[ES_JOBS_NET] Cluster Hire: Climate-Smart Agroforestry in New England

Alexandra Contosta Alix.Contosta at unh.edu
Thu Feb 15 15:12:06 MST 2024

Cluster Hire in Climate-Smart Agroforestry in New England

(full position descriptions in the attached document)

We are recruiting to fill several positions (4 Graduate Students, 3 Postdoctoral Research Associates, 1 Project Manager, and 1 Project Technician) as part of a 5-year USDA-funded project focusing on promoting climate-smart and sustainable agriculture in New England through regionally adapted agroforestry systems (Project “ADAPT”).

The project integrates research, education, and extension to (i) develop and test three agroforestry systems (silvopasture, multi-strata polycultures or “food-forests”, and forest farming), (ii) promote agroforestry training and outreach programs for landowners, professionals, and other interested communities through university extension, and (iii) build knowledge and skills around agroforestry as a climate smart solution for expanding food production through diverse educational opportunities.

Project collaborators include researchers and extension staff from three universities (University of New Hampshire, Dartmouth, and Yale), partners from numerous institutions and organizations engaged in agroforestry-related activities (e.g., USDA National Agroforestry Center, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station & Climate Hub, The Nature Conservancy, Whole Systems Design Collective, MidCoast Permaculture Design, ReTreeUS, Interlace Commons, Food Solutions New England) and individual collaborators throughout the region. Project results will contribute to developing climate-smart agriculture and forestry in New England through (i) mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, (ii) fostering market opportunities, and (ii) enhancing climate adaptation and resilience.

Application review and start dates vary by position. Please see the attached document for additional detail.

Alix Contosta, Ph.D. (she/her)
Research Assistant Professor
Earth Systems Research Center
Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824

Tel: 603-862-4204
Email: alix.contosta at unh.edu
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