[Met_help] copygb

John Halley Gotway johnhg at ucar.edu
Tue Feb 16 09:30:32 MST 2010


There is no functionality in MET which will automatically re-grid data for you.  When comparing a gridded forecast to a gridded observation (with Grid-Stat, MODE, or Wavelet-Stat), it's the user's
responsibility to put the data on the same grid.  So you'll need to first re-grid one onto the other using copygb (for GRIB data).

If you try to run two different grids through any of the MET grid-to-grid tools, you'll receive an error message tell you that the data needs to be on the same grid.

However, I should mention that re-gridding data would be possible to do within the MET grid-to-grid tools themselves.  And as a user of MET, particularly one who works for our primary funding agency,
you're welcome to request that such functionality be added to MET.  But up to this point, we've stayed away from that issue.


Hamilton, Jeffrey A CIV USAF AFWA 16 WS/WXN wrote:
> John,
> Thanks for the info, I'll definitely be looking into both options to see
> which will fits our needs. I also have another question about MET
> capabilities. We just received a task asking for comparisons of WRF
> stage 4 accumulated precip data to LIS model data, and I remember MET
> doing something similar to this in your online tutorial. There is no
> regridding tool used that I can recall, so I am curious if MET has a
> function that automatically does this for precip data or if the
> forecasts and/or observations you provided had already been regridded
> using copygb or WPP?
> Thanks again!
> Jeff
> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Halley Gotway [mailto:johnhg at ucar.edu] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 9:46 AM
> To: Hamilton, Jeffrey A CIV USAF AFWA 16 WS/WXN
> Cc: Tressa Fowler; Jamie Wolff
> Subject: Re: copygb
> Jeff,
> Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.  I was out of the office
> last week.
> I saw Tressa's response to you, but I wanted to mention a couple of
> things.  copygb is distributed either as a standalone tool, or as part
> of the WRF-PostProcessor software (WPP).  Since you're
> working in the context of WRF, I'd suggest simply downloading and
> compiling WPP from the WRF-NMM user's page:
>    http://www.dtcenter.org/wrf-nmm/users/downloads/index.php
> Even though WPP is posted on the WRF-NMM user's page, it can be run on
> output from both the NMM and ARW cores.  If you have trouble compiling,
> please write "wrfhelp at ucar.edu".  The messages will
> ultimately be routed to Jamie Wolff, but submitting questions through
> wrfhelp enables us to better track the support we provide to users.
> For some examples of how to actually run copygb to regrid GRIB files,
> let me offer some suggestions:
> (1) Take a look at the MET tutorial practical session about running
> copygb:
> http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/OnLinePractical/OnLinePractica
> l_210/copygb/index.php
> Click on the forward arrow in the bottom right corner to scroll through
> examples of running it using a variety of different projections.
> (2) Take a look at the slides on WPP from the latest WRF-Tutorial:
> http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/tutorial/201001/2010jan_wpp_joint_tuto
> rial.pdf
> Slides 23 through 28 discuss running copygb.
> (3) Take a look at the NWS CPC page about copygb:
>    http://www.cpc.noaa.gov/products/wesley/copygb.html
> (4) Lastly, within the copygb code itself, the following file contains a
> LOT of useful information about all the different command line options:
>    WPPV3.1/sorc/copygb/copygb.doc
> Hope that helps,
> John
> Tressa Fowler wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> If the trouble is in the compiling step, Jamie Wolff can help you with
>> that. I have copied her on this message.
>> If, by set up, you mean finding the correct command line settings for
>> copygb, then John or I can probably help you with this piece. If this
> is
>> the problem, the easiest way for us to help would be for you to send
> us
>> the two of the files you are trying to match up. If they are too big
> to
>> email, you can put them on our anonymous ftp site, instructions listed
>> below.
>> I'll be out to visit next Thursday, if this isn't resolved by then, we
>> can work on it in person.
>> Thanks,
>> Tressa
>> cd "the directory that contains the files you want to send"
>> ftp ftp.rap.ucar.edu
>> username = anonymous
>> password = "your email address"
>> cd incoming/irap/met_help
>> put file1
>> put file2
>> bye
>> On Feb 12, 2010, at 12:06 PM, Hamilton, Jeffrey A CIV USAF AFWA 16
>> WS/WXN wrote:
>>> Hi Tressa,
>>> I had some questions about the copygb program that you guys mentioned
>>> in the tutorial last week. Since then I have been trying to get the
>>> program compiled so that I am able to regrid observation data to fit
>>> the WRF 45km North American theater in MET, but the model analysis
>>> team and I have hit a snag as far as finding the proper methodology
> to
>>> set it up. I was wondering if you, or anyone who has familiarity with
>>> this program, had any suggestions for us?
>>> Thanks for any input you might have,
>>> Jeff
>>> // SIGNED //
>>> Model Analysis Team
>>> 16 WS/ WXN
>>> Air Force Weather Agency
>>> Offutt AFB, NE 68113
>>> (402) 232-7207

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