[Met_help] Installation Problem

Vadlamani Kumar Vadlamani.Kumar at noaa.gov
Fri Mar 7 11:04:23 MST 2008


I have installation problem with METv1.0.  I have built all the required 
libraries and provided paths to these libraries/header files. I have 
included the Makefile and the installation output in the attachments. 
Your help is appreciated. My system is Redhat-Enterprise Linux.


- Kumar

Vadlamani B. Kumar,      Ph.D.
Climate Prediction Center/NOAA
email: vadlamani.kumar at noaa.gov
Phone: (301)-763-8000 x 7522
Fax:     (301)-763-8125

-------------- next part --------------
# *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
# ** Copyright UCAR (c) 1992 - 2005
# ** University Corporation for Atmospheric Research(UCAR)
# ** National Center for Atmospheric Research(NCAR)
# ** Research Applications Lab (RAL)
# ** P.O.Box 3000, Boulder, Colorado, 80307-3000, USA
# *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*

# Makefile for the Model Evaluation Tools Project 
# Begin Variables to be modified before building

# Path to the C++ Compiler
CPP_COMPILER = /usr/bin/g++

# Path to the Fortran-77 Compiler
F77_COMPILER = /usr/bin/gfortran

# Top level directory for the MET build
MET_BASE     = /cpc/africawrf/METv1.0

# Top level directory for the NetCDF library
NETCDF_BASE  = /cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1

# Directory within the NetCDF library containing the C/C++ header files:
#    netcdf.hh
# Specified as: -I/your/include/path

# Directories within the NetCDF library containing the C/C++ archive files:
#    libnetcdf.a and libnetcdf_c++.a
# Specified as: -L/your/library/path
NETCDF_LIBS  = -L$(NETCDF_BASE)/src/libsrc -L$(NETCDF_BASE)/src/cxx

# Top level directory for the BUFR library
BUFR_BASE    = /cpc/africawrf/util/BUFRLIB

# Directory within the BUFR library containing header files
# Specified as: -I/your/include/path

# Directory within the BUFR library containing the libbufr.a archive file
# Specified as: -L/your/library/path

# Directory containing the GNU Scientific Library header files 
# (if they're not in a standard location)
# Specified as: -I/your/include/path
GSL_INCS = -I/cpc/africawrf/util/GSLIB/gsl-1.9

# Directory containing the GNU Scientific Library archive file, libgsl.a
# (if it's not in a standard location)
# Specified as: -L/your/library/path
GSL_LIBS = -L/cpc/africawrf/util/GSLIB/gsl-1.9

# Directory containing the F2C or G2C Library header files 
# (if they're not in a standard location)
# Specified as: -I/your/include/path
F2C_INCS = -I/usr/lib/gcc/i386-redhat-linux/3.4.3/include

# Directory containing the F2C or G2C Library archive file, 
# libf2c.a or libg2c.a (if it's not in a standard location)
# Specified as: -L/your/library/path
F2C_LIBS  = -L/usr/lib/gcc/i386-redhat-linux/3.4.3

# Name of the Fortan to C Library to be used
# Specified as: -lf2c or -lg2c
F2C_LIBNAME  = -lg2c

# End Variables to be modified before building

# Export variables to be used by submakes

export MET_BASE



export BUFR_INCS

export BUFR_LIBS

export GSL_INCS

export GSL_LIBS

export F2C_INCS

export F2C_LIBS

export F2C_LIBNAME

# End export variables to be used by submakes


# FLAGS		= -g -O2
FLAGS		= -g -Wall -Wshadow -static

FAKES		= all clean libs targets

LIB_DIR		= lib

INC_DIR		= lib

SRC_DIR		= src

VX_AFM		= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_afm
VX_ANALYSIS_UTIL= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_analysis_util
VX_CAL		= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_cal
VX_COLOR	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_color
VX_CONTABLE	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_contable
VX_DATA_GRIDS	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_data_grids
VX_ECONFIG	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_econfig
VX_GNOMON	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_gnomon
VX_GRIB_CLASSES	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_grib_classes
VX_GSL_PROB	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_gsl_prob
VX_MATH		= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_math
VX_MET_UTIL	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_met_util
VX_NAV		= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_nav
VX_PLOT_UTIL	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_plot_util
VX_PS		= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_ps
VX_PXM		= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_pxm
VX_RENDER	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_render
VX_UTIL		= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_util
VX_WRFDATA	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_wrfdata
VX_WRFMODE	= $(LIB_DIR)/vx_wrfmode
PCP_COMBINE	= $(SRC_DIR)/pcp_combine
MODE		= $(SRC_DIR)/mode
GRID_STAT	= $(SRC_DIR)/grid_stat
PB2NC		= $(SRC_DIR)/pb2nc
POINT_STAT	= $(SRC_DIR)/point_stat
VSDB_ANALYSIS	= $(SRC_DIR)/vsdb_analysis
MODE_ANALYSIS	= $(SRC_DIR)/mode_analysis

	@ echo
	@ echo "*** Making the Model Evaluation Tools Project ***"
	@ echo
	@ make libs    --no-print-directory
	@ make targets --no-print-directory
	@ echo
	@ echo "*** Finished Making the Model Evaluation Tools Project ***"
	@ echo

	@ cd $(VX_AFM);		 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_ANALYSIS_UTIL);make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_CAL);		 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_COLOR);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_CONTABLE);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_DATA_GRIDS);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_ECONFIG);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_GNOMON);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_GRIB_CLASSES); make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_GSL_PROB);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_MATH);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_MET_UTIL);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_NAV);		 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_PLOT_UTIL);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_PS);		 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_PXM);		 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_RENDER);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_UTIL);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_WRFDATA);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_WRFMODE);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory

