[Met_help] [rt.rap.ucar.edu #39006] History for Problem using mask_poly with MODE

RAL HelpDesk {for John Halley Gotway} met_help at ucar.edu
Fri Jul 2 11:55:11 MDT 2010

  Initial Request



I'm trying to do some verification of the radar dbz in WRF compared to actual radar data.

When I run MODE I find some problems when selecting a mask_poly.

Without a mask (so mask_poly_flag = "";) MODE runs fine.

In the attachment you'll find the namelist, the radar grib, the wrf grib file and both poly files.


The poly is smaller than both grib files, so what do I miss?


Thanks in advanced,






  Daniël van Dijke

  Meteorological Researcher  

  Meteo Consult BV, Wageningen, the Netherlands

  Tel: +31 (0)317 399874

  Email: vandijke at meteogroup.com




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  Complete Ticket History

Subject: Re: [rt.rap.ucar.edu #39006] Problem using mask_poly with MODE
From: John Halley Gotway
Time: Fri Jul 02 11:29:27 2010


Thanks for sending your data.  When I ran it through MODE here, I saw
the following error:
  CellStack::pop() -> stack empty!

Upon closer inspection of your config file, I found two problems in
how you're specifying the mask to apply:
   mask_poly[] = [

- First, "mask_poly" is not an array.  It takes a single string.
- Second, you can only specify one mask to applied for each run of

Try changing it to:
   mask_poly =

I also wanted to mention another odd setting I see in your config
   max_centroid_dist = 27/grid_res;
The "max_centroid_dist" parameter is used to decide which pairs of
fcst/obs objects to consider for a match.  Basically, if the object's
centroids are too far apart, MODE doesn't compare them.  It's
meant to be able to speed up processing when you have a very large
number of objects that are far apart.  Right now you have it set to
"27/grid_res = 27/9 = 3".  That means that two objects centroid
would have to be within 3 grid cells of eachother to even be
considered for a match!  I'd suggest initially setting this to
something very large, perhaps 3/4 of the largest dimension of your
  max_centroid_dist = 350;

Hope that does the trick.  I'm guessing that you may have created this
config file using the MET config file GUI.  I'll check into the GUI to
see if it's writing out the "mask_poly" parameter incorrectly.

John Halley Gotway
met_help at ucar.edu

RAL HelpDesk {for Daniel van Dijke} wrote:
> Fri Jul 02 06:03:04 2010: Request 39006 was acted upon.
> Transaction: Ticket created by D.vanDijke at weer.nl
>        Queue: met_help
>      Subject: Problem using mask_poly with MODE
>        Owner: Nobody
>   Requestors: D.vanDijke at weer.nl
>       Status: new
>  Ticket <URL:
https://rt.rap.ucar.edu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=39006 >
> Hi,
> I'm trying to do some verification of the radar dbz in WRF compared
to actual radar data.
> When I run MODE I find some problems when selecting a mask_poly.
> Without a mask (so mask_poly_flag = "";) MODE runs fine.
> In the attachment you'll find the namelist, the radar grib, the wrf
grib file and both poly files.
> The poly is smaller than both grib files, so what do I miss?
> Thanks in advanced,
> Daniël
>   Daniël van Dijke
>   Meteorological Researcher
>   Meteo Consult BV, Wageningen, the Netherlands
>   Tel: +31 (0)317 399874
>   Email: vandijke at meteogroup.com


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