[Met_help] If I want to use precip files....?

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Mon Jul 14 13:08:15 MDT 2008


I apologize for the delay in getting back to you.  Last week and this week have been very busy getting the next release of MET ready and getting ready for the WRF-Tutorial.

Regarding precip data outside the US, I searched through the previous MET Help emails, and did find someone with a problem very similar to yours.  He was trying to use CMORPH precip satellite data 
with MET.  I've emailed him to find out if he'd be willing to provide you with some basic instructions on how he went about doing it.  Perhaps one of you could provide me with some information I could 
post to the MET website describing how to use CMORPH data.

I'll let you know when I hear back from him.


Erik Noble wrote:
> Dear John, has anyone else used Met with precip data to verify models
> simulations outside of the united states?
> i am still getting stuck on finding precipitation data in Grib format
> and the conversion to Netcdf.
> -Erik
> On Tue, Jul 8, 2008 at 4:02 PM, John Halley Gotway <johnhg at rap.ucar.edu> wrote:
>> Erik,
>> If you have the precip in NetCDF, we'd need to do a few things:
>> (1) Make sure that the precip fields are named APCP to match the GRIB code
>> abbreviation for accumulated precip.  And ensure that the units are in "mm"
>> which is the prescribed unit for APCP.
>> (2) Add variable attributes to the APCP variable to match the attributes
>> that are included for the variables created by the PCP-Combine tool.
>> (3) Add global attributes defining the grid on which the data resides.
>> In future releases of MET we hope to more generally support the NetCDF CF
>> convention.  Then we could at least remove the variable name requirement.
>>  But as MET currently stands (for version 1.1), you'd need to set it up as
>> listed above.
>> John
>> Erik Noble wrote:
>>> Dear John,
>>> I have asked for this data in GRIB but no response.
>>> "I could help you set up the format for the NetCDF files so that MET
>>> would be able to read it."
>>> What do I need to do once i provide you an netcdf file?
>>> -Erik
>>> On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 1:52 AM, John Halley Gotway <johnhg at rap.ucar.edu>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Erik,
>>>> I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with global precip analyses in GRIB.  I know
>>>> that StageII and StageIV precip analyses are available in GRIB format.
>>>>  I'd
>>>> refer you to Lacey Holland on this but she recently left NCAR for a new
>>>> job.
>>>> I would guess that there would be HDF -> NetCDF converters out there.
>>>> If you do find a good source for this data in GRIB, let me know and I can
>>>> add a link to it on the MET website.
>>>> John
>>>> Erik Noble wrote:
>>>>> Maybe you know more about this than me......
>>>>> What global precipitation data  is available in GRIB already? All the
>>>>> ones I encounter are ither binary or HDF format.
>>>>> -Erik
>>>>> On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 11:51 AM, John Halley Gotway
>>>>> <johnhg at rap.ucar.edu>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Erik,
>>>>>> For use with MET, the easiest thing would be to get the data into GRIB1
>>>>>> format.  Then you'd be able to use it directly in MET.
>>>>>> If that's too difficult, you could get it into NetCDF format, and I
>>>>>> could
>>>>>> help you set up the format for the NetCDF files so that MET would be
>>>>>> able
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> read it.  In future releases of MET, we hope to more fully support the
>>>>>> NetCDF CF conventions.  For the current release though, we'd just need
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> make your NetCDF file look like the output of the PCP-Combine tool (in
>>>>>> MET).
>>>>>>  Then the stats tools would be able to read the NetCDF file.
>>>>>> John
>>>>>> Erik Noble wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear MET help,
>>>>>>> If I have access to precipitation observation data that is only
>>>>>>> available in binary, can I still use it with MET.
>>>>>>> This site says that it has a fortran code that I can use to "read" the
>>>>>>> data, but I ahve to figure out what format I want the output in.
>>>>>>> What do I need to do in oder to use it with MET?
>>>>>>> -Erik
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: Gareth Berry <gareth at atmos.albany.edu>
>>>>>>> Date: Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 4:39 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: WAF submission
>>>>>>> To: enoble at giss.nasa.gov
>>>>>>> Cc: chris at atmos.albany.edu
>>>>>>> Hi Erik,
>>>>>>> Chris asked me to reply to you about the cmorph data.
>>>>>>> The data is in a binary format, there is fortran code in the readme
>>>>>>> file that you can use to read it
>>>>>>> and export to your favourite data format (netcdf etc).
>>>>>>> ftp://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/precip/global_CMORPH/3-hourly_025deg/README.cmorph.025deg_3-hourly
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Gareth.
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