[Met_help] MODE

Correia, James james.correia at pnl.gov
Wed Aug 6 22:30:55 MDT 2008

I am running WRF-ARW as a regional climate model. I would like to use MODE for two things:

1. Compute the precipitation objects for the models without comparison to observations. Just get basic statistics for number of objects, area, orientation.

2. use MODE as intended. My data are on the WRF grid for the model, but observed precipitation is on a different grid and also in netcdf format.

I realize 1 will require playing with the code alot. Do you have any suggestions? Would something simple work like feeding it an observed precip netcdf file of zero's (no matches but make code changes to still output the forecast objects?)

For 2, the pcp_combine tool requires grib format. Is there documentation of the file format required for MODE netcdf input files. Perhaps an example file could be made available so I can transform my netcdf files into the structure expected by MODE?

Thanks for any insight.

James Correia Jr
Post Doc
PH: 372-6463
james.correia at pnl.gov

"Wisdom. Strength. Courage. Generosity. Each of us are born with one of these. We must find the other three inside of us."
-from "Into the West"

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