[Met_help] Comment on V1.1 Makefile.ibm

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Tue Jul 15 11:39:39 MDT 2008


Yes, that's true!  During the configuration process, we have users configure those paths to point to the correct location on their machines.
Online tutorial page: http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/support/online_tutorial/compilation/configure.php

Perhaps I should change the default path to something like: /change/this/path

Those directories are just what we used during testing.  Since you'll be compiling on an IBM, I'll be interested to hear how it goes.  I kept my notes from compiling MET up on the bluefire 
supercomputer.  On bluefire, I compiled everything as 32-bit to avoid problems with BUFRLIB.  To do so, I set the OBJECT_MODE environment variable to 32.  But I'm not sure if that's a standard thing 
on all IBMs.  Listed below are the notes from building MET and it's dependencies on bluefire.  They may or may not be of use to you.

Let us know if you have any questions.

John Halley-Gotway
johnhg at ucar.edu

# Build external libraries and tools:

setenv OBJECT_MODE 32

# BUFRLIB (under a minute):
tar -xvf BUFRLIB.tar
xlc -c -DUNDERSCORE *.c
xlf -c -qextname *.f
ar crv libbufr.a *.o

# CWORDSH (a few seconds):
tar -xvf cwordsh.tar
xlf -qextname -o cwordsh.x cwordsh.f ../bufrlib/libbufr.a
# Edit line for CWRD in the cwordsh file to point to the current directory.

# F2C (a few minutes):
make hadd

# GSL (several minutes):
gunzip gsl-1.9.tar.gz
tar -xvf gsl-1.9.tar
setenv CC /usr/bin/xlc
./configure --prefix=/blhome/johnhg/MET_releases/external_libs/gsl/gsl-1.9
make install

# NETCDF (a few minutes):
gunzip netcdf-3.6.2.tar.gz
tar -xvf netcdf-3.6.2.tar
setenv CC /usr/bin/xlc
setenv CXX /usr/bin/xlC
./configure --prefix=/blhome/johnhg/MET_releases/external_libs/netcdf/netcdf-3.6.2
make check
make install

# Build MET (a few minutes):
gunzip METv1.1beta8.tar.gz
tar -xvf METv1.1beta8.tar
cp Makefile_ibm Makefile

# Configure Makefile as follows:
# NETCDF_BASE  = /blhome/johnhg/MET_releases/external_libs/netcdf/netcdf-3.6.2
# BUFR_BASE    = /blhome/johnhg/MET_releases/external_libs/bufrlib
# GSL_BASE     = /blhome/johnhg/MET_releases/external_libs/gsl/gsl-1.9
# F2C_BASE     = /blhome/johnhg/MET_releases/external_libs/libf2c

gmake >& make_met.log&
tail -f make_met.log

# Redo the Fortran blocking on the sample PREPBUFR files
cd /blhome/johnhg/MET_releases/METv1.1beta9/data/sample_obs/prepbufr
foreach file (`ls`)
/blhome/johnhg/MET_releases/external_libs/cwordsh/cwordsh unblk $file temp
rm $file
/blhome/johnhg/MET_releases/external_libs/cwordsh/cwordsh block temp $file
rm $temp

# Run the MET test scripts
cd /blhome/johnhg/MET_releases/METv1.1beta9/scripts
./test_all.sh >& test_all.log&
tail -f *.log

Sittel, Matthew C CTR USAF AFWA 2 WXG/WE wrote:
> Hi folks,
> In the Makefile.ibm file, I noticed 4 references to what appears to be a
> personal directory:
> /homebv/johnhg/MET_releases/external_libs/netcdf/netcdf-3.6.2
> BUFR_BASE    = /homebv/johnhg/MET_releases/external_libs/bufrlib
> GSL_BASE     = /homebv/johnhg/MET_releases/external_libs/gsl/gsl-1.9
> F2C_BASE     = /homebv/johnhg/MET_releases/external_libs/libf2c
> I don't know if this will cause a problem, but I'm guessing it could be
> an issue to those outside of the UCAR system (like me)!
> Thanks,
> Matt
> // SIGNED //
> Matthew C. Sittel
> UCAR Visiting Scientist
> (402) 294-3473  DSN: 271-3473
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