[Met_help] Mods for Point-Stat

Ruifang Li lir at ucar.edu
Fri Dec 11 10:46:25 MST 2009

Thanks for the code and I will try to see if it makes difference and let you


On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 10:36 AM, John Halley Gotway <johnhg at ucar.edu>wrote:

> Ruifang and Kathryn,
> Please take a look at the attached file "point_stat.cc".  Search in there
> for my initials, "JHG".  You'll see that I've added a section of code right
> after we read in the observation values.  In
> there, I added a check to skip any observations of UGRD (u-component of
> wind) that are >= 60.0 m/s.  Feel free to modify this however you'd like -
> change that value of 60, add other filtering
> options... whatever makes sense for your application.
> Also, please let me know how this works out for you.  If this type of
> simple filtering provides you with the functionality you need, we could
> consider adding it to the next release of MET.
> So take the attached file, copy it into
> "METv2.0/src/point_stat/point_stat.cc" and recompile MET.
> Also, if you haven't already done so, you should grab the latest patches
> for METv2.0 from:
> http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/known_issues/METv2.0/index.php
> Read and follow the directions at the top of the page.  Please note, if you
> update METv2.0 with the patches, do so FIRST and then copy over the attached
> version of point_stat.cc SECOND.
> Hope that does the trick.
> John


Mesoscale & Microscale Meteorology Division
Phone: 303-497-8938
Office:  FL3-3085
Email:  lir at ucar.edu
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