,
> > > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6,
> > > > index_c = 13 DEBUG 3:
> > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match
> > 'CEIL/L0'
> > > > in GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > > >
> > > > U_
> > > > DI
> > > > .C_GP.GALWEM-
> > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > > (parm_name =
> > > > MTERH):
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
> =
> > 0,
> > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
> grib2_cntr =
> > > > 57, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a =
> 2,
> > > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > > > index_c =
> > > > 7 DEBUG 3:
> > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match
> > > 'MTERH/L0'
> > > > in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > > 5b
> > > > f
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > > 5b f a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-8518d15fe5bf
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > > 5b f self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+'
> > > > '+self._sid+'
> > > > '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
> > > > global_17km
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > > 5b f [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1
> > > > global_17km all
> > > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira
> > > > ['global_17km',
> > > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a327142e-e7d9-496d-a309-
> > > > e5 bf ', '[]',
> > > > '["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"]',
> > > > '1', 'global_17km', 'all'] ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
> > > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > > > 99
> > > > 73 ',
> > > > '/h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated',
> > > > '-outdir',
> > > >
> > > > '-v',
> > > '3'] DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib1_af_131_57.txt
> > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > > DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> > > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
> > > > DEBUG 1: User Config File:
> > > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
> > > > GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> > > > GSL_RNG_SEED=40388444
> > > > DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/5442effd-a89e-401e-b1d2-
> > > > 97
> > > > 3 DEBUG 1: Observation File:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/
> > > > 2017120212.nc
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > ----------
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > > of -9999.
> > > > DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
> > > > DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny:
> lat_ll:
> > > > -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234 DEBUG
> > > > Processing masking regions.
> > > > DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL DEBUG 3: Processing
station ID
> > > > mask:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > > of -9999.
> > > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > > climatology
> > > > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1
> > > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > ----------
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > > of -9999.
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > > of -9999.
> > > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > > climatology
> > > > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1
> > > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > ----------
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > > of -9999.
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > > of -9999.
> > > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > > climatology
> > > > field(s) valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1
> > > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > ----------
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > --
> > > > ----------
> > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for
> > > > type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method
> > > > NEAREST(1), using
> > > > 2386 pairs.
> > > > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
> > > > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0 DEBUG 3: Rejected:
> > > > marker = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0 DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad
> > > > value = 532
> > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> > > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500, for
> > > > observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation
> > > > method HiRA NBRHD(1), using 2386 pairs.
> > > > ERROR  :
> > > > ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad
value ...
> > > > -9999 ERROR  :
> > > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: John Halley Gotway via RT <met_help at ucar.edu>
> > > > Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2019 12:48 PM
> > > > <robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil>
> > > > matthew.sittel.ctr at us.af.mil>
> > > > Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #88587] Bad
> > > >
> > > > Bob,
> > > >
> > > > Hmmm, I haven't see that error message before.  So you're
> > > > Point-Stat to compare the NetCDF output of pcp_combine to
> > > > observations.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks for sending your Point-Stat configuration file.  I see
> > > > you're censoring any values less than 0, resetting them to bad
> > > > data (-9999).  I used some sample data here to try to mimic
> > > > logic you're using, but I wasn't able to get the same error
> > > > message you're seeing.  I tested with both the met-6.1 version
> > > > originally released and the latest set of patches... but
> get it to fail.
> > > >
> > > > The Nx2ContingencyTable is used when doing probabilistic
> verification.
> > > > The "double" argument to it is the forecast probability value.
> > > > somehow it's getting passed a bad HiRA probability value.
> > > >
> > > > Can you please send me the sample files you're using to
> > > > demonstrate this
> > > > behavior:
> > > >
> > > > *Fcst file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-*
> > > > *e08ea17dcaff*
> > > > *Obs file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/**nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> > > > <http://2017120212.nc>*
> > > > *Climo file:
> > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/7837df11-1445-4283-872c-
> > > > 77
> > > > 1*
> > > >
> > > > One other detail... I see you have 3 separate fields listed,
> > > > for each
> > > > threshold:
> > > >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
> },
> > > >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
> > > > [<=1000];
> > },
> > > >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
> > > > [<=3000]; }
> > > >
> > > > That isn't necessary.  You can specify multiple categorical
> > > > thresholds for each field:
> > > >       { name = "CEIL_L0"; level = [ "(*,*)" ]; cat_thresh =
> > > > [<=500, <=1000, <=3000]; },
> > > >
> > > > The way you're doing it isn't wrong, but listing multiple
> > > > thresholds is a bit more concise.
