[ES_JOBS_NET] Three Ph.D. positions at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Czech Republic)

Markonis Ioannis markonis at fzp.czu.cz
Fri Feb 23 07:48:21 MST 2024

Dear all,

We have an opening for three funded Ph.D. positions at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague are available. The positions are part of the ITHACA project which studies the intensification of the global water cycle over land and cover the following topics:

The extreme 21st century droughts and their relationship to the terrestrial water cycle changes

Application of machine learning for data fusion with hydroclimatic time series

Cross-scale hydroclimatic change at mesoscale catchments in the last two millennia

More details and instruction on how to apply can be found at https://wordpress.com/post/yannismarkonis.wordpress.com/641.

Best regards,
Yannis Markonis

Associate Professor
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Faculty of Environmental Sciences
Department of Water Resources and Environmental Modeling
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