[Go-essp-tech] metadata specifications and data infrastructure

charlotte.pascoe at stfc.ac.uk charlotte.pascoe at stfc.ac.uk
Wed Jan 26 07:42:02 MST 2011

Dear Go-ESSP tech

The latest version of the CMIP5 DRS document contains some changes to experiment names.
We will be able to configure the Questionnaire to take account of these changes.
However it is not clear whether the rest of the CMIP5 data system is able to handle or even knows about the new experiment names.
Similarly it is not clear that all the modelling centres know about the new experiment names either.
This raises the following issues.

1.       Do we have any data in the ESG data nodes with "old" experiment names? Eg. with suffix E, I or S.

2.       What will we do with data that arrives using old experiment names - can we handle changing possibly thousands of file names?

3.       Changes to metadata specifications can have a bearing on the way data is handled throughout the ESG federation - do we know what these dependencies are?

4.       There are probably more issues too

It is important to put some thought into where and how metadata is used to organise data within the ESG federation before CMIP5 data starts arriving in earnest.  Then if metadata specifications change we will have a clear idea of what the consequences are and  a plan of how to deal with it.

Kind regards,

Dr Charlotte Pascoe
NCAS British Atmospheric Data Centre
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Phone +44 1235 445869; Fax ...5848
e-mail charlotte.pascoe at stfc.ac.uk<mailto:c.l.pascoe at rl.ac.uk>

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