[Met_help] [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: Re: names]]

John Halley Gotway johnhg at rap.ucar.edu
Mon Oct 8 15:59:04 MDT 2007


I ran across something in which you might be interested.  I tried building
MET from scratch today, by going out and downloading all the required
libraries, building them, and then building MET.

However, I found that when I used the latest version of NetCDF (3.6.2),
while MET compiled successfully, I ran into a run time segmentation fault.
 When I switched to using the previous version of NetCDF 3.6.1, it
compiled fine and ran without any errors.

I'd guess that's the problem you're encountering.  If you're using NetCDF
3.6.2, try reverting to 3.6.1, and see if that works better.

It can be downloaded from:

We'll be sure to address this issue prior to the next release of MET.

Thanks and please let us know if you have any additional questions,

John Halley Gotway
johnhg at ucar.edu

> John G.,
> Yes, there was a core file from one of the other programs.
> I will figure out which one did the dump and send you any particulars
> tomorrow.
> Dr. John M. Huddleston, PE
> Software Applications Development Team Leader
> Systems Integration Branch
> NCEP Central Operations
> 301-763-8000 x7136
> John Halley Gotway wrote:
>> John,
>> You know, we haven't tried building or testing MET via cygwin yet.  So
>> frankly, I'm surprised and glad to hear that it went so smoothly for
>> you.
>> Regarding the file METv0.9/out/pb2nc/sample_pb.nc, that file is built by
>> one of the other test scripts (test_pb2nc.sh).  Try going into the
>> scripts
>> directory and executing the "test_all.sh" script.  That script calls all
>> of the other test scripts in that directory.  If you see the same
>> problem
>> though - that "sample_pb.nc" doesn't exist, that means that the PB2NC
>> program is not working properly (which is definitely a possibility!).
>> Please let me know if running the "test_all.sh" script works for you.
>> Feel free to send any additional problems you encounter or questions
>> that
>> arise.
>> Thanks for taking the time to set up and run MET - especially on cygwin.
>> We're always looking for advice and suggestions for MET from users.
>> John Halley Gotway
>> johnhg at ucar.edu
>>> Dear John,
>>> I am forwarding your message to our met_help e-mail alias so you can
>>> get
>>> some help.
>>> FYI - the MET project in the DTC primarily involves the following
>>> people:
>>> Barbara Brown - project lead (bgb at ucar.edu)
>>> Lacey Holland - scientist and alternate project lead
>>> (lholland at ucar.edu)
>>> John Halley Gotway - software engineer (johnhg at ucar.edu)
>>> Randy Bullock - software engineer (bullock at ucar.edu)
>>> Feel free to contact any of us - or met_help at ucar.edu - with your
>>> questions. Also, we'll be visiting NCEP on Oct 10 and can discuss MET
>>> and any additional questions you have at that time.
>>> Also, note that MET is still in Beta release so we don't expect it to
>>> work perfectly yet. We also would appreciate any comments or
>>> suggestions
>>> you may have!
>>> Best regards,
>>> Barb
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Subject: 	Re: [Fwd: Re: names]
>>> Date: 	Sun, 30 Sep 2007 05:32:29 -0600
>>> From: 	John.M.Huddleston at noaa.gov
>>> To: 	nance at ucar.edu
>>> CC: 	Geoff DiMego <Geoff.Dimego at noaa.gov>, Barb Brown <bgb at ucar.edu>
>>> Louisa
>>> I built MET under Cygwin for Windows and all worked well
>>> except for the last scripts/test_points.sh test
>>> The file "../out/pb2nc/sample_pb.nc" is missing from the distribution.
>>> Do you have a copy of that file you can send?
>>> Thank you
>>> John Huddleston
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: nance at ucar.edu
>>> Date: Friday, September 28, 2007 5:48 pm
>>> Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: names]
>>>> Hi Geoff...here's the link for the MET users page:
>>>> http://www.dtcenter.org/met/users/
>>>> Should have a similar feel to the NMM Users Page - pretty sure you
>>>> will be
>>>> able to find everything you need on this website.  If not, send
>>>> email to
>>>> methelp at ucar.edu.
>>>> Have a good weekend!
>>>> Louisa
>>>>> Barb - could you please send me and John a link to the
>>>>> MET user's guide and code etc - i.e. all the stuff we'll
>>>>> need to build a copy of our own hear at NCEP.  Thanks.
>>>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>>>> Subject: Re: names
>>>>> Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 11:49:48 -0400
>>>>> From: Dr. John Huddleston <John.M.Huddleston at noaa.gov>
>>>>> To: Geoff DiMego <Geoff.Dimego at noaa.gov>
>>>>> References: <46D85683.4060305 at noaa.gov>
>>>>> Geoff,
>>>>> Is this the Barb Brown email you mentioned today. No wonder it
>>>> did not
>>>>> register.
>>>>> There is no reference to anything.
>>>>> Send me the link to the DTC source code and I will build it for us.
>>>>> John
>>>>> Geoff DiMego wrote:
>>>>>> Barb Brown - bgb at ucar.edu
>>>>>> Keith Brill of HPC
>>>>>> Jeff Whiting of EMC
>>> --
>>> *************************************************************
>>> Barbara G. Brown                 Phone: (303) 497-8468
>>> NCAR/P.O. Box 3000               FAX: (303) 497-8401
>>> Boulder CO 80307-3000 U.S.A.     e-mail: bgb at ucar.edu
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Met_help mailing list
>>> Met_help at mailman.ucar.edu
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