[Met_help] ERROR: read_pds() -> unexpected time range indicator of 10

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Mon Oct 1 09:50:25 MDT 2007


Your data uses a setting in Grib that we hadn't anticipated in the beta version.  The fix should involve just adding a few lines of code to one of the library files.

Would you be able to send me that Grib file you're using (/fuelberg/r0/lpeffers/WRFV2/run/postprd/WRFPRS_d01.06.01.grb) as well as the NetCDF obs file
(/fuelberg/r0/lpeffers/MET_9/METv0.9/data/PREPBEFR_DATA/OBS_00.nc)?  I'd like to make sure that the change I make really does fix the problem.  Once I'm sure of that, I'll send you an updated patch
file with instructions for how to update your version of MET.  And I'll make sure the fix makes its way into subsequent versions of MET.

If those 2 files are too large to send via email, you could post it on our anonymous FTP site:
cp /fuelberg/r0/lpeffers/WRFV2/run/postprd/WRFPRS_d01.06.01.grb WRFPRS_d01.06.01.grb
cp /fuelberg/r0/lpeffers/MET_9/METv0.9/data/PREPBEFR_DATA/OBS_00.nc OBS_00.nc
ftp ftp.rap.ucar.edu
Username = anonymous
Password = "you email address"
cd incoming/irap/johnhg
put WRFPRS_d01.06.01.grb
put OBS_00.nc


Luke Peffers wrote:
> Hello, I have made it to the point where I can now try using the point_stat
> tool.  I didn't make it very far however.  I received this error (ERROR:
> read_pds() -> unexpected time range indicator of 10) when I entered the
> command;
>  ./point_stat
> /fuelberg/r0/lpeffers/WRFV2/run/postprd/WRFPRS_d01.06.01.grb
> /fuelberg/r0/lpeffers/MET_9/METv0.9/data/PREPBEFR_DATA/OBS_00.nc     WRF
> Any advice as to where I should start looking for the solution to this
> problem?
> Thank you,
> Luke Peffers
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