[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #43606] History for METv3.0 Problem with NAM

RAL HelpDesk {for John Halley Gotway} met_help at ucar.edu
Wed Feb 23 14:43:19 MST 2011

  Initial Request

We have been running mode (Version 3.0) to track pressure centers for NAM,
WRF, and AVN over CONUS.  The MODE ANALYSIS is finding the object in the WRF
and AVN files but doesn't find it in the NAM files though a visual
inspection of the NAM files shows there was an object that met all the
criteria.  To prove my theory I edited the NAM obj.txt file and changed the
model name on the fcst and obs lines that match my criteria to BOB. Then
when I ran mode analysis using BOB and found the objects.  So the problem
seems to be with the name NAM.  I was told that version 3.0 fixed this
problem but that doesn't seem to be the case.  Below is the mode analysis
line and attached is the mode obj.txt file.


bin/mode_analysis -lookin
/h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/mode/pressure/jan061003 -summary -single
-simple -fcst -model BOB  -column centroid_lon -area_thresh_min 100
-fcst_lead 00 -fcst_valid_min 20110107_12 -fcst_valid_max201

10107_12 -fcst_init_hour 12 -centroid_lat_min 20 -centroid_lat_max 60
-centroid_lon_min -110 -centroid_lon_max -50  -out





  Complete Ticket History

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #43606] METv3.0 Problem with NAM
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Thu Jan 20 17:45:48 2011


Please take a look on the MET known issue page:

We posted a bugfix for this problem on 10/01/2010.  Please look at the
top of that page, retrieve the tarball containing the latest set of
patches for MET, apply them to your METv3.0 code, and recompile.

That should fix the problem.


On 01/20/2011 04:25 PM, RAL HelpDesk {for Craig, Robert J Civ USAF
AFWA 16 WS/WXN} wrote:
> Thu Jan 20 16:25:37 2011: Request 43606 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by craigr at offutt.af.mil
>        Queue: met_help
>      Subject: METv3.0 Problem with NAM
>        Owner: Nobody
>   Requestors: craigr at offutt.af.mil
>       Status: new
>  Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=43606 >
> We have been running mode (Version 3.0) to track pressure centers
for NAM,
> WRF, and AVN over CONUS.  The MODE ANALYSIS is finding the object in
the WRF
> and AVN files but doesn't find it in the NAM files though a visual
> inspection of the NAM files shows there was an object that met all
> criteria.  To prove my theory I edited the NAM obj.txt file and
changed the
> model name on the fcst and obs lines that match my criteria to BOB.
> when I ran mode analysis using BOB and found the objects.  So the
> seems to be with the name NAM.  I was told that version 3.0 fixed
> problem but that doesn't seem to be the case.  Below is the mode
> line and attached is the mode obj.txt file.
> bin/mode_analysis -lookin
> /h/data/global/WXQC/data/met/mode/pressure/jan061003 -summary
> -simple -fcst -model BOB  -column centroid_lon -area_thresh_min 100
> -fcst_lead 00 -fcst_valid_min 20110107_12 -fcst_valid_max201
> 10107_12 -fcst_init_hour 12 -centroid_lat_min 20 -centroid_lat_max
> -centroid_lon_min -110 -centroid_lon_max -50  -out
> /sphome/craigr/bf00/flonnambf00
> Thanks
> Bob


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