[Grad-postdoc-assn] Writing a diversity statement

Valerie Sloan vsloan at ucar.edu
Mon Jun 7 11:04:00 MDT 2021

Good morning,

In case you are applying to a job where a diversity statement is required
(UCAR|NCAR requires one, for example), here are some suggested readings and
resources below:

   - The Effective Diversity Statement
   - in Inside Higher Ed, which has a lot of great resources on preparing job
   application materials.
   - Developing and Writing a Diversity Statement
   one of my favorite, easy-to-read articles, from Vanderbilt University
   - See the attached document from UCAR written for postdocs a few years

Here are other resources from UCAR:

   - UCAR|NCAR Case for Diversity
   2 page document including references
   - UCAR guidance on diversity statements

On *August 19th*, we are hosting a workshop on "*Writing a Diversity
Statement*" that will be facilitated by the UCAR Office of Diversity,
Equity, and Inclusion, specifically Carolyn Brinkworth and Kristen Aponte.
Mark your calendar (it's at 9:30 am). We will send out details one week

Have a lovely week,

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