[Go-essp-tech] CMIP5 Version directory structure update

Bryan Lawrence bryan.lawrence at stfc.ac.uk
Thu Jun 10 08:09:20 MDT 2010

Hi Martina

> Sorry. I meant that we assign DOIs in two granularities: One as you
> described for the group of datasets belonging to a simulation
>  (metafor) / experiment (DRS level); and the second for coarser
>  citations for the data produced by a whole modelling center or by
>  one GCM of a modelling center. This was for citation convenience for
>  publications that analyse and compare many CMIP5 simulations.

OK, I understand what you intend (but didn't know - or forgot - you 
planned to do so), but what do you expect those DOIs to land on?

Currently we expect the DOIs for the simulation to resolve to the 
metafor page for the simulation (but see below *)

We currently have no logical CIM document which makes sense for landing 
on a centre or a model.... and I'm not sure it makes real sense either: 
academia doesn't have a DOI for normal publication aggregatoins - apart 
from those which are published as deliberate anthologies ... when would 
one publish these aggregations? At the end of CMIP5, at the close off 
date for the IPCC ...???  How would we deal with these in the q.c. 
sense? We'd end up with a new level of versioning for the centre and the 
model ... (and only wrt to their use, not them themselves).

> > My understanding is that there
> > will will be DOIs that point to simulations (which are run by
> > models at institutes on platforms in conformance to experiments).
> > Those documents will point to mulitiple realm datasets.

* Yes, and we'll have to increment those documents version to conform 
with any changes to the realm datasets, even if they themselves don't 

This nicely contradicts something I was saying at the sprint: that we 
could do the associations with a query. I should have known better. The 
registry world deals with these sorts of asociatoins as first class 
objects in their own right. So, eg, we should have:
 s: a simulatoin description (v1)
 d1, and d2: two realm descriptoins (v1)
 a1: the association from s to d1 and d2 (at v1)

The citation will need to point to a1, not s, and be rendered 
accordingly (one doesn't render a1, one renders s with the associations 
denoted in a1).

If new versions of data are released, then even if s doesn't change, a 
new association group can be created, and a new doi to point at that.

I don't think the CIM (currently) handles this gracefully. It will 
within a week or so :-)  (It would have had we really gone down the OGC 
route properly where this stuff has already been thought through in the 
context of ebRIM).

Hopefully that'll handle these issues.


Bryan Lawrence
Director of Environmental Archival and Associated Research
(NCAS/British Atmospheric Data Centre and NCEO/NERC NEODC)
STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Phone +44 1235 445012; Fax ... 5848; 
Web: home.badc.rl.ac.uk/lawrence

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