[Met_help] Re: Precip Question

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Mon Jul 14 13:29:52 MDT 2008


Luke Peffers (luke.peffers at gmail.com) is the other user who's been using CMORPH data with MET.  Please see his description about it below and feel free to contact him for clarification.

Hopefully it'll go smoothly.


Luke Peffers wrote:
> John,
> Yes, I have CMORPH data working with MET.  I would be happy to describe my
> method to this user.  My method requires GRADS to create the binary file
> with the lats4d.gs script.  This script is freely available to the public
> (can find it via a google search).  I read the CMORPH data and create binary
> CMORPH files with this script and then run copygb.exe to convert my WRF
> output to the CMORPH grid.  Then I run MET with these two files!
> Feel free to give him my email address so I can clearify things for him.
> P.S., I'm not sure if you got my latest question...I wondered how MET
> calculates 10-m winds from the prepbfr files since those data are on the
> GDAS vertical levels.  I am plotting the prepbfr winds and would like to
> know which of the 60 levels is the 10-m winds.
> Luke
> On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 7:05 PM, John Halley Gotway <johnhg at rap.ucar.edu>
> wrote:
>> Luke,
>> I've been in contact with another user of MET who is looking for gridded
>> analyses (observations) of precip outside of the US.  I looked through my
>> notes and believe that you've been using CMORPH satellite data for this.  We
>> you successful in using it with MET?
>> If so, I'm wondering if I could refer this user to you directly.  Perhaps
>> you could give him some basic instructions for how you went about massaging
>> the CMORPH data for use in MET.  Right now he has it in binary format, but
>> doesn't know where to go from there.  Perhaps one or both of you could
>> provide me with some basic instructions for using CMORPH data that I could
>> post to the MET website.
>> Would it be alright for me to refer him to you about this?
>> Thanks for your help,
>> John Halley-Gotway
>> johnhg at ucare.du

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