[Met_help] Running WPP and MET

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Fri Feb 6 09:05:28 MST 2009

Thomas and Hans-Stefan,

I'm writing to follow up on your question about running the WRF
Post-Processor on WRF output that's more frequent than 1 hour.  I spoke
with the person who provides support for WPP, and she gave me a modified
script that can be used to run WPP down to the minute.

I've attached that script.  Now I haven't run this myself, and she hasn't
done much testing on it.  So if you do run into problems using this script
please feel free to write wrfhelp at ucar.edu with questions.

Also, I've attached two source files that you can use to enable MET to
read your 15 minute GRIB files.  These changes will be included in the
official METv2.0 release, but in the meantime, you can add them into the
METv2.0beta6 code you used at the tutorial.

Please used the attached version of the files to replace the versions in
METv2.0beta6 as follows:
mv grib_classes.cc METv2.0beta6/lib/vx_grib_classes/grib_classes.cc
mv read_grib.cc    METv2.0beta6/lib/vx_met_util/read_grib.cc

Good luck, and I hope you enjoyed your trip to Colorado.

John Halley-Gotway
johnhg at ucar.edu
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