	@ cd $(PCP_COMBINE);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(MODE);		 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(GRID_STAT);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(PB2NC);		 make CPP_COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) F77_COMPILER=$(F77_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" PGI_LIBS="$(PGI_LIBS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(POINT_STAT);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VSDB_ANALYSIS);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(MODE_ANALYSIS);	 make COMPILER=$(CPP_COMPILER) FLAGS="$(FLAGS)" --no-print-directory

	@ cd $(VX_AFM);		 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_ANALYSIS_UTIL);make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_CAL);		 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_COLOR);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_CONTABLE);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_DATA_GRIDS);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_ECONFIG);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_GNOMON);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_GRIB_CLASSES); make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_GSL_PROB);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_MATH);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_MET_UTIL);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_NAV);		 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_PLOT_UTIL);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_PS);		 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_PXM);		 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_RENDER);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_UTIL);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_WRFDATA);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VX_WRFMODE);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(PCP_COMBINE);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(MODE);		 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(GRID_STAT);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(PB2NC);		 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(POINT_STAT);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(VSDB_ANALYSIS);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	@ cd $(MODE_ANALYSIS);	 make clean --no-print-directory
	rm -r -f *.a *.o junk temp core log c.ps a.out

-------------- next part --------------
cpcmod1.ncep.noaa.gov> make

*** Making the Model Evaluation Tools Project ***

*** Making vx_afm Library ***

cp libvx_afm.a ../.

*** Making vx_analysis_util Library ***

cp libvx_analysis_util.a ../.

*** Making vx_cal Library ***

cp libvx_cal.a ../.

*** Making vx_color Library ***

cp libvx_color.a ../.

*** Making vx_contable Library ***

/usr/bin/g++ vx_contable_stats.cc -g -Wall -Wshadow -static  -c -I.. -I/cpc/africawrf/util/GSLIB/gsl-1.9 -I/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx
In file included from /cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/netcdfcpp.h:16,
                 from /cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/netcdf.hh:1,
                 from ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:16,
                 from ../vx_met_util/vx_met_util.h:21,
                 from vx_contable_stats.cc:20:
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/ncvalues.h:24: error: `nc_type' was not declared in this scope
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/ncvalues.h:24: error: expected `)' before numeric constant
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/ncvalues.h:32: error: enumerator value for `ncNoType' not integer constant
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/ncvalues.h:35: error: `NC_FILL_BYTE' was not declared in this scope
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/ncvalues.h:36: error: `NC_FILL_CHAR' was not declared in this scope
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/ncvalues.h:37: error: `NC_FILL_SHORT' was not declared in this scope
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/ncvalues.h:38: error: `nclong' does not name a type
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/ncvalues.h:39: error: `NC_FILL_INT' was not declared in this scope
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/ncvalues.h:40: error: `FILL_LONG' was not declared in this scope
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/ncvalues.h:41: error: `NC_FILL_FLOAT' was not declared in this scope
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/ncvalues.h:42: error: `NC_FILL_DOUBLE' was not declared in this scope
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/ncvalues.h:263: error: expected `,' or `...' before '*' token
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/ncvalues.h:263: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `nclong' with no type
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/ncvalues.h:263: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of `nclong' with no type
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/ncvalues.h:263: error: expected `;' before '*' token
In file included from /cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/netcdf.hh:1,
                 from ../vx_met_util/read_pcp_combine_netcdf.h:16,
                 from ../vx_met_util/vx_met_util.h:21,
                 from vx_contable_stats.cc:20:
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/netcdfcpp.h:103: error: `NC_FILL' was not declared in this scope
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/netcdfcpp.h:103: error: enumerator value for `Fill' not integer constant
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/netcdfcpp.h:104: error: `NC_NOFILL' was not declared in this scope
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/netcdfcpp.h:104: error: enumerator value for `NoFill' not integer constant
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/netcdfcpp.h:450: error: `NC_VERBOSE' was not declared in this scope
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/netcdfcpp.h:450: error: enumerator value for `verbose_nonfatal' not integer constant
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/netcdfcpp.h:451: error: `NC_FATAL' was not declared in this scope
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/netcdfcpp.h:451: error: enumerator value for `silent_fatal' not integer constant
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/netcdfcpp.h:452: error: `NC_FATAL' was not declared in this scope
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/netcdfcpp.h:453: error: `NC_VERBOSE' was not declared in this scope
/cpc/africawrf/util/netcdf-3.6.1/src/cxx/netcdfcpp.h:453: error: enumerator value for `verbose_fatal' not integer constant
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:41: warning: 'wrfdata_magic' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:64: warning: 'thresh_type_str' defined but not used
../vx_wrfdata/vx_wrfdata.h:85: warning: 'step_direction_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:16: warning: 'proj_type' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:23: warning: 'na_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:26: warning: 'all_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:30: warning: 'anyair_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:31: warning: 'anyair_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:32: warning: 'anysfc_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:33: warning: 'anysfc_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:34: warning: 'onlysf_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:35: warning: 'onlysf_msg_typ_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:38: warning: 'all_interp_mthd_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/constants.h:49: warning: 'mthd_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/met_stats.h:20: warning: 'hdr_fmt_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:20: warning: 'missing_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:62: warning: 'grib_code_list' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:94: warning: 'grib_code_list_str' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:358: warning: 'grib_level_list' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:377: warning: 'grib_level_flag' defined but not used
../vx_grib_classes/grib_strings.h:391: warning: 'grib_level_list_str' defined but not used
../vx_met_util/read_grib.h:64: warning: 'two_to_one_grib' defined but not used
make[3]: *** [vx_contable_stats.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** [vx_contable_all] Error 2
make[1]: *** [libs] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

-------------- next part --------------
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