[Go-essp-tech] CMIP5 Version directory structure update

Bryan Lawrence bryan.lawrence at stfc.ac.uk
Tue Jun 8 06:02:23 MDT 2010

Hi Martina

On Monday 07 Jun 2010 14:07:17 Martina Stockhause wrote:
> Hi Stephen,
> It's good that you push the version control ahead.
> I'd like to bring the version control on the DOI level into the
> discussion. We plan to assign DOIs on experiments and on models or
> institutes

I'm not sure I understand that statement. My understanding is that there 
will will be DOIs that point to simulations (which are run by models at 
institutes on platforms in conformance to experiments). Those documents 
will point to mulitiple realm datasets. 

We need to deal with what happens with changing versions of data, but 
that's a slightly indpendent issue: but certainly, if the simulation 
points to *different* versions, it's a different simulation instance, and 
itself has a version increment.

> . I think we should use a similar mechanism for that as for
> the version management for the portal (on the model_realm level). I
>  see only one difference: We do not publish data but only add to the
>  metadata, which makes it simpler.
> Would a DOI on an experiment be another version tree on the
>  experiment level with links to the associated model_realm versions?

Further, we point DOI's to particular metafor simulation documents, 
which need to be fixed* once the DOI points to them, and they need to 
point to fixed versions of data.
> How do we publish an assigned DOI among ESGF? Via the ESG publisher
>  in a metadata publishing mode or via the CIM repository?

So, the only change to a fixed* metafor document should be that it is 
allowed to be have a DOI added to it (the DOI that points to it). Once 
that is done, the document will propagate into the ESGF and everyone 
lives happily ever after.

*fixed to indicate that it is *really* fixed, once a DOI is assigned to 
it.  The only wee problem is that we need to assign the DOI to a metafor 
document version which is one higher than the latest  - ie to the one 
with the DOI in it. 


Bryan Lawrence
Director of Environmental Archival and Associated Research
(NCAS/British Atmospheric Data Centre and NCEO/NERC NEODC)
STFC, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Phone +44 1235 445012; Fax ... 5848; 
Web: home.badc.rl.ac.uk/lawrence

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