[ES_JOBS_NET] PhD position in aqueous and sediment chemical behavior at an industrial site, University of Idaho

Ruifang Hu rfhu at umd.edu
Thu Jan 9 01:22:19 MST 2025

*PhD Student Position at the University of Idaho in aqueous and sediment
chemical behavior at an industrial site*

*Project Title:* Impacts of industrial waste compositions on aqueous and
solid-phase chemistry at an industrial waste disposal site at the DOE Idaho
National Laboratory Naval Reactors Facility

*Project Description*
This project will work in collaboration with USGS scientists (
https://www.usgs.gov/centers/idaho-water-science-center ) on contaminant
mobility at The U.S. Department of Energy - Idaho National Laboratory
(INL). Geochemical experiments conducted by the candidate will seek to
determine the aqueous and solid-phase chemical behavior of various
industrial waste chemicals in the subsurface and their potential mobility
to groundwater. The student will gain valuable insights from a diverse team
of collaborators on the project, including experts from the University of
Idaho, the US Geological Survey, and the Idaho National Laboratory.

Applicants must be US citizens and have a Master of Science degree in
environmental science, geology, earth science, hydrology, geophysics, soil
chemistry, or a closely related field. Strong chemistry skills and
experience in geochemical modeling are desired. Research experience in
hydrology, geochemistry, soil chemistry, or fate and transport of metals is
highly preferred. The student will be enrolled in the PhD degree program in
either Water Resources, Environmental Science, or Soil and Land Resources.

The student will receive a monthly stipend and a tuition and fee
scholarship to pursue graduate studies. The expected start date is June
2025, with first semester enrollment Fall 2025.

To apply: E-mail a statement of interest describing academic and career
goals, qualifications and preparation, and a resume to Dan Strawn (
dgstrawn at uidaho.edu) ( Daniel Strawn - Soil & Water Systems | University of
Idaho ). The full application, which will require official transcripts,
three letters of recommendation, and statements of goals and interests is
due by February 15, 2025. Qualified candidates will be invited for online
interviews. Application materials should be submitted following guidelines
at https://www.uidaho.edu/admissions/graduate .

Ruifang Hu
/reɪ fʌnŋ//hu/
Postdoc Fellow
Environmental Science and Technology
University of Maryland, College Park
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