[Met_help] pb2nc error

John Halley Gotway johnhg at ucar.edu
Mon Mar 1 14:09:15 MST 2010


I have actually been able to compile MET successfully (including pb2nc) on a 64-bit machine using the latest version of BUFRLIB.  Please do try building MET as 64-bit using the GNU compilers.

So that means the following:
- Recompile BUFRLIB without the 32-bit mode.
- Comment out the -m32 options in the top-level MET Makefile.
- Make sure you point to the 64-bit version of NetCDF compiled using GNU.

Rebuild MET and rerun 'test_pb2nc.sh'.  Please give that a try and let me know if you continue to experience problems in the compilation or test scripts.

met_help at ucar.edu

Mike Ku wrote:
> John,
> I uncommented "-DBLOCK4", but still get the same error. Attach is my
> "Makefile".
> I have 64 bits Linux system with pgi compiler. I had problem in
> compiling METv2.0 of "pb2nc"  by using pgi compiler. After searched on
> the web and it seemed to me BUFRLIB should be used in 32 bits mode, and
> build of 64 bits BUFRLIB caused the error in building pb2nc. Later I
> managed to build 32 bits METv2.0 with "GNU" compuiler (see my Makefile).
> I download pre-builded 32 bits NETCDF library from unidata since I could
> not build locally.
> Thanks,
> Michael
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "John Halley Gotway" <johnhg at ucar.edu>
> To: "Mike Ku" <mku at dec.state.ny.us>
> Cc: <met_help at ucar.edu>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2010 12:57 PM
> Subject: Re: [Met_help] pb2nc error
>> Michael,
>> We'll I've never seen this error message from BUFRLIB before.  This is
>> a new one for me.
>> Here's one thing you can try that may have an effect, but I'm not all
>> that hopeful about it.  Look in your top-level MET Makefile for the
>> flag "-DBLOCK4".  If it is commented out with a '#' in front
>> of it, try removing the '#' to uncomment it.  Or if it's not commented
>> out, try adding a '#' in front of it to comment it out.  Then do a
>> "make clean" followed by a "make" to rebuild MET.  And then
>> try re-running that test script, "METv2.0/scripts/test_pb2nc.sh".
>> Please let me know if that solves your problem.  If so, great, but
>> like I said, I'm not that hopeful that that'll fix it.
>> My next thought is to see what compilers you're using.  Perhaps, you
>> didn't build BUFRLIB and MET with the same family of compilers.
>> Here's an excerpt from our online tutorial about building BUFRLIB:
>> http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/online_tutorial/METv2.0/compilation/req_libs.php
>> When you build BUFRLIB, you should use C and Fortran compilers from
>> the same "family".
>> And when you build MET, you should use C++ and Fortran compilers from
>> the same "family".  So g++/gfortran for GNU, pgCC/pgf90 for PGI,
>> icc/ifort for Intel, xlC/xlf for IBM compilers.
>> If you continue to have problems, please send me the top-level MET
>> Makefile you're using.  Perhaps I'll see something in there that's
>> causing a problem.
>> Thanks,
>> John Halley Gotway
>> met_help at ucar.edu
>> Mike Ku wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I installed METv2.0 with 32bit on my Linux system. I ran the pb2nc
>>> test and I got error as in the log file.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Michael
>>> ************************************************
>>> Michael Ku
>>> NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation
>>> 625 Broadway
>>> Albany, NY 12233
>>> Ph:518-402-8385
>>> Fax:518-402-9035
>>> e-Mail: mku at dec.state.ny.us
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