> > > >
> > > > Thanks,
> > > > John
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > On Tue, Jan 22, 2019 at 10:44 AM robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil via
RT <
> > > > met_help at ucar.edu> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Tue Jan 22 10:44:50 2019: Request 88587 was acted upon.
> > > > > Transaction: Ticket created by robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
> > > > >        Queue: met_help
> > > > >      Subject: Bad Value
> > > > >        Owner: Nobody
> > > > >   Requestors: robert.craig.2 at us.af.mil
> > > > >       Status: new
> > > > >  Ticket <URL:
> > > > > https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=88587
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > John, Thanks for the help on the pcp_combine question
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Now that I am past that I am getting the following error in
> > > > > point stat.  I included the whole listing in case a I missed
> something.
> > > > >
> > > > > In this run I am taking the model ceiling hgt data (in MSL)
> > > > > subtracting out the model terrain height to get the ceiling
in AGL.
> > > > > I do this for the model data and the climo data (which is a
> > > > > persisted model forecast).  I compare this to a NETcdf ob
> > > > > containing either
> > > > ceiling height or a
> > > > > missing value (-9999).   I run MET and get the bad value
> > (-9999).
> > > > > Attached is my config file.  You can see I convert the units
> > > > > then change any missing value back to -9999.  The MET
> > > > > documentation seems to indicate
> > > > > -9999 is a valid missing value so why would it kick the bad
> > > > > value error in the contingency table?
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks
> > > > >
> > > > > Bob
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > > > (parm_name =
> > > > > CEIL):
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
> grib2_cntr =
> > > 57,
> > > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
> grib2_cntr
> > =
> > > > 57,
> > > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
> grib2_cntr =
> > > 57,
> > > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
> grib2_cntr =
> > > 0,
> > > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
> grib2_cntr
> > =
> > > > 57,
> > > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL,
index_a =
> 0,
> > > > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b =
> > > > > index_c = 13
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match
> > > 'CEIL/L0'
> > > > > in
> > > > > GRIB2 record 9 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > SC
> > > > > .U
> > > > > _D I.C_GP
> > > > > .GALWEM-
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.036_DF.GR2
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > > > (parm_name =
> > > > > MTERH):
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
> grib2_cntr
> > =
> > > 0,
> > > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
> > grib2_cntr =
> > > > 57,
> > > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a =
> > 2,
> > > > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > > > > index_c =
> > > > > 7
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match
> > > > 'MTERH/L0'
> > > > > in GRIB2 record 242 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > SC
> > > > > .U
> > > > > _D I.C_GP
> > > > > .GALWEM-
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > > > > dc
> > > > > af
> > > > > f
> > > > >
> > > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> > > > >
> > > > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/pcp_combine -subtract
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > > > > 'name="CEIL"; level="L0"; '
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > > > > 'name="MTERH"; level="L0"; '
> > > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > > e4
> > > > > 45
> > > > > 2
> > > > > -v 3
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > > > (parm_name =
> > > > > CEIL):
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
> grib2_cntr =
> > > 57,
> > > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
> grib2_cntr
> > =
> > > > 57,
> > > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 11
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
> grib2_cntr =
> > > 57,
> > > > > grib2_ltab = 1, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 1,
> grib2_cntr =
> > > 0,
> > > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: CEIL, index_a = 0, grib2_mtab = 14,
> grib2_cntr
> > =
> > > > 57,
> > > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 6, index_c = 13
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: CEIL,
index_a =
> 0,
> > > > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 57, grib2_ltab = 1, index_b =
> > > > > index_c = 13
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match
> > > 'CEIL/L0'
> > > > > in
> > > > > GRIB2 record 1 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > SC
> > > > > .U
> > > > > _D I.C_GP
> > > > > .GALWEM-
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 1: Reading input file:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >
> > > > > GALWEM-GD_GR.C17KM_AR.GLOBAL_DD.20171201_CY.00_FH.000_DF.GR2
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Multiple GRIB2 table entries match lookup criteria
> > > > > (parm_name =
> > > > > MTERH):
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 1,
> grib2_cntr
> > =
> > > 0,
> > > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:   parm_name: MTERH, index_a = 2, grib2_mtab = 14,
> > grib2_cntr =
> > > > 57,
> > > > > grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0, index_c = 7
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Using the first match found:   parm_name: MTERH,
index_a =
> > 2,
> > > > > grib2_mtab = 1, grib2_cntr = 0, grib2_ltab = 0, index_b = 0,
> > > > > index_c =
> > > > > 7
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: MetGrib2DataFile::data_plane() - Found exact match
> > > > 'MTERH/L0'
> > > > > in GRIB2 record 234 field 1 of GRIB2 file
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > SC
> > > > > .U
> > > > > _D I.C_GP
> > > > > .GALWEM-
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2: Performing subtraction command.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 1: Writing output file:
> > > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > > e4
> > > > > 45
