[Go-essp-tech] Options for implementing DRS URLs in CMIP5

philip.kershaw at stfc.ac.uk philip.kershaw at stfc.ac.uk
Mon Dec 14 07:34:36 MST 2009

Hi Stephen,


Going through the options ...


1)      sounds more straightforward even given the problems you list.
The other solutions could possibly slot in after this as an initial


2) As Bryan mentions aren't there other data node apps to consider as
well as TDS?   If the filter is generic I suppose it could apply to all
HTTP based ones.   The combination of access to the 'traditional' data
node URLs and DRS ones sound like it could be difficult to resolve with
the catalogs.  As you say separate mapping code would be needed for
GridFTP but if it was written cleverly enough it could re-use the code
from the filter.


3) I think it would be better to keep any mapping at the Data Node.  I
could see access to a Data Node independent of the Gateway for other
apps as well as GridFTP.  We effectively have this now at BADC with our
PyDAP based service.


4) This sounds difficult for individual organisations to administer.
Presumably it would need its own set of services for centres to access
and administer it.





From: go-essp-tech-bounces at ucar.edu
[mailto:go-essp-tech-bounces at ucar.edu] On Behalf Of
stephen.pascoe at stfc.ac.uk
Sent: 14 December 2009 11:22
To: go-essp-tech at ucar.edu
Subject: [Go-essp-tech] Options for implementing DRS URLs in CMIP5


Hi all,


So far we haven't agreed on how we are going to support DRS URLs across
the CMIP5 ESG federation.  Several options were discussed briefly at
NCAR last week but we didn't talk details.  I've attached a document
with 4 options for how we could do it.  I'd appreciate input on extra
options and advantages/disadvantages of what's already there.


I think we need to make a decision about this very soon or DRS URLs
won't become a reality.  Can we discuss this at the telco on Tuesday?






Stephen Pascoe  +44 (0)1235 445980

British Atmospheric Data Centre

Rutherford Appleton Laboratory



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