[Go-essp-tech] NetCDF version of GFDL files

martin.juckes at stfc.ac.uk martin.juckes at stfc.ac.uk
Thu Jan 19 05:03:34 MST 2012

Hello All,

I've just noticed, following a user query, that GFDL data is in NetCDF "64-bit offset" format, rather than "classic". "64-bit offset" mode requires NetCDF 3.6 or later, hence causing at least one user a problem (because of an old IDL installation using an even older netcdf library). I believe that most of the archive is in "classic" mode and that this was, strictly speaking, requested.  However, as I have just copied 40 thousand files from GFDL to BADC, I'm not keen on having the GFDL data changed - rather, I think we should advise users to update their software. NetCDF 3.6.0 was released in Feb. 2007, so we are not exactly forcing the pace as far as software upgrades go,


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