> > > > > 2
> > > > >
> > > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > > e4
> > > > > 45
> > > > > 2
> > > > > 41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-ecc1b30e4452
> > > > >
> > > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > > e4
> > > > > 45
> > > > > 2
> > > > >
> > > > > self._model[vcnt]+' '+climo_filename+' '+self._poly+'
> > > > > '+self._hira[vcnt]+' '+self._model[vcnt]+' '+self._theater
> > > > >
> > > > > global_17km
> > > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > > e4
> > > > > 45
> > > > > 2 [] ["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"] 1
> > > > > global_17km all
> > > > >
> > > > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira
> > > > >
> > > > > ['global_17km',
> > > > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/41463cc2-2a26-4baf-9e19-
> > > > > 0e
> > > > > 44
> > > > > 52 ', '[]',
> > > > > '["/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5"]',
> > > > > '1', 'global_17km', 'all']
> > > > >
> > > > > ['/h/WXQC/met-6.1/bin/point_stat',
> > > > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > > > > 7d ca ff ',
> > > > > '/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc',
> > > > > '/h/WXQC/met-
> > > > > '-outdir',
> > > > >
> > > > > ,
> > > > > '-v', '3']
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib1 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 1: Reading user-defined grib2 MET_GRIB_TABLES file:
> > > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/config/grib2/grib2_geps.txt
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 1: Default Config File:
> > > > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/share/met/config/PointStatConfig_default
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 1: User Config File:
> > > > > /h/WXQC/met-6.1/data/config/PointStatConfig_cb_hira_updated
> > > > >
> > > > > GSL_RNG_TYPE=mt19937
> > > > >
> > > > > GSL_RNG_SEED=1850296156
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 1: Forecast File:
> > > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/tmp/a7aec910-4f26-4517-9946-
> > > > > dc
> > > > > af
> > > > > f
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 1: Observation File:
> > > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/nc_obs/ceil/2017120212.nc
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --
> > > > > --
> > > > > --
> > > > > ------
> > > > > ----
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Use the forecast grid.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Grid Definition: Projection: Lat/Lon Nx: 1536 Ny:
> > lat_ll:
> > > > > -89.922 lon_ll: -0.117 delta_lat: 0.156 delta_lon: 0.234
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2: Processing masking regions.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Processing grid mask: FULL
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Processing station ID mask:
> > > > > /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/sid/hira_korea_1p5
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > > > value of -9999.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > > > climatology
> > > > > field(s)
> > > > > valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1
> > > > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --
> > > > > --
> > > > > --
> > > > > ------
> > > > > ----
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > > > value of -9999.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > > > climatology
> > > > > field(s)
> > > > > valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1
> > > > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --
> > > > > --
> > > > > --
> > > > > ------
> > > > > ----
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2: Reading data for CEIL_L0(*,*).
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Applying conversion function.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Applying censor threshold "<0" and replacing with a
> > > > > value of -9999.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: For forecast valid at 20171202_120000, found 1
> > > > > climatology
> > > > > field(s)
> > > > > valid at 20171202_000000.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Found 1 climatology fields.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2: For CEIL_L0(*,*) found 1 forecast levels, 1
> > > > > mean levels, and 0 climatology standard deviation levels.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --
> > > > > --
> > > > > --
> > > > > ------
> > > > > ----
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2: Searching 12232 observations from 12232 messages.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --
> > > > > --
> > > > > --
> > > > > ------
> > > > > ----
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2:
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*) versus CEIL/L0, for
> > > > > type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation method
> > > > > NEAREST(1), using
> > > > > 2386 pairs.
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Number of matched pairs  = 2386
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Observations processed   = 12232
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: SID exclusion  = 0
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: GRIB code      = 0
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: valid time     = 0
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad obs value  = 9313
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: off the grid   = 1
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: level mismatch = 0
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: quality marker = 0
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: message type   = 0
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: masking region = 0
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: bad fcst value = 532
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 3: Rejected: duplicates     = 0
> > > > >
> > > > > DEBUG 2: Processing CEIL_L0(*,*)<=500 versus CEIL/L0<=500,
> > > > > observation type ADPSFC, over region FULL, for interpolation
> > > > > method HiRA NBRHD(1), using
> > > > > 2386 pairs.
> > > > >
> > > > > ERROR  :
> > > > >
> > > > > ERROR  : Nx2ContingencyTable::inc_nonevent(double) -> bad
value ...
> > > > > -9999
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >


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